Gimmeabreak (Blog #964)

Last night I stayed up until 4:30 in the morning watching videos about symbols, religions, and conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories–there’s a rabbit hole I’ve been down more than once and always tell myself I’m NOT going down again. Not that I don’t find them fascinating. I do. Who DOESN’T love a good secret society? It’s just that the theories are SO overwhelming. The world is run by bankers, who are controlled by aliens, who built the pyramids. Y’all, I’m open to A LOT of possibilities, but gimmeabreak. Isn’t this idea a little TOO fantastic? I know, I know, that’s what those pyramid-building aliens want me to think. I’m just a pawn in their game. Fine. Whatever.

Could someone just tell me what’s for dinner?

This afternoon I slept in until 1:30, the latest I’ve slept lately. Anyway, because I didn’t have anything other than snoring on my schedule, I quickly decided to make today a library day. I’ll watch more conspiracy videos, I thought, maybe pay bills. This is exactly what I did. For two hours I watched videos while simultaneously using Google to fact check, then paid bills. And whereas in my head I’ve been making a big deal about paying bills for the last two weeks–like, it’s going to be awful, it’s going to suck–it wasn’t a big deal at all. In fact, I kind of enjoyed it. Not because I have a ton of money in the bank and it’s SO FUN to give it to my creditors, but because I rather enjoy math and balancing checkbooks.

I’ve said before that I have a lot of hangups around money. Thankfully, my hangups have gotten much better, and one of the things that’s helped me is the idea that money–paying bills and balancing your checkbook–is just math. Especially now that everything is electronic, money really is a matter of just moving numbers around. Anyway, I realized I used to do this all the time for an attorney I worked for and that it was never emotional for me. It was just addition and subtraction (which I’m good at). Only later, when it became MY MONEY, did it became emotional. That’s when I started to think, There’s not enough, there’s not enough. But lately I’ve been coming back to the idea that regardless of whether there’s a plus sign or a minus sign in front of the numbers in my checkbook register, in reality, I’m just sitting in a chair doing math.

More and more, it’s important for me to come back to reality. If I don’t, my mind can really get carried away. A year ago just the thought of paying bills would send me into a tailspin. I’d think, I’m going to end up living under a bridge, I just know it. Talk about a conspiracy theory. A conspiracy to make myself miserable. My heart would race and everything. But today when I paid bills my heart didn’t miss a beat. Not because my finances have improved, but because I have. Because I finally decided to stop making such a big production out of such a little thing. (Imagine a Hollywood-sized musical about my credit card bills here.) Because I’ve scared myself to death with visions of living in a van down by the river before, and talk about an idea that’s a little TOO fantastic. Yes, let’s come back to reality. You’re sitting in a chair doing math. It’s not the end of the world.

That won’t happen until the aliens come back.

I know, I know, they’re already here.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


It’s never too late to be your own friend.


Me, My English Teacher, and Nancy Byrd Turner (Blog #282)

It’s nine in the evening, and I’m finally sitting down to blog. I’ve been putting it off for a couple hours now, distracting myself by scrolling through social media and looking up rare sinus-related diseases on the internet. I’ve got to stop doing this, since it only takes about two seconds for me to convince myself that I’m “histamine intolerant” or “magnesium deficient” or that I have mold and moss, like the kind you see on the north side of trees, actually growing inside my head. Rather than read a book or watch a comedy special on Netflix, this is how I’ve decided to entertain myself until I see the doctor next week, by turning every health problem I have into a conspiracy theory that only I and the world-wide web can unravel.

I know–I could use a new hobby.

Earlier this week I spoke to my friend Marla, who was recently sick with the crud, maybe the flu. She’s better now but said there was a point when she just gave in to the illness. So I’m thinking of doing the same thing, saying, “Fine. You win. I quit.” I mean, it’s not like I haven’t tried or put up a good fight. I’ve made some progress. I’m better than I was. But I’m not myself. And surely there wouldn’t be any harm in spending a few days in bed, at least until I can see someone with a medical degree, throw all my vitamins and herbs down on their table, and say, “Here–this is your problem now. You figure it out.”

This afternoon I had coffee with my friend Lorena and told her that one good thing that was coming out of my being sick for so long was that I’m developing both patience and empathy. Like, one day I’ll be able to look at someone else who is overwhelmed and discouraged by their situation and say, “Hang on. Things will turn around for you one day. I promise.” Honestly, I hate this. I mean, patience and empathy are fine characteristics to carry around in your back pocket–I think you should have them–but I hate that, like a good husband, they’re so damn hard to acquire.

Can I get an amen?

Looking at the picture of Lorena and me, I’m thinking I need to shave my face. But this is another thing about not feeling well–shaving, or even taking a shower, feels like a daunting task, something I need to talk myself into, something I should get a gold star for after I finally do it. Like, Look over here, World–I bathed! I haven’t always felt this way about basic hygiene, but it’s amazing how “one little infection” can drop you to your knees and lower your standards. All of a sudden the word “accomplishment” has a very different meaning than it did before. It’s like you’re two-years old again, proud of yourself for, I don’t know, putting on pants.

I told my dad all this earlier, about how cleaning up felt like such a big deal. Currently he has a cold, but even when he feels well, I think he only showers once or twice a week. He said, “Just wait until you get thirty or forty more years on you, son.”

This is what passes for a pep talk in my family.

When I was in high school, I had a dictator for an English teacher–Mrs. Shipman. (I mean dictator as a term of endearment.) She used to interrupt us while we were praying–talking to the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!–in order to correct our grammar. Talk about someone who means business. Once she hunted me down in the lunch room to let me know that I’d misabbreviated “etcetera” as “ect.” instead of “etc.” in a party invitation I sent home with her son. I can still remember her finger pressing into my shoulder, the way she leaned over me as I was eating my Lunchables, the way I broke into a sweat. Honestly, I think it was overkill, but I’ve also never made the “ect.” mistake again.

Anyway, Mrs. Shipman made us memorize poems, and a few of them have never worked their way out of my brain, a fact I’m actually grateful for. One of those poems, by Nancy Byrd Turner, goes like this–

Courage has a crimson coat
Trimmed with trappings bold,
Knowledge dons a dress of note,
Fame’s is cloth of gold.
Far they ride and fair they roam,
Much they do and dare.
Grey-gowned Patience sits at home,
And weaves the stuff they wear.

Now it’s ten o’clock, and I’m ready to call it a night, at least wrap this up so there’s nothing else I “have” to do until tomorrow. I’m thinking of curling up in this chair with a hot cup of herbal tea and reading a book or watching a comedy special on Netflix. I’m telling myself, No more internet searches regarding your health, Marcus. No more playing medical detective. This is me giving in, if only for a night. This is me acquiring patience–grey-gowned, anything but sexy, necessary patience.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Healing requires letting go of that thing you can’t let go of.
