Giving and Getting (Blog #308)

Currently it’s six in the evening, and I’ve been at the library for a few hours working on marketing and such for the swing dance event. I love everything I’m doing and learning but am officially done working for the day. Still, I can’t get it off my mind.

Some of the books I’ve been reading about marketing focus strongly on customer service and the individual. The idea is that in today’s world of instant gratification and a million online options, it’s absolutely critical to go “above and beyond” with people. You have to treat them well, one at a time. They simply have too many other places to go if you don’t. I can’t tell you how much sense this makes to me.

Like, lightbulb on!

A few weeks ago I was looking for acupuncture clinics. Well, I found one that really looked sharp. They have a great website, stunning reviews, you name it. Their FAQ (frequently asked questions, Mom) page says they take some insurances–so call for more information. When I stopped by one day, they told me there was a form to fill out online to see if MY insurance was accepted and gave me a little green card with the link to the form on it. Then they answered a few of my questions and were generally helpful but not “over the top” about it. Anyway, I went home, filled out the form online, and–ten days later–got an email that said, “Your insurance does not pay for acupuncture, but let us know if we can still help you.”

Okay. In the beginning I was genuinely excited to have needles stuck in my sick body, but after almost two weeks of waiting and mediocre service, now I’m just–not. Like, spending one hundred and fifty out-of-pocket dollars for an initial visit doesn’t sound fun to me anymore. I guess I could change my mind tomorrow, but that’s how I feel today. This morning I thought, Why didn’t they put that link to the insurance form–I don’t know–on their website? I was already curious about their services and could have easily filled the form out online and saved myself from picking up the phone or getting in the car. And when they told me my insurance was not accepted, why didn’t they say, “We’re sorry. If we can still help you, here’s a discount code for your first visit.”?

I swear I’m not a (giant) customer service diva, and I really don’t care how someone else runs their business. Also, I know I could have done a lot of things differently when I had the dance studio. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. I’m just saying that, more and more, I truly believe little things can make a big difference. I know that in my situation with the acupuncture clinic, it wouldn’t have taken much more for me to feel like I mattered as a customer.

I guess that’s what this is all about, the idea that everyone wants to feel noticed and important, like our dollars and time mean something. Plus, in the world of computers and online shopping, I think we crave honest, human connection. Last week my dad was YELLING into the phone at the automated secretary on the other end–“I WANT TO SPEAK TO A REPRESENTATIVE–I WANT TO SPEAK TO A REPRESENTATIVE!”

With these things in mind, last night at the improv comedy show I performed in, I made a point to go around to every table within twenty feet of the stage and introduce myself. Hi, I’m Marcus. (Insert smile here.) Are you staying for the show? If so, I hope you have a great time. I was super nervous when I started this project, but after the first few tables, I calmed down. Before it was over, I was having the best time–and the show hadn’t even started yet. I met some ladies celebrating a friend’s birthday, talked to one couple who said they were having an affair (uh–probably a joke), and spent over twenty minutes with a woman who used to act, sing, and dance in Branson. “I was a triple threat,” she said.

Of course, I hope my talking to everyone made them feel welcomed and appreciated. I hope it enhanced their experience of the evening. That was the idea. But what I realized today is that I personally got something out of it. I loved meeting new people and hearing their stories. Plus, I was more comfortable on stage because I felt as if I had more friends in the audience, that more people were rooting for me. I don’t think this was just in my head–I think they actually were. Still, the point remains the same–you can’t give without getting. And no matter what you’re trying to give away to another–customer service, a kindness, a smile–you end up also giving to yourself.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Some days, most days, are a mixed bag. We cry, we laugh, we quit, we start again. That's life. In the process, we find out we're stronger than we thought we were, and perhaps this is healing.


Weird and Awkward Beginnings (Blog #88)

Today was a day for beginnings. Why some days are for beginnings and other days are for endings, I don’t know. But I suppose this is simply how the universe works. One day you pick up a cigarette. Another day you put it down. You tell yourself for weeks, maybe months, that it’s time to quit, but then one day it actually is. For me, there’s always a feeling that accompanies a fresh start. I wish I could tell you that such a feeling involved angels and trumpets, a parade where suckers are handed out to people who start diets. But that’s rarely the case. Rather, the feeling I get is more like a soft hum, something that tingles and buzzes inside of me and sounds like I’ve had enough. I’m ready. Shit. No more Camels and chocolate cake.

Or something like that.

Fortunately, today wasn’t about quitting anything. (Ugh. No one likes a quitter.) Although I guess anytime you start one thing, you have to quit another, even if it’s simply quitting not doing the thing you weren’t doing before. (I’m about to confuse myself, so I’ll just say it.) Today I started swimming again. There, I’m glad that’s out in the open, along with everything it implies. Yes, I wear Speedos (the square-cut kind). Sometimes I shave my legs (and absolutely love the way it feels). Of course, as is obvious from the above picture, I haven’t shaved anything lately. Anything–at–all.

Anyway, today I swam a thousand meters–sixteen hundred is a mile–and it felt great. When I first started swimming four years ago, I liked it, but it was difficult because it always felt as if I was sucking in more water than air. But after a few years, I started to get the rhythm of it. We’ll see how the summer goes, but I really think the sinus surgery I had is going to make all the difference, since I can actually breathe now. I mean, I haven’t swum in a year, but the ten laps today seemed easier than anything I’ve ever done before.

Messages from other people are requests, not requirements.

This afternoon before I went to the pool, I got two voicemails–two!–from my dentist’s office. I didn’t even listen to the second one, but the first one requested a “verbal confirmation” that I would be at tomorrow’s teeth cleaning. This after I verbally made the appointment last week and digitally confirmed by text a few days ago. I told my dad, “I’ve forgotten appointments before, but I’m an adult. I said I’ll be there, and I’ll be there. Hell, they used to send emails too.”

Dad said, “Marcus, not everyone keeps a calendar. I don’t think you realize how stupid some people are.”

The old Marcus would have called back to confirm, but the new Marcus thought, “Fuck that. I have better things to do.” Of course, it’s taken a long time for me to come around to this way of thinking. Really, I’ve spent most my life returning every text message, every email, every phone call. But therapy has taught me that messages from other people are requests, not demands, certainly not requirements.

Today at the pool I focused on my breathing, lifting my head every odd-numbered stroke so that I alternated sides. For the longest time, I’ve only come up on my right side, and I think that’s contributed to the imbalances in my body. Of course, lifting on the left side today felt weird, awkward, anything but smooth. I probably swallowed some pool water, so don’t even try to remind me how many little kids pee in it every day. I mean, they make chlorine for a reason!

While swimming, I was thinking about how often we to run away from anything that feels weird, awkward, anything but smooth. I know I used to see that in dance a lot. If people didn’t get something “right away,” they’d get frustrated, cry, even walk away. But–and I hate this–any new thing takes time to master, whether it’s dancing, swimming, or setting boundaries with secretaries at your dentist’s office. (My next step is to call them and say, “I have an appointment tomorrow and would like a verbal confirmation that my dental hygienist will be there.”)

A couple of years ago I had three incidents happen–bam, bam, bam– that involved bad customer service. In one instance, I was treated rudely at a medical facility, and in another given incorrect change at a restaurant. (It may sound high-minded, but I HATE IT when servers owe me $9.13 and bring me back $9.00 instead, like the rest doesn’t matter.) So when I talked to my therapist about these incidents and said I wanted to write letters to all the respective managers, she leaned forward in her chair, raised her eyebrows, and said, “DO IT!”

So I did, and it felt great.

In the case of the medical facility, I believe someone lost their job, or at least got a stern talking to. Either way, the manager said that if I had to return, please contact him personally. I also got a gift certificate from the restaurant. But none of that was the point to the letter writing. The point was to express myself, to confront a damn problem for once. Honestly, I’m still not a pro at confrontation. I usually have to be pushed pretty far before I’ll speak up. In any form, confrontation feels anything but smooth. But just like my breathing at the pool, it’s a hell of a lot better than it used to be because I’ve been willing to practice, even with little things like not returning phone calls that I simply don’t want to return.

This evening I started reading a book called The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to High Creativity by Julia Cameron. The book has been around for twenty-five years, but I’d never heard of it until a few weeks ago when two people told me about it within the space of a few days, which I figured meant the universe wanted me to read it. (God works in mysterious ways.) Well, I’m only a couple chapters in, but I’m riveted, and I already have homework. Specifically, starting tomorrow, I’m supposed to starting writing, by hand, three pages (called Morning Pages but will be Afternoon Pages in my case) about anything and everything that comes to mind. Sometimes called “brain drain,” the idea is that the practice gets out all the junk that’s currently blocking any creativity.

I’ll let you know how it goes, but I’m both excited about nervous about the idea. Excited because it makes sense, and I want to see how it changes my creative life. Nervous because, like learning to swim again and learning to handle confrontations, it’s probably going to feel weird and awkward for a while.

There are angels there to help, but they don’t blow trumpets.

They say that if you want a different life, you have to let go of the one you have. You have to do things differently. Personally, I’m finding that changes that really matter are usually a process. Maybe there are angels there to help, but they don’t blow trumpets because they know beginnings are pretty much always rough and not really trumpet-worthy. But anything you consistently work at–dancing, swimming, finding your voice, creating–will eventually smooth out. Just give it a little time, and it won’t feel weird or awkward at all. No, you’ll get the hang of it, and–what’s more–you’ll have a different life, a life that tingles and buzzes–and feels great.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Since one life touches another, we can never really say how far our influence goes. Truly, our story goes on and on in both directions. Truly, we are infinite.
