Upid (Blog #636)

It’s 6:36 in the morning, just like this is blog #636, and I’ve been up for half an hour, getting ready for knee surgery. My dad’s about to use the bathroom, then we’re getting in my car, Tom Collins, and heading to Fayetteville. Check in is at 8; surgery at 9:30.


Last night after I posted the blog, I walked around the block because I figured it would be the last time I could go for a walk for a while. It was slow, emotional. This really is overwhelming. And by “this” I mean life lately. But still, I made it. There was a point going up a hill when my knee got cranky, but hell, it is pretty screwed up, so why wouldn’t it get pissed about being taken for a stroll?

Just before midnight last night, I ate a snack and gulped down some water, then cut myself off from food and liquids as instructed. Then I crawled in bed. And whereas it took a while to wind down, I did get some rest. Granted, I woke up at five in the morning randomly. I’d just had a dream about–something–being on the yearbook staff in college, I think.

Oh well.

Now Dad and I are in the car, just getting on the interstate. I’m blogging now because I’m imagining I won’t feel much like blogging later. Although my writing while on pain medication could be fun. Anyway, there are times, days like today, when I think this blogging every day thing is perfectly ridiculous. I mean, I know it was my idea, but one day I bet I’ll look back and think, Stupid.

Or as my nephew, who’s not allowed to say stupid, would say, Upid.

So this is it until tomorrow. Even if I feel up to it this afternoon or evening, no more writing. Last night I had “a chat” with my knee, and I told it I’d rest, drink plenty of water. You know, take it easy. So that’s what I’m going to do. Besides, I’m over this.

I have other things to do today.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


For I am a universe–large–like you are, and there is room here for all that we contain. An ego, of course, is small, and it is disgusted and humiliated by the smallest of things. But a universe is bigger than that, much too big to judge itself or another, much too big to ever question how bright it is shining.


Your Feelings Won’t Kill You (Blog #622)

Currently it’s just before midnight, and I’m house sitting for friends. Me, with the bum leg, on crutches. You should have seen me moving my things from my car, Tom Collins, into the house. It took two trips. The first one was easy enough, since all I had to do was strap my backpack and my man-bag around my neck, then crutch my way inside. Granted, navigating two screen doors (my friends have a porch) and five concrete steps was difficult. But I was determined and made it. The second trip was the real challenge, since I had to move my luggage (on rollers), my walker, and me. It looked like this–

Move my walker two feet, move my luggage two feet, move myself two feet.
Move my walker, move my luggage, move myself.
Move my walker, move my luggage, move myself.
Over and over again.

On the second trip, I figured out that it’s easier for me to go up stairs BACKWARDS instead of FORWARDS. Like, if I turn around and leave my crutches on the bottom step, I can hop backwards on to the one above it. Not that this isn’t challenging, but it’s less challenging than either putting my crutches on the higher step and pulling myself up or leaving my crutches on the lower step and hopping forwards. Anyway, every day I spend on crutches gets better and better, and this new technique is seriously a game changer, especially considering the fact that my friends not only have steps GOING INTO their house, but also have a staircase INSIDE their house leading to the room where I’ll be sleeping.

Their advice: be careful and take your time.

I’m glad I’m here. The last few days have been stressful and overwhelming. This leg situation, on top of every other situation in my life, has simply been too difficult. And whereas I won’t have as much help here as I’ve had at home (my parents have been super), I will have time to myself–time to get quiet and hear myself think, time to process, time to heal.

Yes–now that I’m inside–this is perfect. It’s been a long day. This afternoon I saw my therapist, and it was one of our tougher sessions. Mostly because I actually lay back on her couch and let myself fall apart. This was by design–my design. So often I grit my teeth and push my way through when life gets hard, despite the fact that everything in me wants to fall apart. My therapist says I cover a lot up with humor. (I’m pretty funny.) Anyway, after blogging yesterday about welcoming my emotions, I figured it was time to let my defenses down and talk about how fucking overwhelmed I’ve felt lately. To be clear, by “lately” I mean the last twenty-five years.

Give or take.

I guess you could say our talk went well. I mean, I cried. My therapist says it’s always good anytime you empty out “the poison pot.” Plus, my therapist said today was THE WORST she’s seen me since our first meeting over four-and-a-half years ago. I know that sounds like a bad thing, but my therapist actually seemed delighted about it. Maybe delighted is too strong a word. What I mean is that she really believes that things are darkest before the dawn, so the fact that I’ve hit my emotional rock bottom makes her think that things are about to start improving for me. Talk about optimism. Like that kid who gets excited when he sees a roomful of shit. Jumping up and down in the manure, he says, “There’s GOTTA BE a pony in here somewhere!”

When my therapist saw that I wasn’t on board with her positive outlook for my life, she said, “You can tell me to go fuck off if you want to.” This is a thing with her. Like, she gets excited when clients tell her to go screw herself. I guess because it means they’ve empowered themselves in some way. So I said, “Fuck you,” but she said it sounded wimpy. “Try again,” she said.

I sat up on the couch. “FUCK YOU!”

“Okay, that’s better,” she said.

Leaving therapy, I still felt less than optimistic. “It’s okay if you don’t believe things will get better,” my therapist said. “I believe it enough for the both of us.” So that’s something, a sliver of hope between two people.

Ugh, so many emotions.

Lately I’ve been reading a book called It Didn’t Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle by Mark Wolynn. Honestly, it’s one of the most profound and helpful self-help/psychology books I’ve ever read, and I’ve read a few (hundred) of them. The basic idea is that often our emotional and even physical problems begin long before we’re born. Said another way, our problems, rather than simply belonging to us as individuals, more rightly belong to us as families. For example, for a long time I’ve had a hangup around money. Well, my grandpa on one side went through the Depression. My grandmother on the other side had a father who wouldn’t give her a quarter (a quarter!) for a library card (but he WOULD bail her alcoholic brother out of jail). My parents essentially lost everything twice, once in a fire, once when my dad went to prison. So scarcity is a pattern of thinking that’s–um–pervasive in my family.

The book says that we often adopt not-so-helpful beliefs and even physical illnesses as a way of bonding with our family members, or in an effort to take their pain away. However, when we do this, we get confused about “what belongs to whom.” So one of the exercises the author suggests is to make a family tree of trauma, a list of family members with notes about who died, who lied, who cheated, who mistreated, who blamed, who felt shamed, etc. My parents have been gracious enough to help me do this. Last week my mom and I discussed her side of the family, and tonight my dad and I discussed his. And whereas both conversations were truly helpful, they were also A LOT. Not that I imagine our family is all that different from anyone else’s, but suffice it to say there’s no small amount of grief, disappointment, fear, and sadness in my family tree.

Personally, I think this is why–in addition to my screwing up my knee–this last week and this afternoon have been so challenging. That is, I’ve given myself permission to feel the weight of my family history in an effort to not only honor my lineage but also put some of our traumas to rest. This is not fun; I don’t recommend it. But seriously, I do, since I don’t believe we’re meant to carry our pain indefinitely. At some point, it’s gotta come up, and SOMEONE’S gotta feel whatever it is. (Might as well be you.) In my case, if it takes an injured leg, a confrontational therapist, and some tough conversations for that to happen, then so be it. As one of my friend says, “Your feelings won’t kill you.” But as I’ve felt lighter this evening than I have in a long time, they might just set you free.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Rejecting yourself is what really hurts.


There’s No Rushing Life (Blog #575)

This afternoon I finished fixing/painting the side of the house I was working on yesterday, the same house I’ve been working on–inside and out–for the past many weeks. So that’s it. Barring any hiccups or unforeseen projects, I’m done. The realtor said the house should be listed early this coming week. So I loaded up my tools, did one final trash run, and celebrated tonight with fried mushrooms and a piece of chocolate cake. And whereas I enjoyed this debauchery immensely, my stomach quickly pitched a fit.

My gut: ever the party pooper.

This is really the oddest feeling, to have an ongoing and seemingly never-ending project end. But this has been the case with so many other things in my life, and I can only assume will be the case with so many more, including this blog. One day something starts, it goes on for a while, and then one day it ends.

Well, either it ends or you do.

Whenever I complete a project, whenever something is over, I tend to stare in both disbelief and admiration (way to go, Marcus!). This evening after I put all the paint cans away and loaded up all my supplies, I did one final walk around the property just to take it all in. I remembered when my friends still lived there, when their home was full of their possessions and memories. Then I remembered all the boxes–all the boxes!–before they moved, and my cleaning all the walls and floors after they left. Little by little–somehow–we got it done.

The last couple of nights I’ve been struck with gratitude with respect to the entire ordeal. First, I’m glad for the work. It’s nice to be employed. But I’m also glad for all the help. Obviously my friends did A LOT of packing before they left, and today their realtor’s husband came by to patch some cracked concrete and haul off some branches I couldn’t fit into the back of Tom Collins (my car). And even though they didn’t do anything directly, my parents loaned me their vacuum cleaner and mop. For that matter, the hardware store provided me with paint, sandpaper, and–most importantly–mosquito spray (for a nominal fee, of course). My point is–we never do things completely alone.

It takes a village and all that shit.

When I got home this evening, I took a long, hot shower. Well, okay, fine–I took a bath. (I like baths. So sue me!) Anyway, I scrubbed the latex paint off my skin and washed the bug spray out of my hair. And–I don’t know–it was like nine o’clock, and I was SO READY for bed. Hell, at seven I was ready for bed; it gets dark SO FRICKIN’ EARLY these days, all I want to do is hibernate. Well, okay, fine–get fat and hibernate. And whereas I’d planned to blog and fall right to sleep, I got distracted by the internet and ended up watching every trailer and promo video I could find for the soon-to-be-released movie about Freddie Mercury. (Freddie Mercury was the lead singer for the band Queen, Mom. He himself was a queen and died due to complications related to AIDS.) Anyway, the movie looks FABULOUS. Granted, it doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with tonight’s blog, but–nonetheless–I can’t wait for it.

It occurs to me that I often “can’t wait” for a lot of things–can’t wait for this project to end, can’t wait for this Freddie Mercury movie to come out (no pun intended), can’t wait to go to bed. And yet there’s no rushing life; everything happens in its own time, in its own season. Something is always ending; something is always beginning. If we’re lucky, we’re able to find appreciation for this present moment, for what is, for the way things are–whatever they are–right here, right now.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


No one dances completely alone.


Our Time Is Coming (Blog #530)

I’d planned on today being a great day, since I cleared my schedule in order to prepare for my birthday later this week. What could go wrong? I thought. Really, I just had two goals–clean my car, Tom Collins, and get my other car, Garfield, running, since his battery has been dead. But I should be clear–the important thing in my mind was to get Garfield on the road because I love driving him in the fall and thought it would be a fabulous way to spend my special day, tootling around in my antique Mercy Comet.

Everything started off well. I got Tom Collins cleaned up, and even repaired a broken sun visor on the driver’s side thanks to the magic informational library known as YouTube. Before, due to a damaged piece of plastic, the visor kept falling down. So rather than buy an entirely new visor for $75, I fixed it with a screw and a washer for free. Now the visor stays up and can swivel and everything. However, this cheaper method did require cutting the electrical wire that turns on the light when the mirror on the visor is opened. (Since I’d damaged the cord fixing it “my way” before I looked to YouTube, I was one step ahead of the video.) Anyway, I could have survived without the light, but per the video’s optional suggestion, I added a switch on the outside of the visor that can be used to turn the light on and off. Check it out.

I was not so successful, however, in dealing with Garfield this afternoon. For two hours my dad, our neighbor, and I futzed with him–added gasoline, put in a new battery, talked to him real nice and sweet–and still, nothing. He’s just dead as a doornail. And my mechanic can’t take a look at things for at least a week or two. Ugh, I can’t tell you what a serious damper this put on my mood this evening. Granted, I knew this was a possibility (he is an antique car), but I was really HOPING I could get him going in the next couple days. You know, to celebrate. But–once again–the universe had different plans than I did.

Frickin’ universe.

For a few hours after this disappointment, I stewed. It probably didn’t help that I immediately sat down to pay bills after everything with Garfield happened and immediately realized I don’t have money to fix my car or–really–celebrate my birthday, at least how I would like to. HOWEVER, after I soaked in these feelings for a while, they did subside. Eventually I thought, I don’t NEED a car OR money to have a great day. Whatever happens will happen–and it will be fine. Plus, I reasoned, the process of getting Garfield fixed HAS started–that’s the main thing.

This evening I went for a walk to deal with the leftovers of my bad mood and found a one-hundred-dollar bill on the ground. Isn’t just like the universe? I thought. However, when I picked it up, I quickly realized it was a counterfeit. (The paper felt funny. The wasn’t a hologram strip inside. There were Chinese letters printed on it!) So that was another disappointment.

Isn’t that just like the universe?

Shortly after I found the fake money, a total stranger cat-called me as they drove past in their mini-van. I think it was a dude. It’s hard to tell these days. Anyway, they stuck their head out the window and yelled, “YEAH, BABY!”

“Thank you,” I said.

I don’t know how women deal with this sort of thing, since after thanking the guy, it occurred to me to be frightened and offended. I’ve been objectified! I thought. But then I realized that I’m almost thirty-eight, Daddy’s obviously still got it, and it doesn’t quite do for a single adult who posts a selfie every day to complain about being objectified.

Someone–please–objectify me.

About an hour later, toward the end of my walk, I lay down in the middle of the road and looked at stars. Constellations that were only on the horizon this summer are now progressively higher in the sky and, therefore, easier to recognize. Tonight for the first time I clearly identified Aries and Triangulum, in addition to getting a more-defined picture of Perseus, Andromeda, and my darling Pegasus. OH, and I almost forgot–earlier in the evening I saw THE BRIGHTEST shooting star. It was worth everything else that had to happen today in order to get me out of the house in order to see it.

There’s so many glorious things you see when you’re looking up instead of looking down.

During the last bit of my walk home, I started thinking about Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the one that corresponds to the beginning of spring, which I always associate with hope. I just never knew that she (or he–it’s hard to tell these days) was up there all through the fall and winter. But that’s how it works with the sky–you see “the signs” of the seasons before the actual seasons appear. Personally, since I’m not a fan of winter, I love that Aries will be up there waiting for spring while I’m down here waiting for spring. As I watch her move across the sky, I can remember that life has its disappointments and counterfeit moments, but it also has its shooting stars and springtimes. Yes, as we both bare the cold winter nights, I can think, Your time is coming. OUR time is coming.


[Screenshot from the Stellarium App. The direction to look for these constellations, at least at three in the morning, is “up.”]

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


We always have more support than we realize.


The Fires of Transformation (Blog #490)

Last night I stayed up reading a book called A Headache in the Pelvis, about how tension in the muscles of the pelvis can cause (among other things) bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis, frequent urination, and low-back and abdominal pain. The book proposes a number of relaxation and stretching exercises to help with these issues and says that the key to relaxation is (ironically) acceptance of tension. In other words, don’t fight it. Let it be. So both last night before going to bed and today while traveling, I’ve been trying this technique–paying attention to my aches and pains while breathing deeply and trying to listen to what they may be saying.

Slow down, baby. You don’t have to work so hard.

This morning, after packing all our shit into my car (Tom Collins), my aunt, my parents, their dog, and I left my sister’s in Albuquerque. (I stepped in the dog’s shit just before we left. That’s a good omen, right?) Now we’re at my cousin’s in Oklahoma City. Currently my mother and I are sitting in the dark in the living room, since my father’s sleeping in one of the recliners in here. I think we’re all a bit worn out from the trip. Tom Collins is a comfortable ride, but thanks to our massive amount of luggage (and the coolers of drinks and bags full of snacks), we were rather cramped. Plus, it was over eight hours on the road. And personally, I’m rather sick of the road.

As my aunt said, “Next time, we’re flying.” (My dad replied, “Donna Kay, you’re not flying anywhere. Do you know what it costs to check your baggage these days?! The way you pack, you’d have to win the lottery just to afford the luggage fees.”)

To my dad’s point, my aunt DOES have one carry-on-sized suitcase filled completely and exclusively with her makeup.

I spent the entire trip today with my nose in a book about alchemy and mysticism. The book itself is concerned with historical art that conveys alchemical and mystical ideas and concepts, but what’s particularly fascinating to me is the idea of transformation. Not literally turning lead into gold, but symbolically turning lead into gold–taking something base and ugly, something that at first weighs you down, and turning it into something pure and beautiful, something that sets you free or gives you new life.

Incidentally, in classical alchemy this process of transformation was sometimes seen as occurring in five specific stages that are depicted in many paintings as corresponding birds–the raven, the swan, the peacock, the pelican, and the phoenix. (How cool is that?)

Take your challenges and turn them into the source of your strengths.

As I see it, we all have lead in our lives. Put another way, we all have emotional baggage we take everywhere we go. (Can you imagine if the airlines charged for THAT?) Here on earth, it’s simply the way it is; everyone gets weighed down. But honestly, I think we were meant to travel light, to let go of tension, of physical possessions, of emotional baggage. Think about it–we come here with nothing–we leave here with nothing. This is what turning lead into gold is about–traveling lighter–not lugging around more shit than you have to. And not that you suddenly forget your life experiences or magically make them disappear, but you find a way to process them so they don’t weigh you down like Jacob Marley’s chains. You take your challenges and turn them into the source of your strengths. Like the phoenix, you burn yourself up in the fires of transformation and rise anew from the ashes.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


There is a force, a momentum that dances with all of us, sometimes lifting us up in the air, sometimes bringing us back down in a great mystery of starts and stops.


Scheat Happens (Blog #476)

Last week, on Friday, July 13, my car Tom Collins and I (technically) celebrated our one-year anniversary. I “bought” him a year ago, although that sounds so trashy to say it like that. I like to think he CHOSE to be with me. Regardless, I was so distracted by our trip to Houston and Dallas that I COMPLETELY forgot about our important day. (So sorry, Tom.) Normally I’m stellar with dates and anniversaries, but in this case, I’m THAT guy.

Thankfully, Tom isn’t the type to hold a grudge.

Or maybe he is.

A few months ago, Tom’s “check engine” light came on. It’s a long story (which I’ve already told), but I ended up having his spark plugs replaced, and the light went off. But some days it will come on for maybe an hour or two, at most a day, then go off again. My mechanic said, “Don’t be concerned.” Well, on THE VERY MORNING of our anniversary, just as I was leaving Houston, that damned yellow light came on again. This time, Tom was kind of shuddering, which is what happened when this problem originally popped up. It’s like he was saying, “Hey, asshole, aren’t you forgetting something?”

Of course, I still didn’t remember.

Instead, I pulled over and turned off Tom’s engine. (Calm down, darling.) Then I started it back up, and the shuddering stopped. The light, however, has been on ever since. My family and I are leaving town in a few days to see my sister in Albuquerque, and since I’ve been needing an oil change anyway, I figured I could have everything–the oil and the engine light–looked at and taken care of at once. But since I’ve been doing odd jobs for some friends this week, I haven’t had time to attend to these matters.

Again, so sorry, Tom. Please forgive me.

Miraculously, the light went off yesterday, and my dad–thank God for fathers–arranged to have Tom’s oil changed and everything inspected. So last night I dropped Tom off at the shop a few blocks from our house and walked home, looking for stars the whole time. The constellation Pegasus is up after midnight or one, and it’s pretty easy to spot. It’s a huge square in the east, and I like it because it contains a star named Scheat (Beta Pegasi), which is probably pronounced “sheet,” but I pronounce “SHEE-AT.” (As in, Scheat, I forgot my anniversary.) If you’re looking at the screenshot below (from the Stellarium app), Scheat is the bright corner star just to the left of the label “Pegasus.”

This morning (well, afternoon), when I woke up, Tom Collins was ready to go. My dad had coordinated with the shop, and they’d done a clean-up for Tom’s insides. I’m not good with automobiles, but I’m picturing a car colon cleanse, something that flushes all the gunk out. Anyway, when Dad and I went to the shop to pick Tom up, the guy said the flush should take care of the engine light issue and that we were “all set” to go to Albuquerque.

Scheat happens.

Now it’s time for me to do more odd jobs. Most likely, I’ll be up late tonight–like Pegasus–then up early again tomorrow. The next few days promise to be a whirlwind. But this is life. Some days we rest, and there’s nothing to do. Other days it’s go-go-go. We forget anniversaries. Scheat happens. Meanwhile the stars slowly and calmly make their way through the heavens. One day rising and the next day falling, they don’t make a big deal about any of it.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


You absolutely have to be vulnerable and state what you want.


On Barely Making It (Blog #453)

Already in a foul mood yesterday, I planned to take my antique car, Garfield, out for a spin when I finished last night’s blog. But after jumping the battery, I discovered that it was leaking–pouring–fluids onto the driveway. (Who knows why?) So that didn’t happen. Still, I needed to get out of the house, so I took my other car, Tom Collins, for a drive. With no destination in mind, I pointed Tom in the direction of Siloam Springs, up winding Highway 59. I drove this road all the time in my twenties, back when Dad used to work at a local chicken plant and they paid me like forty-two dollars to deliver chicken samples to their lab up north.

I’m not sure why I was pissed off last night, why I still am. Probably something to do with sitting in my feelings every day or the fact that I want my body and my health (hell, my life) to be different than they are. Talk about a recipe for a bad mood–want something you don’t have. (Just add water.) And the antique car thing didn’t help. Driving Garfield is one of the few things that never fails to make me happy, and there he was, spilling his guts all over the concrete like I’m currently spilling mine on the internet, making a big, damn mess. Then I started thinking about how much money it would take it fix him, how I’d probably be better off selling him anyway because I could use the cash. And I hate that thought.

Being desperate.

Driving up Highway 59 last night, I was probably going 45 miles per hour when the deer ran out in front of me. An honest-to-god Bambi. I’d come around a corner, and she darted from the other side of the woods into my lane. Slamming on the brakes, I slowed to maybe 30. It all happened so fast, it’s hard to say. The next thing I knew, the deer was gone. She made it–I made it. I swear we came within two feet of each other, maybe less than that. I could see her head, but not her legs. Talk about a close call. It felt like one of those roller coasters, where you think you’re gonna die or at least be wrecked, but then you don’t, you aren’t.

When a close call happens on a roller coaster, my reaction is to laugh. But last night after I barely missed the deer, my heart jumped into my throat. Not when it happened–there wasn’t enough time–after. It’s so weird. During the thing, there were no choices, no time to calculate. The deer ran out, my foot hit the brake. I thought, Shit, I’m going to hit the damn thing. But I didn’t. And then the fear came. I thought, I’ll laugh about this later, like, I made it!, but I didn’t. I drove for an additional two hours worried something else terrifying would happen.

By the time I got back to town, my bad mood hadn’t gone anywhere, so I went to Taco Bell because feelings taste better with cheese. I had to “pull around to the front,” since “your chalupa won’t be ready for two minutes” and the guy didn’t want me holding up the line even though I was the only one in it. So that pissed me off, just like it pissed me off that I ordered a meal box and it came in a sack (“we’re all out of the boxes”). Then when I got home and picked up my iced tea, the lid came off and the tea went everywhere in Tom Collins.

Which pissed me off even more.

I’d hoped that sleeping last night would improve my mood, but it really hasn’t. Taking a nap didn’t even work. Maybe getting things on the page will. I could go for a walk, take another nap. (I’ll try anything.) I wish I could convince myself to be grateful that I didn’t slam the shit out of a deer last night, but I can’t. Every near miss just feels like life is fucking with me, like I can’t calm down because what’s going to jump out of the woods next? I’m so tired of barely making it. That’s what it feels like–just getting by every month, just being healthy enough–one near miss after another. Like your heart never comes back down from your throat.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)

"Why should anyone be embarrassed about the truth?"

Chasing Cassiopeia (Blog #449)

Having the day free, I spent this afternoon reading, first in a book called Healing and the Mind by Bill Moyers, then in a book called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joesph Murphy. By the time I’d read fifty pages in each book, my brain was bleeding, so I took a nap. When I woke up, convinced I needed to make today “a reading day,” I turned my attention to my beginner’s astronomy book. However, my mind couldn’t handle any more information. It was full. Plus, being cooped up in the house all day, I was growing restless, irritable.

About sunset I told my parents, “I’m going for a walk.”

Manned with my phone and an astronomy app, I determined to use my walk as an opportunity to identify stars and planets. For the last week I’ve been stargazing after midnight, so I thought being out around nine would not only let me see a few different stars, but would also let me see which stars “come out” first. (Some of us take longer than others.) Y’all, I can’t tell you what a great time I had. I learned in the book today that all the planets (and our sun and moon) travel (basically) along what’s called the elliptic, a narrow band in the sky that’s somewhat like a racetrack for the galaxy’s major players. The first ones to show up on the track as the sun sets? The two brightest planets–Venus (in the west) and Jupiter (currently close to the moon in the south).

For two hours I walked around Van Buren, listening to podcasts and periodically checking my phone against the night sky. Starting out I found Castor and Pollux, the two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini (in the west). Tonight was my first time to deliberately and consciously see them. As they dipped below the horizon, I turned my attention to what have this week become easy constellations for me to spot–The Big Dipper, The North Star and The Little Dipper, The Northern Cross, The Summer Triangle (which isn’t technically a constellation but rather three bright stars in three separate constellations), and Scorpius. Then I found Saturn in the southeast (in Capricorn), trailing behind Jupiter (in Scorpio) along the ecliptic.

I realize this jargon may not make sense. A week ago I would have been totally confused by this information and am just beginning to sort it all out. Today I learned that the ecliptic travels through twelve constellations (the zodiac). Or at least it used to. Things have shifted a bit. But still, astronomers and astrologers make reference to these twelve constellations all the time. Zodiac means “circle of little animals,” fitting since the majority of the twelve constellations or zodiac signs are animals. If you can find the ecliptic, “the signs” will appear along it in the order (or reverse order) they appear during the calendar year (starting around the Spring Equinox)–Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo (where Venus is currently), Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. For those interested in the zodiac (and–uh–horoscopes), your “sun sign” is the constellation along the ecliptic that the sun was “in” at the time you were born.

Anyway, the stars were all I could think about tonight. For the last week I’ve been looking for Cassiopeia, the famous w-shaped constellation in the northern sky. I’d read that if you know how to find The North Star using The Big Dipper (and the last two stars in the ladle), you can follow that arc to Cassiopeia, the mythological queen who was banished to the night sky by Poseidon for her vanity. However, until tonight I couldn’t find her–I’ve been looking from my driveway, and I guess she’s been behind the neighbors’ houses. But as I got close to home about ten-thirty this evening, I saw her peeking out between some trees. Y’all, I got so excited.

And then I got pissed because all the streetlights and car lights kept making her hard to see.

Finally, I came up with a plan. Back inside the house, I asked Dad if he wanted to drive out-of-town to look for stars, to chase Cassiopeia. Five minutes later, we were piled into Tom Collins (my car), on the hunt. We went to three different places, each about ten minutes from the house, each with different vantage points. And whereas we could still see the city lights, being farther away from them made spotting the stars MUCH easier. At the first location, Cassiopeia was still behind some trees, but the sky was dark enough for me to find Draco the Dragon, something I haven’t been able to do from my driveway. Then at the second location, there she was in all her glory–Cassiopeia, the Queen.

Speaking as a queen myself, she looked fabulous.

Finally, at the third location, Dad and I found Mars, which had just shown up in the southeast along the ecliptic. (It’s reddish). I was thrilled. I kept driving the car a little farther down the road, turning off the lights, getting out, checking the sky. Yep, they’re still there. Back in our driveway about midnight, I looked again. This time, even with the city lights, I was able to find Cassiopeia, Draco, Mars–all my new friends. I suppose they were there all along, I just didn’t know how to find them. I don’t know why this delights me so much, star hunting. There’s something about seeing what the ancients saw, something about finding my place in the heavens. Plus I think, What other wonders–friends–are right in front of me, just waiting for me to finally notice?

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)

"The heart sings for its own reasons."

Melting (Blog #446)

Today I woke up with a headache but stayed in bed, stretched and breathed until it calmed down. Sometimes this works. After breakfast, I cleaned Tom Collins (my car), even washing his floor mats for the first time since I got him almost a year ago. (Our anniversary is coming up!) On the way home from the car wash, it ironically began to rain. The universe does this a lot. It’s like that kid at the beach who jumps in the middle of your sandcastle after you’ve spent hours working on it. Twisted sense of humor. A real turd.

When I got back from the car wash, I hung my mats up to dry in the garage and piddled around the house–folded clothes, meditated. For a while I read the book I mentioned recently about writing and drawing with your non-dominant hand. The idea is that doing so accesses a different part of your brain, the part where your inner child is located. (So THAT’S where it’s been hiding.) One of the exercises the book asked me to do today was to draw a common object, first with my dominant hand (right), then with my non-dominant one (left). Picking up my pen and looking at my coffee cup, I thought, This isn’t going to go well with EITHER hand.

Y’all, I don’t claim to be an artist. Well, I do claim to be an artist, but I don’t claim to be a draw-er (or a drawer). I actually won some art contests in elementary school, but I haven’t practiced since. All this to say that the picture I’m about to post isn’t stunning. Isn’t that funny, the way we apologize for things we don’t do well? People do that with dance. The say, “I have two left feet,” as if that’s a bad thing, as if they SHOULD know how to dance (or draw, or fix a car, or have sex) just because they’re alive. I’ve noticed children DON’T do this. They just do something–they’ll try anything–just because it’s fun. It doesn’t matter if they’re good at it or not.

I’ll say it again.

It doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not.

When drawing the coffee cup with my right hand, it was about what I expected. Not award-worthy, but you can tell it’s a coffee cup. Honestly, I think it looks like something I’d draw (I normally doodle squares)–it’s neat and tidy–put-together, rigid, just-so. The left-handed drawing, however, is more free-form. Personally, I think it looks like it’s melting. When I was drawing it, my inner critic was giving me hell. “This is terrible,” it said. But then another voice spoke up, “Hey, watch it. I’m JUST learning. This is pretty fabulous considering I’m not even left-handed, thank you very much.”

When the drawing exercise ended, the next step was evaluating the illustrations. The book asked, “Which do you like better?” And whereas my inner critic was tougher on the left-handed one, I actually liked it better (and still do), since it’s whimsical, fun, and full of potential. Personally, I think it would look great at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Plus, it’s kind of shaky, which is a better, more accurate depiction of my insides than the other cup is. The other cup is my outsides–neat and tidy. But nobody is neat and tidy all the time. I’m certainly not. That’s what I love about the left-handed cup–like me, it doesn’t quite have it together.

What’s more, it’s not trying to be something it isn’t.

This is a bunch of shit.

We take ourselves so seriously. We think our cars have to be spick and span, our shirts ironed, everything we put online total perfection. We want everyone to believe we have it together. But this is a bunch of shit. No one has it together all the time. Granted, maybe on one hand you do–but on the other hand–look at yourself. This, of course, is normal, the way life works. Things are always coming together, always falling apart. We wash cars, and then it rains. We build sandcastles, and if a child doesn’t destroy them, the tides do. This is a big deal to us, since we think life should be perfect, just-so forever. But life is more whimsical than that, more playful. Never rigid, it’s ever-changing, constantly melting from one thing into the next.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)

"The heart sings for its own reasons."

A Blanket of Stars (Blog #408)

Blah. That’s how I’ve felt all day today, probably because I partied hard last night. And whereas pizza and beer make you feel good in the moment, they apparently don’t make you feel good the next day. Since I woke up this morning, all I’ve wanted to do is lie around. So other than leaving my bedroom for two meals, that’s pretty much what I’ve done–stayed in bed to sleep in, stayed in bed to read a book, stayed in bed to take a nap (until our dog, Ella, barked her ever-loving butt off at whatever the hell was so important outside and woke me up).


What sucks about feeling blah is that all your blah thoughts get together and put on a parade in your head. One by one they march across the theater of your mind as they kick up their heels and wave around their pom-poms of negativity. Your life sucks! Everything is falling apart! Gooooooo team! That’s about what things have sounded like in my head today. Real hopeful, I know.

This evening after taking Tom Collins (my car) to the car wash to clean him up for Mother’s Day tomorrow, I went for a run, three miles, I think. That helped a little, smelling the honeysuckle, burning up my frustrations under a blanket of stars. I’m really not a natural runner, but I love the way my feet strike the pavement. Starting off they’re heavy and awkward, then later they’re like a metronome, slow and steady. I guess there’s something about finding my rhythm on the road that makes me think one day I’ll find my rhythm in life as well.

Since getting home, I’ve been obsessed with my histamine levels. I spent a while rubbing some sore muscles, and my skin has been red and inflamed from the friction for over an hour. That’s not normal, I’ve been thinking, and I haven’t been able to stay off Google. I keep telling myself that I have doctors to figure this stuff out, but there’s such a large part of me that feels like I’ve got to do it on my own. I feel that way a lot, like I’m solely responsible for making my dreams come true, providing for myself, and even healing. As if I’m not part of a family, a community, or a universe.

As if I’m an island.

This “I’ll take care of it myself, damn it” attitude started when I was a child, I’m sure. Mom was sick and Dad was often absent, so my sister and I essentially raised ourselves. Personally, I see a lot of good that’s come out of this situation. For example, I’m highly independent and can think on my feet. I don’t mind going to the movies or eating out alone. Hell, I actually enjoy it. But the downside to doing everything by yourself for so long is that it not only makes it tough to trust other people, but also makes it tough (really tough) to ask for help. Isn’t that funny? There’s not a thing in this universe that doesn’t depend on something else for its existence, and yet admitting you’re not self-sustaining always feels so–so–embarrassing.

Or is that just me?

We all shine brighter together.

I guess we all want to be like the honeysuckle–wild, free, and never embarrassed. Likewise, we all want to feel connected, not just know it in our heads. Personally, I know logically that I’m not alone out here. I have a lot of support–my family, my friends, my therapist. And yet on blah days I have a hard time remembering that I’m connected, supported, and cared for. When you’ve raised yourself, it’s easy to forget that you’re part of something bigger. And yet surely every lone star belongs to a larger constellation, and surely we all shine brighter together.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


A mantra: Not an asshole, not a doormat.
