After posting yesterday’s blog about the right and left brains, I had a freak-out moment in the shower when I realized I got the two brains and their respective jobs mixed up. Accidentally, I’d said that the right brain thinks logically and the left brain thinks in pictures, when–in fact–it’s the other way around. The left brain thinks logically, and the right brain thinks in pictures. Anyway, I went back and fixed the mistake in my last two posts, and now I’m trying to figure out how I can make it up to the other half of me, since I inadvertently praised my left brain, when I should have been praising MY RIGHT BRAIN.
Don’t you hate it when your left brain tries to take credit FOR EVERYTHING?
But seriously. Who came up with this system? It’s so confusing. For one thing, it’s criss-crossed. The left brain controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls the left side of the body. Consequently, being right or left-handed USUALLY means that you’re opposite-side brain dominant. For example, I’m right-handed and left-brain dominant. But this is NOT ALWAYS the case. A person can be right-handed AND right-brain dominant or vice-versa.
Having mulled all of this over for the last twenty-four hours, I’m still not positive I have the facts straight. (And who really cares if I do?) But I do know that the entire situation has taught me that I’m making progress internally. What I mean is that yesterday when I realized my goof, I only had a slight moment of freaking out, thinking, Oh shit, I made a mistake! Whatever will the people on the internet think of me now? And I really didn’t engage in any self-flagellation. How could I let this happen? Rather, I simply finished my shower, double-checked my facts, corrected the error, and went about my day. It was that easy.
And the world didn’t stop spinning.
Honestly, daily blogging has been really good for this–lowering my standards of absolute perfection (whatever that is). Tomorrow will be my 500th post (wow!), and after almost 500 days of spilling my guts and posting selfies, I just don’t give a shit as much as I used to. (And that’s a good thing.) In the beginning, I’d proofread my posts six or seven times before sharing them. Now I proofread them three times, sometimes just two if I’m tired. I know plenty of mistakes slip through. Oh well. Plenty of glorious things slip through as well.
At least I’m writing.
In terms of my selfies, they’ve been a wonderful exercise in accepting all my bodies, all my bad hair days, all my double chins. Who has the time (and good enough lighting) to post a perfect picture every time? So yes, sometimes I look like that. Sometimes I don’t. (Who cares?)
At least I’m living.
Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)
Our shoulders weren’t meant to carry the weight of the world.