It’s about Momentum (Blog #862)

After spending most of this last week fighting a stomach bug (or maybe food poisoning), I woke up today significantly better. Granted, I’m not ready for Thai food and pizza, but I am feeling more–what’s the word?–stable. Maybe seventy-five percent. Although my hips hurt like an old lady’s. Who knows why. Maybe that’s part of the sickness. Maybe I got dehydrated or spent too much time in bed. Either way, I could use some Bengay.

Honey, I’ve been gay my whole life.

But I digress.

In order to “celebrate” my body’s recovery, I spent today cleaning house. My parents are having company next week, so getting the house clean before their friends arrive is a family goal. (Go team.) Anyway, this afternoon I dusted most of the house, cleaned my bathroom, then tackled a few odd jobs I’ve been putting off for a while–storing a lambrekin under a bed (which required taking the bed apart), reattaching a toilet paper holder to a wall, super-gluing a wooden knickknack together, fixing the legs on my mom’s recliner, and removing a grease stain from the interior of my car, Tom Collins. My dad said, “What’s come over you?”

“I have no idea,” I said. “Sometimes I just get in a mood.”

Later when Dad and I were moving the living room couch so we (I) could vacuum under it, he said, “Don’t worry. We [you] won’t have to do any of this again for six or eight months.”

“Thank god,” I replied.

In terms of being in the mood to clean and tackle projects–really–I think it mostly comes down to just getting started. Like, I’d already set the day aside to work on the house, so as I was cleaning and remembered odd jobs I’d procrastinated, I thought, What’s one more thing? I’m already in the middle of it (cleaning and fixing shit).

Now my question is, “What are YOU in the middle of?” Because chances are, that’s what you’re going to keep doing, since that’s where your momentum is (and it’s about momentum). For instance, while cleaning this afternoon I got caught up in an episode of Dr. Phil in which a woman who’d had an affair created this HUGE ordeal (like, she went on the Dr. Phil show and claimed her phone had been hacked by Russians) in order to cover her tracks and convince her husband otherwise. Of course, this ordeal started off as one lie, then it grew from there. By the time she was IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, she and her husband had not only spent thousands of dollars on new electronics and a private investigator (who said the lady herself was the hacker), but she’d also tried to deceive half of America. And Dr. Phil!

Bitch, please.

People say, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” And whereas the emphasis of that statement is usually on the word tangled or deceive, I think it could just as easily be put on the word first. That is, where do you START? With lying or with honesty? Because that’s probably what you’ll end up in the middle of and–later– finish with. One thing leads to another. Again, it’s about momentum.

To be clear, although the example I used was about lying, the principle of momentum is neutral. For example, I’ve gotten a lot of positive benefits from both therapy and this blog, and–really–that success is largely due to the fact that I simply started something and have continued to show up to it. Often when evaluating my friendships or considering possible suitors (it does it happen occasionally), I sometimes want to ignore red flags and enjoy the fantasy for a while. But then I think, What’s one more confrontation? What’s one more boundary? I’m already in the middle of it (mental health, taking care of myself). Sometimes I want to cling to a particular object, but then I think, I can let go of this. I’m already in the middle of it (living as a minimalist, not being so attached to physical things).

We’re powerful beyond our comprehension.

This is one of the reasons, I think, why Caroline Myss says there’s no such thing as a small choice. Because one thing leads to another. I chose to clean the house today, and everything looks different now, better. I chose to go to therapy five years ago, and–oh my gosh–my entire world has been turned upside down in the best way. Caroline tells the story of a man who was on his was to commit suicide and changed his mind because a total stranger, who happened to be driving by, smiled at him. Wow. We think we can’t make a difference, that we’re not powerful. But the truth is we’re powerful beyond our comprehension. There are few things we can’t do if we simply decide to. There are few things we can’t do if we simply begin.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


We follow the mystery, never knowing what’s next.


Progress, Not Perfection (Blog #534)

Today’s thoughts–

1. What’s in your head?

This afternoon I finished reading The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma. Written as a fable, the book is chock-full of advice for a better life, but the biggest tidbit of wisdom that’s stuck with me since I read it is “You can’t afford the luxury of one negative thought.” This is because, as my former life coach used to say, negative thoughts are like ants–if you let one in, it will bring all its friends along with it. As a solution to negative thoughts, the book suggested Opposition Thinking or finding a positive thought to replace a negative one. For example–

Negative thought: I’m broke and will never have enough money.

Positive thought: Things can only get better from here.

2. It’s about momentum

The dance studio I used to own was named Momentum Dance Concepts. And whereas I owned, the website address that everyone knew about and used was Although I didn’t realize it when I chose the address, it ended up being the perfect “dance slogan,” a pithy piece of advice I could use over and over again. For example, regarding spins, it’s about momentum–if you can “get going,” it’s easy to “keep going.” Anyway, the book I finished today offered the same advice and said that if you can perform small actions, like with respect to your diet or exercise program, consistently, you’ll build the confidence and inner strength required for performing larger actions.

3. A little bit at a time

My typical approach to self-improvement, especially when it comes to diet and exercise, is to “blow it up.” All or nothing. However, lately I’ve been thinking that every time I try this method, I inevitably burn out. Well, now that my birthday celebrations are officially over, I’ve been thinking that I’d like to eat a little better, exercise a little more. My stomach has continued to be upset for over a month now, and I figure eating better and burning off some stress can’t hurt and might help. We’ll see how it goes, but my new mantra is–Today I will do SOMETHING that looks like exercise (go for a walk, do push-ups, do yoga). Today I will make AT LEAST ONE better decision regarding what I put in my body.

In practice, this mantra manifested itself today as walking three laps around a local park, doing nine pull-ups (nine more than I’ve done all year), and NOT drinking any beer.

4. Starry, starry night

I said my birthday celebrations were officially over. Last night I went out to eat with my friends Justin, Ashley, and Joseph (then Ashley, Joseph, and I went to watch Justin play soccer), and that was the last “group activity” for sure. However, I’d intended to drive out to a super-dark spot and look at stars ON my birthday but was too tired to do so after finishing the blog at three that morning. Anyway, I’m hoping to go tonight. It’s just now ten in the evening, so that should give me plenty of time to be fascinated by the heavens and still get plenty of rest (see Number 5).

5. Now I lay me down to sleep

This afternoon I started a book called Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker, PhD. So far the book has discussed why some people are “early birds” and some people are “night owls,” the two main kinds of sleep (REM or Rapid Eye Movement and NREM or Non-REM), the effects of caffeine on sleep (and the fact that spiders can’t build a web for shit when they’ve had caffeine), the negative things that can happen when you DON’T sleep enough, and the positive things that can happen when you do.

It’s fascinating.

The sleep book sparked my interest when I saw it in a bookstore a few days ago because my doctor recently indicated that I may not be getting enough REM sleep if I’m not being consistent about WHEN I go to bed and WHEN I wake up. “Just set benchmark times and try to stick to them,” she said. Anyway, I’m only sixty pages in, but I’m already convinced–I need LESS caffeine, MORE sleep, and BETTER quality sleep. So I’m starting tonight, if only by finishing this now and going to bed SOONER than normal.

As the saying goes, “Progress, not perfection.”

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


The deepest waters are the only ones capable of carrying you home.
