Timeless (Blog #582)

Hum. What to say? Today was–a day. I woke up, ate breakfast, and spent a couple hours organizing old photos. (This project’s going to take a while.) Then I took a nap, ate dinner with my family (Mom made a roast), went for a two-hour walk, and ate again.

The end.

Really, I wish I had something more remarkable to talk about, but some days are–well–forgettable. This is something I’ve thought about during my photo organizing project. The pictures represent roughly ten years of my life, and that’s over 3,600 days. 3,600 days I woke up, did something, and went to bed. And yet SO FEW of these days stand out specifically by–well–date. I keep texting my friends asking, “What year did that happen?” Not that I don’t have hundreds of memories–I actually have pretty great recall for names, faces, events, and places–but everything is jumbled together.

For example, here’s a picture of me, my friend Justin (before he grew a beard), his brother, and their uncle when we visited Justin’s family in upstate New York. My first guess was that it was in 2003. As it turns out, it was 2009, Justin said, just before Justin and I became roommates.

Justin’s great with dates. It’s the way his mind works. I used to keep calendars, and maybe that’s why I needed them, as my brain lumps things into different, non-linear categories–people I know through dance, times I’ve visited Albuquerque, theater shows I’ve seen, or EXACTLY where I was standing whenever such-and-such happened.

I threw my old calendars away several years ago during one of my purges, but I kept wishing today that I still had them to help me label and sort my photos. For the same reason, I’ve been wishing I’d kept daily journals growing up, something like this blog. But then, really, even I wouldn’t want to go back and read them. Oh yeah, THAT was the day I had a sinus infection and ate macaroni for lunch.

Which, honestly, could have been ANY day.

As I’ve thought about it this evening, it’s occurred to me that although my brain LOVES the idea of my memories being filed away neatly by date, my body–and yours–jumbles everything together. One minute you’re right here, right now, laughing with your friends, the next minute you’re back in your childhood, that awful thing just happened, and you’re crying.

I don’t know–sometimes I look at old photos and wish I still had that outfit or that waistline. Or I wish I’d done more, done less. Taken more pictures, better pictures. Kept better records. Whatever. But this afternoon I remembered a trip to Dallas as a child and recalled exactly where I was standing when I heard “Achy Breaky Heart” by Billy Ray Cyrus. Five minutes later I was twenty years older, in upstate New York with Justin and his family, on our way to Niagara Falls. Twenty years, thirty years–what’s the difference?–it’s like it was yesterday. For these reasons, I know age, waistlines, and outfits don’t matter–because we’re so much more than anything you can keep track of with a photo or a calendar. Truly, we’re ageless. Truly, we’re timeless.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Any mundane thing–an elevator ride!–can be turned into something joyous.


On Being Out and Proud (Blog #477)

Last night I worked until three in the morning helping my friends pack. Then I came home, showered, slept for four hours, and got ready to go back to work. But not to help my friends–it’s two o’clock in the afternoon now and that starts in an hour–I had a dance lesson this morning at 9:30. 9:30! What an ungodly hour for dancing. Of course, you know my motto–If you’re paying, I’m dancing–so I was there with bells on.

And plenty of coffee in hand.

Let’s talk about being gay. Specifically, let’s talk about the fact that I am and the fact that at the age of thirty-seven, I’m almost completely–but apparently not always–out of the closet. Sure, I’ve made a lot of progess. In my early twenties, I used to lie about it. People would ask me if I was gay, and I’d say, “No–Who, me?–I like girls–Vaginas are just the BEST THING ever–Can’t get enough of them.” Then in my mid-twenties, I came out to my family and close friends, then eventually stopped lying about it. If someone asked, I’d tell them. But I wasn’t “out and proud,” whatever that means. Like, I didn’t put a rainbow bumper sticker on my car or wear a t-shirt that said, “No one knows I’m gay.”

Although–people have told me–this was close to the truth.

Ugh. Coming out is such a gradual process. I’m a little bitter that straight people don’t have to deal with it. But then, of course, they have to worry about getting pregnant and, sometimes, making child-support payments, so maybe it all comes out in the wash. Anyway, when I started this blog, I just decided to say it–“This morning I was standing in a waffle line and saw a guy who asked me online for casual sex [and I said no, Mom].” I mean, that’s what had happened that day. It was the truth.

And I was tired of not being honest.

But back to the dance lesson this morning. It really did go well–one of the best and most fun I’ve ever had with a new couple. We worked for two hours. Then at the end of the lesson we were all just sitting around chatting–the groom, his mother, and his fiancée. And the guy, who grew up here, said he now lives and works in Dallas, and I said, “Oh–I was just in Dallas.”

“What were you doing there?” he said.

So I said, “I was in Houston working on business, but stopped in Dallas to see friends and have dinner.”

Then, like someone would in a normal conversation, he said, “Where did you eat?”

“Some Mexican place, I can’t remember, but they had a dessert that made smoke come out my nose.”

And then–and then–he said, “DID YOU GO TO THE BARS AFTERWARDS?”

All right, well, he didn’t scream it like that, in all capital letters. But that’s what it felt like. Immediately, it was like I was a closeted teenager again, afraid. I thought, Yes–if you must know–I went to The Roundup to dance with the gay cowboys BECAUSE I’M A HOMOSEXUAL. But what I said was, “No, I just went to dinner–because I had to drive home.”

Then I thought, That’s a fucking lie, Marcus. But, God, it was so awkward. I just met these people! This was a casual conversation, and–what?–I’m supposed to use it as an opportunity to talk about where I like to put my dick? (Is this too graphic?) Because that’s what saying, “I’m gay” often feels like to me, at least when all the other person’s doing is exchanging social pleasantries and NOT asking about my personal life. It’s like when you go to the proctologist or the OB/GYN and later meet someone new, and they say, “What’d you do today?” and you DON’T say, “This morning I had a digital rectal (or vaginal) exam,” but instead say, “I ran some errands” or simply, “I had a doctor’s appointment.”

Because it’s weird to bring up images of your WHO-HA with someone you don’t know from Adam.

And Eve. Or Steve. (Or who-the-fuck-ever.)

Like, you don’t spill your guts to everyone, every time.

I guess I still haven’t figured out when and where and how it’s okay to say, “I’m gay.” Again, I’m not sure if the straight community understands this–and I’m not asking them to–what it feels like to have to navigate every conversation and relationship, to always be “feeling out” how others might respond, to not know whether it’s okay to say, “I went to a gay bar this weekend” or whether it’s safe to walk down the street holding another boy’s hand. Because people have been seriously hurt or killed for this type of behavior. You know, being themselves. I’ve never had a negative experience, but that fear is certainly present, and I know that’s what was really driving my silence this morning.

Granted, I could have said, “Yes, we went out in Cedar Springs [which, everyone knows, is the Gayborhood in Dallas]” and seen where things went from there. Actually, as the conversation continued this morning, I did say that, when the groom asked where the restaurant we ate at was. “By the Warwick, in Cedar Springs,” I said.

“Oh, the Warwick is awesome,” he replied.

And that was it.

No big deal, no “You must one of those Friend-of-Dorothy, Cher-loving, thong-wearing queers.” None of that. Ugh–this is such a slow lesson to learn, that most of the world is more open and accepting and kind than I’ve previously imagined, that this is 2018 and someone from Dallas isn’t going to be shocked that their thirty-seven-year-old rumba instructor without a ring on his finger would go to a gay bar. Likewise, it’s a hard lesson to learn that being out of the closet doesn’t mean you have to be an out-and-proud screaming queen every minute of every day. I’m a homo, and all I talk about is homo things, and I’m never, never, ever afraid of what other people think of me. Because come on–I am afraid of what other people think of me sometimes, just as I’m afraid of being rejected and–here you go–of letting other people accept me just the way I am.

But I’m working on it.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


 Beautiful isn’t something that comes in a particular package. Beautiful is simply being yourself.


Have You Seen a Gay Man Pack? (Blog #375)

I have been adulting all day–paying bills, dealing with credit cards, sending official letters regarding medical bills and car accidents. I hate this stuff. However, I’ve also been teaching dance, which I love. But then I’ve also been doing laundry and packing to go out-of-town tomorrow, and I hate doing laundry and packing. Well, I guess I’m indifferent about it. But in the process of packing I realized I left my only pair of tennis shoes in Dallas a few days ago, and I hate that. Also, I have to get up early to go to the airport, so that’s another hate.

I’m ready to scream.

As a species, gay men don’t travel light.

Really, I’m just stressed. I thought I was going out-of-town for five days, returning for one, then leaving again for four more. But I found out today that the two trips I’m taking (to Memphis and Hot Springs) are literally back-to-back. I’m going from one place to the other, which means I have to fit ten days worth of clothes into a small carry-on bag. Y’all, I realize I’ve been living as a minimalist this last year, but–HELLO–I’m still GAY. Have you SEEN a gay man pack? As a species, we don’t travel light. Seriously, I could fill my carry-on with hair products alone. Currently my bag is filled to capacity, and I STILL have clothes in the dryer.

I’m going to have to pray about this.

About forty-five minutes ago I went to Walmart to look for a replacement pair of tennis shoes. This was a waste of time. Not that they didn’t have plenty of shoes to choose from, but none of them were the right brand. Again–I’m a stuck-up homosexual. I thought, I’m desperate, but I’m not THAT desperate. I’ll make do with my Polo boat shoes. Even if they hurt my feet, at least they’ll look nice. I realize this line of thinking is in direct opposition to yesterday’s post about the inside mattering more than outside. I make no apologies for this. As Walt Whitman said, “I contain multitudes.”

Surely I’ll find a way to make it work.

Now I’m trying to talk myself down from a ledge. I still have some packing to do and also need to take a shower. Oh, and sleep–I need to sleep. I’m telling myself that the upcoming trips are going to be great. Regardless of how much rest I get tonight or what clothes I end up taking, I’m sure I’ll have a fabulous time. Plus, if I need a new pair of shoes or anything else, I’ll find a Target or a shopping mall. I’m also worrying about how to do my job (travel writing) on the trip AND continue this blog, but I’ve obviously found a way to make this blog work so far, so surely I’ll find a way to make it work again. Like tonight’s blog, some of my posts may be shorter. (And that’s okay, Marcus.)

Also, some posts may conclude abruptly.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


You absolutely have to be vulnerable and state what you want.


Any of Us Can Stumble (Blog #373)

Last night I went out dancing in Dallas with my friend Bonnie to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the blog. The evening culminated about two-thirty in the morning at an all-night diner where the above picture was taken. I hesitated to post it because I think I look “clearly drunk,” but then again, I was. Not that I was falling down or anything, but I was certainly feeling good and loving life. Bonnie and I joked that the multi-colored squares on the wall behind me were reminiscent of The Partridge Family. I kept thinking, Come on get happy. Oh wait–I already am.

Honestly, the reason behind my happy expression wasn’t just the alcohol. Bonnie and I spent the evening dancing with some of God’s most mysterious and precious creatures–gay cowboys. The bar we went to is called The Roundup, and if you’ve never been there, it’s like stumbling into a roomful of unicorns–that is, two-stepping, line-dancing homosexuals. It really is a happy thing to see, a dance hall full of not only homos (which I can say because I am one), but also lesbians, heterosexuals, and even the occasional drag queen–or, as I like to call them all, people.

Last week when my mom asked me what I would be doing in Dallas, I said, “Dancing with gay cowboys.” I said it in passing as I was walking out of the living room and down the hall, but I could hear my dad say, “Judy, one day you’ll learn to not ask so many questions.” I tell this story because I almost didn’t write about my time at The Roundup on tonight’s blog, thinking people might prefer not to know that dancing, homosexual herdsman even exist. But Bonnie referred to gay clubs as “a sacred space,” a safe space where everyone is welcome and encouraged to dance with and show affection for anyone they want who’s mutually interested, and I think it’s important for people to know that happy places like this can be found.

In the south, even.

It really was a great night. There was two-stepping and line dancing until twelve-thirty or one in the morning, then “club” music until two. Everyone I met was really kind, and even the two people who turned me down for dances were nice about it. I say that, but I’ve been a little hung up on the rejections today. It’s always challenging to put yourself out there, ask a stranger to dance, then get turned down. But what a great thing to put yourself out there, ask a stranger to dance, and have them say yes. And that was definitely what happened more often than not last night, dancing with enthusiastic partners who said, “Let’s dance again later.” Like, people seemed to like me. Hell, I even had one lesbian hold me so close while I was following her that I can safely say I got more boob action last night than I ever have before. (Also, it didn’t change a thing.)

Here’s a picture of Bonnie and me just before we left the hotel to hit the dance floor.

For as “up” as I was last night, today I’ve been coming down. Mostly I’ve been tired, since we were awake until five in the morning and were supposed to check out of the hotel by noon. Plus, although I haven’t had a hangover today, I’m sure my system is still “processing” all the beer (and late-night chicken and waffles). You know how it is when you overdo EVERYTHING. My liver’s probably thinking, Who left this guy in charge of intake? Lastly, I’ve been reminded this evening (now that I’m back home) that despite the fact that I danced with multiple unicorns last night, all of my problems still exist. Within two hours of walking in the door, I had bills to deal with, an Amazon order gone wrong, and a website backup issue that took an hour to correct.

You can regain your balance.

While working on this blog, I’ve been looking through last night’s photos, trying to reclaim the joy I felt when I took them. I keep thinking, Come on get happy. But I realize you can’t make yourself feel any differently than you do. What goes up must come down. Last night as I was dancing with a guy named Fred, he was spinning-spinning-spinning me. After a few beers, it was honestly a challenge, but I was able to keep my feet under me. Still, when I finished spinning, Fred had to steady me just so. “I saw your eyes start to wobble,” he laughed. I guess this is what today and life lately have felt like–disorienting. But I’m reminded that, especially with a little help from my friends, I can regain my balance. I can stumble, any of us can stumble, and still continue this dance.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Sometimes we move with grace and sometimes we move with struggle. But at some point, standing still is no longer good enough.
