The Hot Guy Who Hugged My Aunt and Not Me (Blog #218)

About six weeks ago, for my birthday, my parents said we could go out to eat, which we finally did today. That being said, Dad told our waitress we were celebrating my birthday, HIS birthday, MY MOM’S birthday, AND MY AUNT’S birthday, so it really just felt like we were–well–eating out on a Friday for no particular reason. Lest I seem ungrateful, I did get to pick the restaurant–Outback–a place I not only love, but also meets my current dietary regimen. This morning I remembered the quote, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Of course, this sounds good if you say it fast, but as my entire family passed around chicken wings and ice cream while I forked my zucchini, I was like, Yeah, right.

A week before my birthday in September, I bought my first pair of stretchy jeans. Y’all, I love them–I wear them practically every day–but they are the worst thing in the world for someone who doesn’t want to gain weight because–well–THEY STRETCH. I mean, they offer absolutely no feedback whatsoever. Not once have they said, “You’re going to have to lie down if you want this zipper to close, buddy. You better watch the burritos.” Nope. Every day it’s been, “Don’t worry about that cheeseburger you inhaled last night–we’ve got room for plenty more.”

Anyway, the thing about owning only one pair of jeans you like is that you eventually have to wash them. So this afternoon before I met my family at Outback, I washed my stretchy jeans and figured I could wear my ex-favorite pair of jeans. After all, I reasoned, I’ve been on a diet for two days; they should fit fine. Wrong–they did not fit fine. Granted, I didn’t have to lie down to zip them, but they were so tight around my thighs that they cut off the circulation of blood to my toes. I was so afraid of ripping them that I spent the entire day taking steps so small they bordered on shuffling. Getting in and out of my car required holding my breath, keeping my thighs no more than eight inches apart, and praying.

God, grant my jeans the serenity to let go wherever possible, the courage to hold on everywhere else, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Determined to see the day when my jeans won’t have to work so hard to keep me inside them, I stayed true to my diet at Outback–even though it was (sort of) my birthday celebration. But then just when I thought life couldn’t get any more interesting than a plain baked sweet potato, some hot guy with perfect teeth and great hair brought my mom a salad. Well, naturally, I perked up, but get this–my seventy-year-old Aunt Tudie perked up too. Even before the guy walked away from our table, she said, “Did you see that?”

“Uh–of course I did,” I said. “It took everything in me to not fall out of my chair.

“Well, I really liked looking at him,” she said.

At this point our meal became infinitely more interesting. My aunt said she guessed he was in his late twenties, but I said he had to be in his early twenties, or I wouldn’t have been attracted to him. Then my mom (my mom!) said, “Marc, what’s your gaydar say about him?” (Gaydar is gay radar.)

“Well, his fingernails were really clean, so it’s definitely possible.”

My sister and I were mortified.

You know how every family has that one person who always goes out of their way to be embarrassing, like, they could do it for a living? Well, for our family, that’s my dad. When my sister and I were teenagers and our family would go out to eat, if my sister said something about our cute waiter, my dad would flag the poor fella down and say, “My daughter thinks you’re sexy. Are you single?” I remember once we were at a gas station, and my sister liked a cute boy’s Razorback t-shirt. So my dad approached him, gave him something like a hundred bucks, and honest-to-god swapped shirts with him right there in front of god and everybody. My sister and I were mortified.

As I think about these stories now, I’m actually grateful I didn’t come out until I was an adult. Can you imagine how my dad would have acted? Excuse me, young man, my daughter AND MY SON think you’re a–what’s the word?–studmuffin. Which of them do you prefer?

Well, Dad hasn’t changed much. After my aunt and I made such a big deal about the hot salad delivery boy at Outback, my Dad told our waitress that it was my aunt’s birthday and “she would love it if that handsome man would come give her a hug.” I thought, Oh my god, this is not happening. But the next thing I knew, the guy was marching over, my aunt stood up and put her arms out, and they were in a full-frontal embrace. She said, “You are SO cute. If I were thirty, well, forty years younger, I’d be chasing after you,” and he smiled and said, “I’d let you!”

I. Was. So. Jealous.

Y’all, it didn’t stop there. My aunt got so twitterpated about this guy that she couldn’t let him get away. Just before we left the restaurant, I thought she was getting up to go to the restroom, but no, I looked up, and she had this guy backed against a wall. Apparently, she’d turned her trip to the toilet into a reconnaissance mission. When she came back, she had his name, age (twenty-two–I was right), and sexual preference (girls–harumph). When my aunt came back to the table, she said, “I asked him if he had a girlfriend, and he said, ‘I can’t manage to keep one for very long.'”

My mom said, “Maybe because he’s gay.” (Thanks, Mom.)

My aunt said, “He said I made his day. I told him he really charged my battery.”

Charged my battery–that’s a direct quote from my retired aunt. I thought, I didn’t know your “battery” needed charging, but I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to talk about it.

My therapist says that if you see someone at a cocktail party and you get that “zing” feeling, run the other way because that’s a sure sign you’re looking at a disaster. Rather, she says, go up and talk to the ho-hum person that’s “just all right.” I guess the theory is that everyone’s subconscious is a shit-show that wants to be figured out. The best way to do this, of course, is hook up with a person who will push all your buttons and bring all your dramas to the forefront–that way you have to deal with them (or start seeing a therapist). That’s what the zing is all about.

As my therapist says, ‘Do you really want to go down THAT road again?’

Personally, I think this theory sucks and is no fun, but so far it’s proven to be true. Looking back, every guy that I was immediately attracted to and ended up dating ended up being a disaster. Perhaps better put, we ended up being a disaster together. That being said, I still feel that zing now and then. Honestly, I felt it at Outback today. I mean, if I had the balls my aunt does, I would have cornered that guy against the wall like she did. But seriously–a twenty-two year old who dates women. As my therapist says, “Do you really want to go down THAT road again?”

Well, when you put it that way, no–no I don’t.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve walked (or ran) down that road or one similar to it. It’s never ended well. And yet there’s always a part of me that thinks it will be different THIS TIME. It’s probably the same part of me that thinks I can eat chocolate cake and Taco Bell and still fit into my ex-favorite pair of jeans. Caroline Myss calls this our saboteur, the part of us that effs everything up when life is going well. But she says when we learn to work with it, our saboteur lets us know where our weak spots are, what roads not to walk down again. In my experience, I still desire chocolate cakes and pretty faces and whatever. But I’m slowly–slowly–coming around to the idea that “zing desire” often ends up looking like tight pants and relationships that land you therapy. The desire to be healthy, on the other hand, is more ho-hum, and it honestly looks more attractive all the time.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Sometimes life can really kick you in the balls and make you drop to your knees.


My One-Sided Fears (Blog #162)

After yesterday’s disappointing search for a new pair of jeans, I woke up today with a renewed sense of vision and hope. I thought, This is possible. I’ve bought jeans before. I can buy them again. So after breakfast and yoga, I ran a couple errands, parked my car outside Central Mall, and thought, Fort Smith, don’t fail me now. Well, I quickly discovered that stretchy jeans have become a serious thing. Like, they’re the new bell bottoms, or whatever. Everywhere I went, it was stretch this, flex that. I’m surprised each pair didn’t come with a gym membership. So–even though I admittedly have a bad attitude about stretchy jeans–I actually tried some on.

Well, nothing even came close because–again–small ankles, big butt. (Emphasis on the big butt.) Well, one pair did come close–my thighs looked great–but there was a big wrinkle right across my crotch. It was like one of those huge speed bumps in the middle of an otherwise perfectly inviting road. I thought, Oh no, this won’t do. This won’t do at all.

Before I go any further, I should say that I’m a fashion snob. My therapist says it’s okay to admit it–I’m vain. I mean, I’m not above wearing certain brands, like the ones sold at Walmart, but I’m above wearing certain brands, like the ones sold at Walmart. Mostly I get something in my head and go out looking for that. Like, I know Buffalo jeans fit me really well–I’m familiar with them. I like how the pockets look just so. Maybe it sounds like vanity to you, but I like to think of it as having standards. So I guess I shop with certain expectations.

My friend George says an expectation is a frustration in the making, and boy is he right. By the time I got to American Eagle, the last place on my list, I didn’t see a single pair of non-flex (regular) jeans anywhere in the damn store. When a lady asked if she could help me, I said, “Do ALL your jeans stretch?” and she said, “Yes. They’re what EVERYBODY wants.” Well, everyone has their breaking point, so I said, “Well not EVERYBODY wants them because I don’t.” Granted, I realize I’m probably too old to be shopping at American Eagle, but I almost called her a whippersnapper and said, “And why are there so many SKINNY JEANS? Don’t fat thighs matter anymore?”

Fat. Thighs. Matter.

Totally pissed at this point, I left the mall and tried to talk myself down off the ledge. You don’t HAVE to have a new pair of jeans for your birthday, Marcus. Okay, just breathe. Well, I finally decided to lower my standards and shop for pants at Target. Don’t tell the internet. (Whoops.) And get this shit. I found a pair I actually liked. I can’t believe I’m about to admit this, but they’re Levi’s–AND THEY STRETCH. Talk about eating humble pie, which–of course–is okay because now my pants will accommodate the extra calories. That’s right, I’m admitting it in front of God and everybody. I’m okay with stretchy jeans, at least I think I am. I’ll try them out next week. But apparently I just needed to find the right pair.

I hate it when I’m wrong.

This afternoon before The Great Jean Search of 2017, I ran into my friend Missy, who runs the Young Actors Guild, and she said they were putting on a show in at the King Opera House in Van Buren this weekend. So when I finished at Target, I looked at the clock and thought, I can just make it. Well–get this–when I went to buy my ticket, the lady behind the counter said she was buying it for me. Turns out, we’re friends and she reads the blog. Her name is Kim. It just took me a second to make the connection. (You know how it is when you see someone out of context.) Anyway, it completely made my day, especially after all the denim drama at the mall.

The show tonight was called Uncle Pirate and was about a young boy who’s being bullied at school and is pretty much afraid of his own shadow. As luck would have it, he has a long-lost uncle who’s an honest-to-goodness pirate. Having recently lost his ship and all his crew, Uncle Pirate shows up for a family visit, and he and the boy end up saving each other. It’s adorable. Also, I couldn’t tell for sure, but I think most the kids on stage had stretchy jeans, so I both blame and thank them for what I went through today.

One of the themes in Uncle Pirate has to do with fear. When the boy tells his uncle that he’s afraid of the bully at school, his uncle says something like, “Half the time, being afraid of something only makes you more afraid.” In other words, we often use fear as an excuse to NOT do something, and that just makes matters worse. But when we “feel the fear and do it anyway,” we better solve our problems and gain courage in the process.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but whenever I like I song, I play it over and over. Well, today’s song was “Take Me Home” by Cash Cash. There’s a line in the song that says, “But I still stay because you’re the only thing I know.” Honestly, if you listen to the rest of the words, it doesn’t sound like the singer is in a good relationship, but she stays because it’s familiar. At least, that’s my take on it, and I’ve been thinking today that I’ve been there. I’ve stuck it out longer than I should have because I didn’t know a better way. I assume this is true for all of us.

As my friend Suzanne says, “You can’t know what you don’t know.”

I’ve heard that the ego can’t see what it will stand to gain, only what it will stand to lose. I take this to mean that our fears only show us one side of the story. It’s a little thing, but as I was shopping for jeans today, I was only thinking about what wouldn’t go well, how terrible stretchy pants would be. But when I bit the bullet and tried something new, it actually worked out. On a much grander scale, I remember being in a miserable (miserable) relationship several years ago and being afraid of ending it, but I did. Then I was so sad and afraid of what would happen next that I didn’t think things would ever get better. But they did. I ran into my friend Ashley at the mall today, the topic came up, and she said, “You’re so much happier now.”

So once again, I’m learning that a lot of my fears are full of crap. Also, life doesn’t always suck–it’s pretty good sometimes. So whether it’s a new pair of pants, the unexpected gift of a ticket to see a show, or even a miserable relationship that ends up being the motivation you need to get some damn standards, I’m reminded that life is kinder than I previously thought it was. Also, in this moment, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

[Today’s song, for those who are interested.]

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Aren’t you perfect just the way you are?
