On Pouring Yourself Out (Blog #799)

Last night I said I was going to finish cleaning my friend’s house before I went to bed if it hair-lipped the king. Well, I lied. Despite my best intentions, it didn’t happen. (I’m not sure if this means the king was hair-lipped or not.) Instead, I ended up spending time with my friend Justin. He came over to help me lift something heavy, and then we chatted until three-thirty in the morning. After he left, I posted the blog (which I’d written earlier in the evening), then promptly passed out.

Today I’ve been in a tither, since I’ve got a lot to do–errands to run, a dance lesson to teach, etc. This morning after eating breakfast, I finished cleaning the kitchen then vacuumed and mopped the floors. Phew. The good news is that I thought it would take three hours to get all this done, but it only took two. This gives me time to blog now (if I keep it quick). The bad news is that as I’m sitting here typing, I’m remembering some of the spots I forgot to clean. The air vent return, for example. Still, since cleaning could go on forever and ever (Amen), at some point you’ve got to be done.

I’m so done.

A phrase on my mind lately has been “nature abhors a vacuum.” (After cleaning for the last three days, so do I.) The idea behind this statement is that where there’s an empty space, Something wants to fill it. In terms of my personal, physical experience, this Something is often me. I’ll move into a new home with a bare room and immediately go shopping. My married friends tell me that when they have an empty space in their schedule, their spouse is usually the one to fill it for them. The car needs washing. The lawn needs mowing.

Yes, something there is that doesn’t love a void.

The other side of this idea–nature abhors a vacuum–is that you can’t put something where something else already is. That is, in order for nature to fill in or fill up a vacuum, there must first BE a vacuum–an empty space. Said another way, you can’t fill a cup that’s already full.

While cleaning, I listened to a lecture that quoted the mystic Meister Eckhart–“To be full of things is to be empty of God; to be empty of things is to be full of God.” The idea here is that before God or The Divine can enter our lives, we must divest ourselves of–well–ourselves. Indeed, we must empty ourselves of even the desire for God. Why? Because, according to Eckhart, even our purest desire keeps our cup full. In other words, our desire for God takes up that very space we’re asking God to fill.

And so we must pour ourselves out.

This letting go of desire, I imagine, is one of the hardest tasks any of us could ever undertake. How do you stop desiring? And if you desire to stop desiring, isn’t that desiring too? I don’t pretend to have the answer. And yet more and more this sounds like wisdom to me. Having imposed my will on my life and body in a number of areas (health, fitness, work), I know that you can only do things Your Way for so long before everything in you cries uncle. Having struggled with a number of health challenges the last few years and having tried everything I could think of to heal (some of which strategies were successful, some of which weren’t), I know that at some point you have to Give It Up. Give up wanting to feel better. Give up wanting that job or recognition. Give up trying to be in control.

Caroline Myss says that surrender is the name of the game. This is the lesson of your fifth chakra, your throat chakra, your center of choice, and is imaged by Christ on the cross. It’s the surrendering of personal will to divine will. To the recognition that whatever’s going on down here on planet earth isn’t about your little life but is rather about Something Bigger, about Life Itself. I imagine one could spend a lifetime trying to figure out how to do this–to surrender, to let go, to give it up, to sacrifice what it is that you want for what it is that you’re being called to. To trust that if you’ll only pour yourself out, Something will fill you back up again with Itself and that your cup will indeed run over.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


And God knows you don't make everyone else happy. But this is no reason to quit or be discouraged, since doing what you love and feel called to do is never--never--about gaining acceptance from others.


Redeveloping (Blog #414)

I don’t even know where to start with this blog, so I’ll start with the truth. I woke up early this morning to talk to a psychic. This isn’t something I make a habit of–getting up early, or talking to psychics–but I did it nonetheless. And whereas I’ve been sitting here for thirty minutes trying to figure out what to say about the experience, I’ve yet to come up with anything coherent. Maybe this is because my fifth chakra (my throat) is APPARENTLY “clogged like a drain pipe.” (This is what I woke up to hear.)

Does anyone know where I can get some energetic Drano?

More likely I can’t figure out what to say because I’m hesitant to discuss the topic. First of all, even though it wasn’t weird for me, I get that psychics or intuitives are a stretch for a lot of people. They’re not mainstream. And yet all of us–all of us–are intuitive. Any of us can walk into our homes and instantly tell if a loved one is down or upset or over the moon, and that’s basically what professional intuitives do–they read people. Anyway, I’m also hesitant to discuss the experience because I’m still processing it. There weren’t a lot of surprises, but it was still a lot of information. Five years ago I would have taken all of it as gospel and been done with it, but now I see it as something that needs to be “sifted” through.

Y’all, I tried to take a nap after my appointment with the psychic, but get this shit. There was a knock at the door, and the next thing I knew, my dad started talking to two Mormons right outside my bedroom window (and not quietly). And then–and then–he invited them inside. “They were FEMALE Mormons,” Dad said later. “That’s not something you see every day!” Well, our walls are paper-thin, so there was no way I was going back to sleep, what with Dad and his big, booming voice. “You’re gonna need all the luck you can get around here–this is Southern Baptist territory! But don’t worry about me–I was in prison with a Mormon!”

Meet my father.

Surely, I thought, these ladies will leave now. But oh no–they stayed. Seriously, it went on–and on–and on. They talked, Dad talked, our dog barked, Dad talked some more. At one point I strongly considered walking into the living room in my underwear and introducing myself as a homosexual who consults mediums, just to see if they would be horrified and leave, but I didn’t–I controlled myself. Later, when the Mormons left for lunch and I got out of bed, Dad said, “Marcus, they had to walk to Wendy’s–on foot. Can you believe that? I guess the bicycles are just for the boys.”

Rubbing my tired eyes, I said, “Well, that doesn’t seem fair.”

This afternoon I went to Fayetteville to have more blood drawn for tests regarding my immune system, something I asked the psychic about this morning. She said the only thing she got was the word “exposure,” and took this to mean that perhaps I’d been exposed to chemicals or mold (or both) at some point in my (current) lifetime. I hope she’s wrong, but really–exposure–what a funny word–as if our bodies were like film in a camera and could be forever altered by something they’ve come in contact with. Anyway, I had my blood drawn, then–because I’ve been on the internet again–picked up a new supplement (an amino acid) to hopefully help with my histamine-laden skin.

Afterwards I ate the first of my three dinners for the evening at a food truck (pictured above), then I met some friends for drinks and dinner number two. THEN I came home, had a short business meeting, and met another friend for drinks and dinner number three. At this point I’d like to point out that NONE of the meals I ate were on my “good in theory” Autoimmune Paleo diet. However, I feel justified in deviating (a lot) from my original plan, since the psychic told me I “may” have food sensitivities, and there’s obviously only one way to find out.

So as far as I can tell, I’m not immediately or deathly allergic to hot chicken, macaroni and cheese, beef sliders, cheese fries, or chicken barbecue pizza. Nor am I allergic to beer with blueberries, which–by the way–are apparently good for my fifth chakra problem because they are blue and so is the fifth chakra. (Again, I got out of bed for this wisdom.) Anyway, THEN I went to see a drag show because, hell, why not? Now it’s five in the morning, and I’m done, ready to sleep. Still, I’m grateful for this day and my exposure to Psychics, Mormons, and Drag Queens. I feel ever-so-slightly changed by them–more open, tolerant, and kind. So perhaps our bodies are like film, all of us constantly redeveloping from one exposure to the next.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Being scared isn’t always an invitation to run away. More often than not, it’s an invitation to grow a pair and run toward.
