Marcus and the Weeping Willow (Blog #432)

Today I ate breakfast, read a book, and went for a two-hour walk. Along the way I spotted The Yellow Umbrella, a tiny burger/fries/milkshake stand that’s uh-mazing. I didn’t have any cash on me, but I thought, I’m so excited. I’ll come back in a while. I’ll get a milkshake! So later I went back, but The Fucking Yellow Umbrella had closed for the day. Ten minutes ago. Talk about a disappointment.

Turning around, I thought, Hardee’s has burgers, fries, and milkshakes.

That was six hours ago, and I still feel bloated. Of course, I did just eat dinner (pasta). Maybe that has something to do with it. Either way, I’ve had a lot of calories. Recently I heard Rihanna say she knows when she’s having a fat day. I thought, Me too, girl, me too. But she also said, “I accept all of the bodies,” so I’m trying to do that too–embrace who I am in every changing moment.

This evening I went by my parents’ house to set up my mom’s new tablet (her portal to the rest of the world). Naturally, this took a while, entering her email address and password into each app I downloaded, transferring information from her old tablet to her new one. I actually love doing stuff like this, organizing things, putting everything where it belongs. Granted, the tediousness of it all can wear on me, but I do enjoy figuring out new devices and solving problems. I remember being like this as a child, wanting to understand how the world works, taking things apart, putting them back together.

Recently my friend Bonnie pointed out that as a child, your whole worldview is different. For one thing, you really have no concept of time (whatever that is). You bury yourself in a book, a project, a game, and the rest of life simply falls away. You’re not checking Facebook every five minutes. You’re not thinking about your to-do list or calendar. You’re just–well–the only place you ever can be.

Right here, right now.

I realize a lot of things necessarily change when you become an adult. It’s hard to function in today’s society without a day-planner. But personally I feel a lot of anxiety about having my whole day, week, life scheduled out hour-by-hour. This may sound ridiculous coming from someone who sleeps in past noon and doesn’t currently have a job (you may be thinking, What does HE have to schedule?), but my default is to at least mentally plan everything I do every day. First I’ll read a book, then I’ll go for a walk, then I’ll eat 2,000 calories in a single meal.

I can’t go on like this.

I think this behavior, this attitude, stems from my need to control. As if the world’s going to fall apart if I stop planning. As if I’m going to. Of course, it’s not–I’m not. And would it be so terrible if I did? Along these lines, I’ve been thinking that I could adjust my habits. I could adjust–well–me. I’ve been reading that rigid thought patterns and emotions affect the physical body, that sometimes our bodies develop illnesses and issues as a way of saying, “Sweetheart, something needs to change. We can’t go on like this.” Regardless of whether or not this is true (I personally have a love-hate relationship with theories like this one), I know that I could alter a few things upstairs. I’ve talked about this before, but I demand a lot of myself. I’m nervous a lot. I feel “less than” a lot. (It’s wearing me out.)

Sweetheart, something needs to change.

I really am working on this. God, am I working on it. This afternoon during my walk–unplanned–I detoured through one of my favorite cemeteries. Maybe this sounds like a morbid thing to say, but I actually like cemeteries. They’re quiet, they’re peaceful, and that’s how I want to be. Plus, this cemetery I went to today has two stunning weeping willows, and I love weeping willows. There’s just something about them, the way their leaves fall helplessly toward the ground and yet their branches reach proudly toward the sky. It’s like they understand both pain and hope.

Walking toward the weeping willows today, I stopped at several headstones. Only one belonged to someone I knew, but the rest belonged to strangers–people like you and me, really–people who once worried and made too many plans, ate too many calories. Going from grave to grave, I adjusted some of the wind-blown flowers. It felt like a sacred act. I thought, They can’t organize this themselves, and I hope when I’m gone someone will put all of my things where they belong. Then I sat down under the shade of one of the willow trees and–for no apparent reason–began to cry.

I hope this makes sense. There I was, surrounded by thousands of dead bodies, and I realized I was breathing. For a moment, it was so clear to me–I was alive. We get so little time on earth, and I thought, I have choices down here. I don’t want to live the rest of my life beating myself up (about anything). I don’t want to go on feeling nervous and less than. I can’t–I just can’t. Sweetheart, we can’t go on like this.

Live your life unbridled.

Leaving the cemetery with my headphones in, I literally danced down the gravel road. I spun. I did the grapevine. Considering the fact I had dead people on either side of me, perhaps my dancing bordered on gloating. Look what I can do, suckas! But this is the way the world works–it’s ironic. And perhaps this is the gift the dead give us, a reminder to live our lives unbridled, to be at home here, to dance when we feel like dancing, to cry when we feel like crying, to be okay with whatever arises in the moment, to let even a tree hold you while you simultaneously take yourself apart and put yourself back together.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


All things are moving as they should.


well, that’s disappointing (blog #8)

There’s an English slang word that I learned about earlier this year. The word is coddiwomple. It means “to travel purposefully toward an as-yet-unknown destination,” and that’s exactly what’s about to happen. In other words, I don’t know where I’m going with this blog, but, like any good man, I intend to make good time getting there.

For breakfast this morning, I walked to Hardee’s, and although I didn’t realize it, I had my heart set on a steak and egg biscuit, which was a staple item for me several months ago when I was in the midst of fixing up the old house I was living in and getting ready to move. Well, when I got to Hardee’s, I was informed that the steak and egg biscuit was no longer available. It actually took three people to confirm this fact, and the last one, a lady, said, “That was a seasonal item, and the season is over.”

Well, I almost walked out the door, like, Screw you people. I’m taking my business elsewhere. But I was in a hurry to get to the dentist to have two cavities filled, so I decided to stay and eat a fried chicken biscuit instead. (And yes, the irony of eating fast food thirty minutes before going to the dentist to have cavities filled is not lost on me. All I can say is, make hay while the sun shines.) Anyway, it wasn’t the worst breakfast I’ve ever had, but it certainly wasn’t worth getting a cavity over and tasted a lot more like disappointment than chicken.

Always one to overanalyze, I started thinking way too much about why I was so let down about the steak and egg biscuit season being over. I mean, it’s just a steak and egg biscuit. From Hardee’s.

The first place my mind went was this time about a year and a half ago when I’d asked a friend to do me a favor and host another dance instructor who’d come into town to teach for a convention I used to organize. Well, my friend ended up having some of his friends over that night, and my dance instructor was upset, partly, because he thought they were too loud. My first reaction was to get angry, since I thought my friend’s actions reflected poorly on me, so I brought it up in therapy thinking that I’d be agreed with. But I wasn’t. My therapist said that I’d asked someone to do something for me, and then I got angry because they didn’t do it the way I would’ve. She said that I should have been more clear about my desires, said something like, “I’d like you to host someone, please, but I don’t want you blast Michael Buble music until three in the morning. How do you feel about that?”

I said I could have said that, but this sort of thing had never come up before. And then my therapist said, “You’ve been really fortunate. You’ve been spoiled.” (Spin this however you want, but it didn’t feel like a compliment.)

So after the thing at Hardee’s this morning, I started wondering if that was it, if I was just spoiled. And then I started thinking of all the words that are associated with being spoiled, words like rotten and brat, and then I felt like shit because I was convinced I was an entitled little twit who almost always gets his way and throws a temper tantrum every time Hardee’s changes it’s menu. (Sometimes my therapist says that I’m married to suffering, and looking at what I’ve just written, she may be right about that.)

Then I started thinking what a perfectly disgusting word spoiled is, how we should probably ban it from the English language–at least when used to refer to humans and not eggs–because it’s never used to build anyone up. It’s always used to put someone in their place, like, “Who do you think you are, wanting a steak and egg biscuit from Hardee’s?”

So up until the time the dentist put a drill in my mouth, this idea of being spoiled was all I could think about, and I kept trying to figure out the difference between feeling like you’re worthy of good things (like a decent, fast food breakfast) and feeling like you’re spoiled, ready to be thrown out with the sour milk. I’m still not sure I have an answer, but I think it has to do with the difference in feeling like you’re entitled to something as opposed to just wanting it. And I think how severely you react to the disappointments in your life will let you know which side of the fence you fall on.

By the time my cavities were filled and I could no longer open the right side of my mouth, I decided I wasn’t spoiled. Yes, I’m fortunate, but there are so many things a lot bigger than breakfast that don’t go my way. And I didn’t throw a tantrum this morning, I just felt disappointed. More accurately, I felt sad.

A little over three years ago, I was about to break up with my ex. I’d been convinced we were going to get married, but we were fighting all the time, and it was usually about something stupid, like the fact that I wouldn’t go to McDonald’s a block away and get him a McFlurry. (And no, he was not in a wheelchair or somehow unable to walk or drive himself.) Well, I was fucking miserable. Some days I’d just lie in bed and stare at the wall. Then one night we went out to eat at Ed Walker’s, and all I really wanted was a piece of chocolate cake. I had my heart set on it. Like, my life may suck right now, but at least there’s chocolate cake.

So I ask the waitress if they have chocolate cake today, and she says yes. But then she brings German Chocolate Cake, and I start fighting back tears because IT’S NOT THE SAME THING, BITCH.

No, I didn’t say that, but it was probably written all over my face.

Later my ex said that the waitress probably thought I was crazy, which, of course, I was. But I wasn’t crazy because I started crying over German Chocolate Cake–I was crazy because I was dating him. And I was disappointed he wasn’t the one, and I was sad because I loved him, and there was no way in hell that it could work. So I shoved those feelings down at home, and they all came rushing back up as soon as they had a decent chance and I was too focused on chocolate cake to stop them.

So here’s where we ended up, here’s where we coddiwompled. First, the disappointment over breakfast this morning really wasn’t that big of a deal. But it did cause me to stop and realize that there are actually some pretty big disappointments in my life right now, a lot of things bigger than cheap biscuits that haven’t turned out like I thought they would, things that I had my heart set on. And although I don’t want to start feeling sorry for myself, I think it’s okay to feel sad about those things. I think it’s okay to grieve the death of my fantasies. It’s okay to be sad when seasons end. And maybe that means for a while, I need to spoil myself–sleep in a little later, eat my favorite breakfast even if it’s bad for me, go out for chocolate cake. After a while, I’m hoping, sadness will let me go because I listened to it and didn’t shove it down, and then I can strike out with purpose toward an as-yet-unknown destination with nothing to hold me back.

[As a side note, there’s part of me that feels my ex is largely responsible for this blog. In the first place, he’s the reason I went to therapy. In the second, he gave me this laptop. My therapist says that he doesn’t deserve any credit because it was how I responded to the shitty situation that made the difference. But as Andrew Solomon says, “If you banish the dragons, you banish the heroes.”]

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


In this moment, we are all okay.
