Content for Now (Blog #445)

This morning I got up at 6:15 in order to go to Fayetteville and be tested for allergies. This was something both my primary care physician and immunologist suggested after all the blood work from my recent battery of tests came back as “pristine,” just as good as anyone else’s if not better (so there). I’ve been looking forward to being tested, thinking we’d finally have an answer to my lifelong sinus infection problems and recent skin irritations. But when I got up this morning I was nervous. I thought, What if I’m allergic to dogs, dust mites, grass, and everything else under the sun? Do I really want to KNOW that?

Thinking it was quite possible for me to “flare up” in response to being tested this morning, my friend Bonnie offered to take me. “If your body overreacts and you feel miserable,” she said, “you shouldn’t have to drive.” Wasn’t that kind of her? I’ve been dragging myself to doctor appointments for months now–alone–and that’s okay–but I can’t tell you what it meant to have someone simply offer to tag along, what’s more to actually go. At the butt crack of dawn.

Talk about a good friend. (I guess that’s what I’m doing.)

At the allergy clinic, I was taken excellent care of. They even weighed me in kilograms to protect my ego. (I’m under a hundred!) Now that’s service. But seriously, I was there for a solid two hours, and half of that was them taking a full medical history and me getting to ask questions. Then came the “fun” part, when the nurse scratched or pricked me sixty different times to test me for common allergens like dogs, cats, mold, ragweed, and every tree you can think of. For this I lay shirtless on my stomach as I gripped the table and–with each needle scratch–practiced enunciating my favorite curse words.


Son of a bi-otch!

Y’all, these expletives were justified. It felt like the nurse was planting saplings between my shoulder blades with a rusted shovel. Granted, it didn’t hurt that bad at first, but it just went on and on–poke, poke, poke–like some sort of medieval torture device. What’s worse, I could have sworn the nurse was getting off on it, like one of those demented people on YouTube who enjoys popping zits, except this woman was popping perfectly good skin (mine). I can’t say how long this went on, but I was so grateful when it was over that I rededicated my life to the lord.

Of the sixty scratches, only fifty-eight contained actual potential allergens. The other two were controls, one being saline (which shows as non-reactive), the other being straight (as opposed to gay?) histamine (which shows as reactive). As I understand it, a person is “allergic” to any substance that hives up like the histamine control. The results take fifteen minutes to “come in,” during which time you’re not allowed to roll over or scratch. The nurse told me, “If you do, we’ll have to start over.”

So get this shit.

At the end of fifteen minutes, the nurse said I wasn’t allergic TO ANYTHING. That’s right, all that worrying, and nothing on my back hived up in response to our region’s most offensive allergens. See for yourself in the photo below. (The red dots are a normal reaction to having your skin scratched WITH A FREAKIN’ NEEDLE, and the one big bump in the lower right corner is the straight histamine.)

In response to why I sometimes sneeze or have watery eyes, the doctor and nurse explained that a person can be “intolerant” of things like animals or pollen but not truly be allergic to them. (Take an antihistamine, they said.) So that was the joke between Bonnie and me on the way home–that I’m INTOLERANT–I won’t put up with allergens, I simply won’t abide them. (UH-CHEW.) Honestly, I don’t know what to do with this information. Most of me is relieved. This is good news. Really good news. My immune system works. Better than I thought it did. (I was wrong, guys.) At the same time, SOMETHING has been negatively contributing to my health issues lately, and I still don’t know what that is. Alas, I leave this mystery for another day, content for now in the knowledge that something I thought was horribly broken (me)–isn’t.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.


On Serenity (Blog #427)

This morning I woke up at nine to the sound of a lawnmower outside my window. It might as well have been a freight train it was so loud. One minute I was sleeping soundly, and the next I was jumping out of my skin. Honestly, I thought it was the rapture, that the good lord was returning and the Archangel Gabriel had–I don’t know–lost his trumpet in a hand of blackjack and therefore was forced to use a weed whacker to announce the end of the world. Wouldn’t THAT be funny?

“Really, Gabriel?” the lord would huff. “Today is my big day! Is this the best you could do–A MOWER? I’m disappointed.”

“I’m sorry about the whole trumpet thing, lord, but how was I supposed to know Michael used to deal cards in a Las Vegas casino?” Gabriel would reply. “Plus, I really didn’t have time to adequately prepare. ‘No one knows the hour’ and all that. This took me COMPLETELY by surprise. I was in a pinch. It was either a mower or a kazoo, and since you were too busy putting on your white robes to weigh in on the matter, I made a last-judgment call. So sue me! Seriously, have some mercy–isn’t that your thing? I’m doing the best I can here.”

Twisted, I know.

Anyway, this morning after the mower woke me up, I put some earplugs in and went back to sleep. A few hours later I got up “for the day,” made breakfast, and read a chapter–a single chapter–in a book about healing. But then I got tired and took a nap. Then I read some more and went to Fort Smith to have dinner with friends and do some handyman work for my aunt. (You’d think I were a lesbian, what with my toolbox and all.) Then I taught a dance lesson, and now I’m home again, exhausted. I keep telling myself I’m going to keep these posts short so I can sleep. But then I get carried away–you know, imagining conversations between Jesus and the Archangels.

Jesus and the Archangels. Sounds like a band name. A gospel band name, of course.

On the heels of yesterday’s therapy session about rewiring my brain, I’ve been hyper-focused on being gentle with myself today. That’s why I took that nap this afternoon. Normally I would have powered through in order to keep reading, to learn something, to be “productive.” But shit, my body is tired. (There, I said it.) Even now I’m wiped out. And let me be clear–I hate that–I hate that my body has been so tired these last several months, that my skin is all freaked-out, that my muscles sometimes shake without my permission. Hate it. But it’s the truth, so this is me doing my best to accept it.


Every experience is helpful.

In addition to trying to rest and take things easier, I’ve also been trying to be kinder to myself in my thoughts today. Like, whenever I’ve gotten frustrated about my health, I’ve reminded myself that my body is stronger and wiser than I give it credit for. In the book I read today, a word popped out to me–serenity. And whereas serenity is not what I felt this morning when the mower cranked up, it is what I feel when I show myself mercy and place fewer demands on myself, my body, and my life. It’s that feeling of calm I have when I know and trust that every experience I have is helping me somehow, that all things are working together for good (as they say), that they have to work together for good because–well–they just have to. For me, serenity starts whenever I acknowledge that, like Gabriel in the above scenario, I’m doing the best I can here.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Who’s to say that one experience is better than another?


Closer and Closer (Blog #425)

Believe it or not, I’ve been up since 6:45 this morning and have been going (mostly) strong for 17 hours. Now it’s just before midnight, and I’m ready to pass out. However, that won’t happen until this blog’s done, nor will it happen until I change the sheets on my bed, which my doctor told me this morning that I should do. That’s right, I have a prescription for clean sheets. Did you know you’re supposed to wash those suckers more than once every presidential term?

As some of you are aware, my health since last October has been spotty at best. For months I had a sinus infection, then caught the flu twice, and have been struggling with a rather nasty skin irritation where no one wants a skin irritation. My primary care physician, whom I saw for the first time in January, then again in February, referred me to an immunologist, the thought being that I was basically born without a full deck in terms of my immune system. So six weeks ago I saw the immunologist, who said my blood work so far was pristine. “But let’s run some more tests,” he said. “We’ll check your lymphocytes and your antibody response to two vaccines.”

So that’s what we did, the final results came in last week, and I saw BOTH my doctors this morning. First I saw my primary care physician, and we mostly talked about two things–my allergy and skin issues–and my feeling shaky. I’ll do my best to keep this simple. In terms of my allergies, she said, “Let’s get you tested to see WHAT you’re allergic too. Once we know, it may be as simple as avoiding exposure (wouldn’t that be nice?). In the meantime, get new pillows if they’re older than six months (uh, try fifteen years) and clean your sheets, since dust mites are a problem for a lot of people, and they like to live where you like to sleep. Also, here’s a new cream to try for your rash.”

Speaking of the rash, earlier she’d said, “Maybe you’re allergic to condoms.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’d have to be DOING IT for that to be the case.”

But really, I live with my parents.

Anyway, regarding my shaking, my doctor confirmed that it was benign essential tremors, which run in my family and we’d discussed before, but have been worse lately. (They’re not overly visible to anyone except me, but they’re driving me crazy.) Here she said that there aren’t a lot of good options until things get dramatically worse, but that some people have had success with CBD oil (which is derived from the cannabis plant and legal in all 50 states, Mom), so I could try that.

The only downside–it doesn’t get you high. That’s a joke. I’d be a terrible pot-head. First, I’m paranoid enough as it is. Second, pot gives you the munchies. I’m trying to LOSE weight over here, not GAIN IT.

Shit, now I’m thinking of pizza.

Otherwise, my doctor recommended a couple (more) supplements I could try and said to come back in six weeks. Feeling encouraged, I killed some time by reading a book then went to my appointment with the immunologist. I’ll get right to it–here’s what he said as he sat across from me scratching his head and poring over my numbers. “Everything looks great. I’m not sure that I’ve EVER seen anyone whose immune system responded AS WELL to being vaccinated as your did. It did exactly what it should have–and more.”

I’m quite sure I blushed. “Why, thank you. We do try.”

The immunologist went on to explain that my immune system really did look superior. “There’s nothing technically wrong,” he said, “although some people have systems that are predisposed to certain infections, which maybe yours is.” When he got up to leave he said, “On one hand, you can be proud that you have such a stellar immune system. On the other, you can be pissed off that we didn’t find anything we can fix.”

“Fabulous,” I said, “I’ll be sure to be both of those things–proud and pissed off–for at least the rest of the day.”

Leaving the immunologist’s office, I went shopping for the CBD oil and one of the supplements my primary care physician recommended. (So far I’ve taken one dose of the CBD oil, and my hands are still shaking. What the hell?) Next I had lunch with a friend, drove home, taught two dance lessons this evening, then went to Walmart to buy new pillows and thus begin The Great Dust Mite Removal of 2018. My bed sheets are drying as we speak, as are the new cotton underwear I bought, which my doctor said I should wear for the rash “to let things breathe.”

I said, “Cotton underwear don’t sound sexy at all.”

She replied, “Well since you’re not SHOWING THEM to anyone anyway, then it doesn’t matter WHAT they look like.”

Everyone’s a comedian.

My body is healthy and capable.

Now I’m trying to make sense of all that’s happened today. I think I’m mostly thrilled. It really is good news that my immune system is not only not-broken, but is probably better than yours (nanana boo boo). And having spent the last several months thinking that something was seriously wrong, I’d like to be clear–this is a huge relief. That being said, I HAVE had a lot of problems lately, and it’s frustrating that I still don’t have a concise answer as to why. Consequently, I’ve been going back and forth today. One minute I’ve been thinking, Maybe my body is a lot healthier and more capable than I’ve been giving it credit for. The next minute, What if all this shit just keeps going on forever–the doctors, the appointments? What if we never get it figured out? But mostly I’ve been thinking, What if I have to wear not-cute, old-man cotton underwear for the rest of my life? But seriously, I’m trying to trust that all these things will work themselves out, that my body still has a few healing tricks left up its sleeve, that we’re getting closer and closer to a resolution.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Healing requires letting go of that thing you can’t let go of.


Breathing In AND Out (Blog #423)

After two nights of hard partying and eating and drinking everything Nashville has to offer, I woke up feeling sick this morning. Maybe sluggish is a better word. My body was just yuck. Here’s something–I quit taking antihistamines a few days ago in an effort to “give my body a break,” so my allergies have kicked up a bit. Consequently, last night my ears started itching, and this morning my sinuses were running more than Florence Griffith Joyner in the 1988 Olympics. I thought, Perfect, I’m getting ANOTHER infection.

Of course, by perfect, I meant decidedly not perfect.

I’ve spent the afternoon trying my best to cleanse, guzzling water as if it were going out of style. I’m sure I’ll be up five times in the middle of the night to pee, but maybe in the process I can flush out all of my bad decisions. With any luck, they’ll swirl right down the pipes. Goodbye, cheese and chicken nachos. Goodbye, Blue Moon and scotch.

Blue Moon is a beer, Mom.

In addition to hydrating, I spent the afternoon helping Mallory and the gang get ready for Bonnie’s birthday party, which was this evening. Several days ago we decided on a dinosaur theme because Bonnie likes tiny dinosaurs, in part because of tiny dinosaurs we saw in Austin last year and a subsequent post I wrote about the little suckers. Anyway, I already had plates, napkins, a table-cloth, and a banner with dinosaurs on them, and today Mallory and I picked up some plastic dinosaur toys to set on the table. Later Bonnie said, “I love it. It looks like a party for an eight-year-old boy.”

Here’s a picture of the table just before the festivities kicked off. (For the foodies out there, that carrot cake in the corner was made by magic elves out of nuts, angel dust, and frosting. In other words, it was delicious. Or as I like to say, fattening.)

In order to make the dinosaur toys more festive, we gave them all party hats, some on their heads, some on their tails. (The stegosaurus got three hats on his pointy spine.) One dinosaur even got a polka-dotted collar. (In the photo below, he’s the one with the sign that says, “I heart BoYo.” BoYo is Bonnie’s nickname.) One dinosaur had a sign that said, “Happy Birthday,” but the remaining three had signs that protested growing older. The stegosaurus’s sign said, “I want my life back (now),” and the t-rex held two picket signs in his tiny arms–“Aging Sucks!” and “Down with this sort of thing.” Lastly, the long-necked dinosaur had a sign around his neck that said, “I feel fat!”

Here’s a more zoomed-in picture. Is this the cutest thing you’d ever want to see or what?

After dinner and cake, our crew played a board game, and since Mallory turned the air down (like she does), everyone had to wrap up in blankets to keep from freezing. And whereas everyone else got a “normal” blanket, I got a shark blanket, as Mallory has some strange obsession with sharks. Check it out. When the photo was taken, I’d just finished saying, “What do I do with my hands?”

Now it’s one in the morning, and I feel like a field of dandelions is blooming in my nose. I’m tired. So often these two things put together–sick and tired–make me frustrated, but in this moment, I’m compassionate. (I’ll explain.) This morning at the breakfast table, while eating a homemade waffle, I told Bonnie that although I don’t know exactly what’s going on with my body medically, to me it feels as if it’s on “high alert.” My allergies are set off at the smallest provocation, and my skin gets irritated if someone looks at it wrong. I said, “It’s like my body is mirroring my emotional state. I’ve seen so many shoes drop, most days I don’t know how to expect anything but shoes dropping. Consequently, it’s nearly impossible for me to calm down, to de-alert. If there were one message I could tell both myself and my body, it would be, ‘It’s okay, sweetie, the worst is over. You can relax now.'”

You really do belong here.

I’ve lived so much of my life waiting for shoes to drop, breathing in and just holding it, I honestly forgot that it’s possible to be steady, to not be worried or nervous all the time, to not be constantly irritated or otherwise worked-up about something. Like, no matter where you are or what’s going on, it’s possible to breathe in, then breath out, and feel completely at home and at ease. Like you really do belong here. Like life is on your side. I can’t tell you how much I want this. Better said, I want more of this, since that at-ease feeling does come occasionally and usually in the most unexpected moments. I’m talking about peace, of course, that feeling you get when you’re crying into your waffle because you’ve finally been honest about being scared all these years, finally let go a little, finally breathed out.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Healing is like the internet at my parents’ house—it takes time.


The Same Team (#413)

This “morning” I woke up at three in the afternoon. Now it’s ten at night, which means I’ve only been awake for seven hours. Consequently, I don’t have much to talk about. I spent the afternoon reading books, then this evening taught a dance lesson. Now I’m hyped up on coffee and ready to go for a jog, but really need to do this first. The last few nights I’ve blogged during the wee morning hours, and it’s just not an easy thing to do when you’re exhausted–thinking, that is.

One of the books I read this afternoon was by Alexander Lowen, about bioenergetics. Bioenergetics proposes that tension in the body is often the result of unexpressed emotions, so the book has a series of exercises designed to help a person release emotion (and therefore tension), which I’m slowly working my way through. The exercise I tried today involved lying on my back on a bed and vigorously kicking my legs up into the air and down onto the mattress. (The point was to express anger and loosen up the pelvis, but I think this activity would also work to fluff your sheets.) Anyway, thank God Mom and Dad were gone when I gave this kicking thing a whirl. I sounded like a boxer beating up a punching bag. I actually broke a sweat.

The body never forgets.

A lot of self-help books suggest punching pillows to get rid of anger, but that’s never really been my thing. I always feel so silly, standing in my room getting violent with a cushion. I mean, what did that fluffy little thing ever do to me? But the exercise today was different, perhaps because it involved my whole body. The book says if you do it “right,” your head will rise up off the bed. You might even use your arms. For me, this really felt great–tiring–but great. I even tried one version where I yelled “NO” over and over again. At first my voice was rather weak, and I thought, This is ridiculous. I wonder what our family dog must think of me right now. But then my voice grew stronger, and I immediately thought of a several incidences from my past when a solid no would have come in handy. And I guess that’s the point–the body never forgets.

Yesterday I saw my therapist and was somewhat down afterwards, I guess because sitting with your emotions isn’t always fun. But since “kicking and screaming” this afternoon, I’ve felt great. I’ve been in a good mood. Several times I’ve even laughed out loud when thinking of something funny. I love it when this happens, when I entertain myself. I usually think, Well done, Marcus, well done. You’re so clever.

Isn’t that fun, being you’re your own best audience? Personally, I’d like this to happen more, since historically I’ve spent a lot of time being my own worst critic. I’ve looked in the mirror and thought, That needs to be different, or considered a health problem and thought, My body is failing me. But one of the ideas the bioenergetics book proposes is that our bodies are always on our side, since–uh, at least on this planet–we are our bodies. This is something I’m trying to remember, that my body wants to heal as much as I want it to, that we’re on the same team here.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


We can hang on and put everything safely in its place, and then at some point, we’re forced to let go.


A Time I’d Like to Remember (Blog #403)

Whatever I said yesterday about my body not hurting “that bad” after jumping around on a trampoline this weekend, I take it back. Everything hurts. I’ve been shuffling–shuffling–around the house all day. Like an old man with a walker. They say the second day is always the worst, so maybe it’s downhill from here–or would it be uphill? I guess downhill usually means smooth sailing, but it could also mean that things are getting worse. The English language is so confusing.

Now I have a headache. I really shouldn’t think so hard.

Today I didn’t have a damn thing I had to do–nothing on the calendar at all. Consequently, I’ve been cooped up in the house from the time I got up this afternoon. I haven’t even gone to the mailbox. (Tonight’s selfie, at Starbucks, was taken yesterday.) I did consider taking a walk this afternoon, but thought, My allergies are already acting up. The last thing I’m going to do is step outside during pollen season and intentionally breathe! Instead, I propped myself up in a chair and read several chapters in a how-to book about comedy.

But don’t expect things to all-of-sudden get any funnier around here. (That’s not the way it works.)

Later I tried to take a nap but couldn’t sleep, so I watched two movies. One was about Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis and starred Sean Hayes, and the other was an old Disney movie my sister and I used to watch starring Jodie Foster. I do this occasionally, feel the need to go back decades later and rewatch movies I grew up on. I find it fascinating. Today I remembered several details about the movie–the opening scene and the movie’s ending were quite familiar–but most of the middle was faint, fuzzy, or even fresh, as if I’d never seen it before. It’s weird what your brain decides to hang on to and let go of.

Other than that, I’ve been eating constantly. The body is such a mystery. The only thing I’ve done all day is either sit in a chair or lie in bed, but the way I’ve been raiding the refrigerator, you’d think I were a marathon runner. Maybe I just don’t have anything else to do. Maybe I’m a “bored eater.” Or maybe I’ve just been starving myself to death on the Autoimmune Paleo diet for two weeks (I turned down spaghetti today). Maybe my stomach has finally had enough of grilled chicken and sweet potatoes and that’s why it’s screaming, “Give me some damn corn chips.”

That’s probably it.

I don’t have a big takeaway today but am ready to go to bed. (If I don’t, I’ll eat something else.) My eyes are watering, practically running like Niagara Falls. But I keep thinking about that Disney movie my sister and I used to watch, how seeing it today reminded me of a time when I wasn’t concerned about going outside because of the pollen count or whether or not what I was eating was good for me. This is a time I’d like to remember more often, a time when I didn’t think so hard, a time when the world worked without my worry.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


If another's perspective, another's story about you is kinder than the one you're telling yourself, surely that's a story worth listening to.


More Complicated Than Car Doors (Blog #390)

Today is day two for me on the Autoimmune Paleo Diet, and it still sucks. If anyone ever tells you that giving up eggs and coffee for breakfast is anything but “sucks,” you tell them to go to hell. As if being constantly tired, hungry, and cranky weren’t enough, this afternoon I started experiencing caffeine withdrawals, which are apparently just the thing to ruin an otherwise glorious spring day. One minute everything was fine, and the next minute every muscle in my skull started gradually clamping down. Four hours later, about the time the entire world looked fuzzy, I caved and took some Tylenol. You’d think my body would reward good behavior like drinking water, but no.

But seriously, coffee, we miss you.

Today was a full day, at least for me. I got up early to make breakfast and go to a chiropractor appointment, then came back home to take a nap. (I’ve been exhausted for three days.) After my nap, during which I drooled all over myself, I made lunch. This is the thing about being on a diet–you spend a lot of time cooking. But y’all, I’m not a cook. Like, I can do it, but I don’t like to experiment or get creative. In other words, I do it because I have to, not because I love to. That being said, I’m “trying” to have a good attitude over here and get outside my comfort zone. Last night I actually read a recipe for liver pate (yuck, but I’m open to it). Also, I’m trying to batch cook so I don’t have to cook so often.

Unfortunately, batch cooking isn’t really working because–well–I eat everything I make immediately after I make it.

This evening I had two dance lessons, then came home to–you guessed it–cook dinner. During this process, my parents, who borrowed my car (Tom Collins) to go out-of-town today, returned, and my Dad told me he discovered that two of my doors weren’t locking. I guess this is a nervous habit he developed a long time ago–a distrust for automatic door locks that manifests itself as walking around the car after locking it to make sure all the doors are tightly fastened. Sounds funny, I know, but I’m glad he does it–who knows how long my driver’s side rear door and hatchback (trunk) door have been completely unsecured.

Naturally, I was upset. To think Tom Collins has been tootling all around town for weeks–maybe months–so–what’s the word?–unprotected. How unladylike! I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve told him, “Tom, you can’t let just anybody open your doors. Especially your rear end door–that’s special.”

But I digress.

After dinner I set my mind to fixing the door problem, meaning I looked it up on Google, which wasn’t much help. Everyone with a similar problem said it was probably the actuator, the motorized piece of equipment that locks or unlocks each door. But in my case, for both doors, I could hear the actuators working. So, first thing, I crawled in the backseat and shut the door with the problem. Then I tried to lock it. And whereas it wouldn’t lock automatically or even manually with the door open, it did lock manually with the door shut. AND THEN, it worked automatically. Go figure. It must have just plain-old-fashioned stuck. (I should probably grease it later.)

Thinking that the two broken door locks were connected, I hoped that by fixing one I’d consequently fix the other. But no such luck. No matter how I locked the car doors–with the button inside or with the key outside–the trunk wouldn’t lock. It’d latch, but it wouldn’t lock. But again, I could hear the actuator working, so I assumed it wasn’t an electrical problem, but rather a mechanical one, like some lever wasn’t doing what was supposed to do.

With this logic in mind, I took off the plastic panel on the inside of my hatchback and discovered the inner workings of a trunk door. Y’all, it’s fascinating. First, there’s a latch or hook that closes around a piece of metal whenever the door shuts. (This mechanism is also responsible for turning off or on the light in your trunk.) Then there are two levers–one connected to the handle on the outside of the door that releases the latch whenever you want to, say, load your groceries or haul a dead body to the river. (That’s a joke, Mom.) The other lever is the actuated or motorized one, and it simply slides a rod into or out of place that locks the latch so that the outside handle can’t open it. Anyway, it took a little while to figure out, but for some reason my actuator was missing two screws that held it in tightly against the frame of the car. Maybe they jiggled loose or something, but the result was that the motor worked, but it wasn’t actually holding the rod or lock in place because it wasn’t “stabilized.”

Anti-climactic ending: I attached two screws to the actuator, put the plastic panel back on, and everything worked like a charm. Tom Collins is–once again–a man with standards, a man with dignity, a man with a back door that won’t open for just anyone.

My dad made a big fuss over my fixing Tom Collins tonight, and–I don’t mind saying–I am pretty proud of myself. But for me it was just a matter of figuring out how the whole thing was put together, seeing what causes what. This is what I love about home repair, electronics, and computers. Not that I’m an expert in any of these fields, but I appreciate that they all have a structure that can be deciphered and understood. When something doesn’t work, there’s a reason. Also, this is what I hate about physical illness and bodies, not that there aren’t reasons for things that go wrong, but that those reasons are so difficult to figure out sometimes. Bodies are so mysterious, much more complicated than car doors. I’m trying to remember this, that they take more patience to understand and work with, that they require more than a couple hours to repair.

[If it’s not obvious, I took tonight’s photo in the trunk of Tom Collins. I’m thinking of doing all my selfies back there from now on, since the backlighting–I think–makes me look so angelic. Try it for yourself and see if you don’t have similar results.]

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Life doesn’t need us to boss it around.


The Long, Slow Road (Blog #389)

This morning I officially started the Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP), and I don’t mind saying it sucks. Granted, all the food I’ve eaten, which basically amounts to meat, vegetables, and fruit (minus nightshades, nuts, and eggs), has been delicious. But no matter how much I eat, I just stay hungry. This has always been my experience whenever I’ve given up breads and sugars in the past–it takes a while to get adjusted.

My main irritation is that whenever I look in the refrigerator or cabinets, all I can see are the things I CAN’T eat–things like peanut butter, peanut butter, and peanut butter.

I’m trying to remind myself that it’s not that I CAN’T eat peanut butter and all the other no-noes in the kitchen, but that I’m CHOOSING to not eat them in order to give my body a chance to heal. Last night a friend explained to me that nightshades (one of the forbidden foods on AIP) is anything with a “cap”–tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. Later I read that nightshades can contribute to inflammation in some people, that they can actually cause or exacerbate eczema or contact dermatitis. Having spent the last several months with generally irritable skin and having recently endured a rather disconcerting skin reaction to a change in laundry detergent, I’m really hoping that CHOOSING to cut out nightshades will help. Not that I want to give up ketchup and paprika forever, but I would like my skin back. So here’s to Day One of Good Choices.

Let the healing begin.

Part of AIP is not just avoiding certain foods and eating others, but also “feeding your gut,” which means ingesting nutrient-dense foods and probiotics like bone broth, kombucha, and sauerkraut. (The plan also suggests eating liver and heart, but as my dad said, “No.”) Anyway, I “cheated” and bought bone broth powder last week, and this afternoon I picked up some kombucha and sauerkraut at the local health food store, since the grocery store I went to yesterday didn’t have the brands I wanted.

So this has been today–I’ve eaten two meals and two snacks, run one errand, and–y’all–I’ve taken two naps. For whatever reason–my recent immunizations or the change in diet (did I mention it doesn’t include coffee!)–my body is exhausted. I’m trying to go with it. This is a lesson I’m slowly (slowly) learning, to TRUST my body, to believe that if it’s irritated, there’s a reason, if it’s tired, it needs rest. Sounds simple, I know, but you wouldn’t believe the number of times I’ve refused to listen to my body’s messages, the number of times I’ve completely ignored them or insisted on soldiering through.

Of course, I wish my body’s messages were clearer. Like, if tomatoes are contributing to my skin issues, it’s obviously a cumulative effect, since it’s not like I eat one tomato and break out in hives. So I wish I had an internal buzzer that went off or maybe a blinking light that flashed whenever I picked a tomato up, some sort of warning signal that announced, “Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.” OH!–I’ve got it. What if our fingernails turned black when we touched something harmful like a handful of peanuts or even a sociopath?

That would be cool.

This is one of my big gripes about the way the planet earth is set up, that cause and effect aren’t always very clear down here, that we often have to look and look and look some more before finding answers. I realize God and the universe aren’t in the habit of asking for feedback, but if they ever do ask, that’s what I’d say. Like, did you have to make everything such a big mystery? And if tomatoes are such a problem, why did you have to give them a cute little cap and make them so damn tasty?

I mean–a vegetable with a hat–who WOULDN’T want to gobble that up?

You stop thinking you know everything.

Caroline Myss says that a big part of the spiritual journey is learning endurance, and I guess that means you can’t have everything handed to you on a silver platter. Rather, it’s been my experience that anything worth having–mental or physical health, money, whatever–are best enjoyed when they are hard-earned. Then they aren’t taken for granted. Plus, when you’ve had to look and look and look some more, you have more compassion for others who are looking, others who are trying to find their way. When things don’t come easily or quickly, you stop thinking you know everything. Consequently, you go easier on yourself and others. Yes, this is the benefit of long, slow road, the road that makes you stronger, the road that makes you kinder.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Just because your face is nice to look at doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart that’s capable of being broken. These things happen to humans, and there isn’t a one of us who isn’t human.


Determined (Blog #388)

Yesterday I announced to the world-wide web that I’d be starting a restrictive diet tomorrow, and I’ve been in a bad mood ever since. Like, I haven’t even give up bread or coffee yet and I’m already going through withdrawals. Last night I piled shredded cheese onto a dozen Triscuits, and was practically apologizing to the wheat and dairy–I’m so sorry I won’t be able to eat you for at least thirty days. It’s not you, it’s me. Dad said he thought part of my bad mood and general irritation was due to having been treated and fed like royalty for ten days then returning home to Van Buren. He may have a point. Imagine–here I’m having to prepare my own meals.

It’s so–what’s the word?–barbaric.

Since the food ax falls in the morning, I just went grocery shopping to stock up on all things healthy. (Don’t I sound excited?) Y’all, grocery shopping goes so fast when you can’t have chips, sauces, sugar, dairy, grains, or anything that tastes good. You just whip your cart around the fruit and vegetable section (woowho!), grab some protein, and you’re out in a flash. And I don’t know what it is–I came home with three big fabric bags of food, and I’m still afraid of starving this week. As if I’m going to waste away because I’m giving up beer and peanuts.

But really–I’ll miss you, Corona.

I keep telling myself Autoimmune Paleo is a good idea, that I’ve tried everything else to support my immune system, that eating well can’t hurt. This morning I woke up at ten, was awake for a few hours, then crashed hard for a nap. I’ve been feeling good lately, but my energy has disappeared since coming home from traveling. Maybe it’s “just something else,” or maybe it’s the vaccines I got Friday. I read online that those can make you tired, and my arms are still sore at the injection sites. Regardless, I feel like I’ve got to try something. I’m just not good at sitting still.

We live in a big, infinite universe.

I think this drives me a lot, the idea that life can be better. My body has been dragging for months, years really, and I’m at the point where I’m willing to try almost anything to see improvement. I’m simply not willing to accept the way things are–for the moment, yes, but not forever. This is why I continue to go to therapy, to explore different avenues of growth and self-development. We live in a big, infinite universe, and I refuse to believe that I have to live the rest of my life tired and exhausted or nervous, afraid, and insecure (about anything). Some days I have more resolve than others, but overall I’m determined–I’m going to have a better life; I’m going to find my way home.

Don’t stop looking for answers.

This is something I would tell anyone who is struggling internally or externally–don’t stop looking for answers. Sure, there are plenty of times that we have to accept life for what it is, and there’s a lot of peace in that. But I don’t think that means we have to believe that the way things are now are the way things will always be. After all, everything changes. And what else is hope but a belief that not only do things change, but also that they change for the better? That’s what I’m coming to believe, that hope is a good thing and a real thing–that even our challenges exist in order to call us toward something better and more beautiful within ourselves, to reveal our strengths, to remind us that we are so much more than we ever realized.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Life doesn’t need us to boss it around.


No New Damage (Blog #387)

Last night I went swing dancing, hoping to kickstart my body’s metabolism and lose ten pounds in one night. Well, I didn’t exactly lose ten pounds, but I did lose two-and-a-half. At least that’s what the scale said this morning. So that’s a start.

Tomorrow I plan to go grocery shopping in order to stock up for a new diet, which I hope to begin Monday. It’s the called the Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP) and is basically like Paleo–no grains, legumes, dairy, or alcohol–plus no nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants), nuts, or eggs. And whereas I’m sure I’ll lose weight on the diet, I’m actually starting it for another reason–to help my immune system, that pesky, quirky thing that’s been such a problem for me over the years and especially lately. For example, coming back from Hot Springs and my southern eating tour, I’ve noticed that my skin is more red and irritable than usual. I got two vaccines yesterday, per my immunologist’s instructions, and last night when I took the Band-Aids off, my skin was hived up in their exact shape. This doesn’t normally happen, so I think it’s obvious my body is on “high alert.” Of course, I don’t know that the diet will solve any of my problems, but it certainly won’t hurt.

Eating well never hurts.

There’s a psychological concept that I read about recently called “no new damage.” To me this means that when your life is falling apart or things are a mess, you don’t do anything to make it worse. Like, if you’re in debt, you don’t go on a cruise; if you’re stressed to the max, you don’t volunteer to take on a new project at work; if you’re diabetic, you don’t start eating Oreos for breakfast. This is a big reason I’m choosing to try this diet. Noticing that my skin flares up when I eat breads, fried foods, and beer, I’m planning to cut those things out in order to–at the very least–stop doing further harm.

I’m mostly looking forward to this dietary change, which could last anywhere from 30 to 90 days. It’s just over five weeks until my next appointment with the immunologist, so just the idea of eating differently makes me feel like “something” is being done to address my health concerns. That being said, this diet is more restrictive than anything I’ve tried before. Like, I have to give up coffee on this plan, and I hate giving up coffee. Plus, I’m going out-of-town for a day next weekend, and I hate being on a diet when I’m on the road. But the way I see it, if I don’t start soon, I won’t start at all. I mean, there’s always SOME reason to wait until later–traveling, someone’s celebration, the cost of groceries.

So here we go.

But seriously–no coffee? You may want to keep your distance for at least a week.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Boundaries aren’t something you knock out of the park every time.
