Me and My Body (Blog #525)

It’s six in the evening, and I’m at Panera Bread eating a salad and NOT drinking a beer because I just came from my doctor’s office. And whereas she said my cholesterol was not great but headed in the right direction (down) and my other numbers looked good, when we talked about my upset stomach she said, “Are you more stressed lately?–Has your diet changed?–Are you drinking more alcohol?”

“Yes–yes–yes,” I said. (Is this the Inquisition?!)

So now I’m trying to work on those things by treating myself “a little better.” (YUM–salad!) Additionally, my doctor wrote me a prescription for an acid blocker, which she said I could drop in favor of ginger tablets once things calm down significantly.

In terms of my up-and-down energy levels, she said both my testosterone and thyroid levels were good–nothing to worry about. Likewise, my B12 levels are UP, so I “should be” feeling more energized, which I suppose I am. (Woo!) “Do you wake up in the morning READY TO GO and EXCITED to face the day?” she asked. “That’s not exactly my experience,” I replied. So she suggested it might be a matter of whether or not I’m getting good REM sleep. “My sleep is unpredictable,” I said. “I’m kind of a night owl.” Thankfully, she said the TIME I went to bed didn’t really matter, so long as I was CONSISTENT about it. Otherwise, my body could easily get confused about when to go to sleep and when to wake up.

As my sleep patterns really are all over the place, I immediately imagined my body throwing up its hands in frustration and asking me, “What THE HELL is going on with you, mister?!”

To which I then imagined myself replying, “You know, that’s an excellent question.”

Otherwise, my doctor said I was in good shape. And whereas this is–once again–good news, it’s also a real head-scratcher for me. I mean, I have had some significant health problems this last year, so the fact that all my blood work keeps coming back as “next to stellar” is somewhat of a mystery to me. And yet, I am happy about it–this is cause to celebrate. Life isn’t as bad as I thought it was. MY life isn’t as bad as I thought it was.

It’s occurred to me recently that I often over-complicate things. (No. Not You, Marcus. Surely you jest!) But really, life has, plenty of times, BEEN complicated, and I’ve realized slowly over the last year or two that “complicated” has consequently become my expectation. This manifests itself as all-or-nothing thinking such as, I HAVE to FULLY commit to a diet, I HAVE to exercise EVERY DAY, or I HAVE to try fifteen prescription medications or natural remedies BEFORE one of them will work.

You know–complicated.

If this sort of thinking sounds like it would be exhausting, it is. Because isn’t it POSSIBLE that there are simple answers to the problems in our lives–at least simpler than we might have imagined? Like, get some better rest, drink more water, or take some ginger tablets? Couldn’t I just cut back, rather than cut out, beer and chocolate chip cookies? Couldn’t I just eat MORE salads instead of ALL salads?

Couldn’t I–I don’t know–go easy on myself for a change?

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


It's the holes or the spaces in our lives that give us room to breathe and room to rest in, room to contain both good and bad days, and--when the time is right--room for something else to come along.



Trying to Listen to Myself (Blog #522)

When I went to bed last night I was in a bad mood, completely frustrated about everything. This sucks, that sucks–even my thinking sucks, I thought. Ick. My inner critic really can be relentless sometimes–so loud–such a bastard. Thankfully, a good night’s rest helped hush him up. This morning, after I scarfed down a decent breakfast and two cups of coffee, I felt much better.

Today itself–Labor Day–has gone well. For one thing, I took time to read. I love reading. For another thing, I washed the sheets on my bed, something I haven’t done in–well–months. Then I washed myself, something I haven’t done in–well–days. And that’s been it–just a simple day during which I took time to clean up a few things and get this and that in back in order.

A reset.

I suppose this is what sleep is–a reset–a basic cleaning-up of daily crap and emotions. The brain’s way of saying, let’s put this here and that there, and let’s throw this away. Of course, I’m grateful for this. I’m glad my attitude today has been better than my attitude last night. It’s nice to NOT want to put a pencil in the eye of everyone you come into contact with. That being said, I’m thinking more and more that my difficult thoughts and emotions are there for a reason, that they have something important to communicate to me, something I should LISTEN to.

I know I’ve shoved a lot down over the years. Something will upset me–like, someone will cross a boundary, let’s say–or my body will experience physical pain, and I’ll just “be nice,” ignore the problem, or otherwise grin and bear it. Having used this strategy consistently for the better part of three decades, I do NOT recommend it. Because it’s not the truth. THE TRUTH is that I’m frustrated, angry, and pissed off about a lot of things. Likewise, my body is stressed out, upset, and in pain in a number of places. And whereas my default response is to take a pill and keep on plugging, I’m TRYING to pay more attention and decipher the messages my body and soul are sending me.

This, I think, is one of the benefits to being tired or sick–it gives all the stuff you’ve shoved down a chance to rise to the surface. And not that I want to run around emotionally vomiting on everyone I come in contact with, but I DO want to start honoring and giving voice to all those emotions that I’ve been ignoring for so long. For me this looks like listening to my gut and DOING something about it. For example, recently I had an experience with someone who was being passive aggressive (that is to say, aggressive), despite the fact that they said they weren’t. “No, I’m not upset,” they said. But clearly they were–so I confronted them. “I need you to be direct if you have a problem with me,” I said. And y’all, it was the weirdest thing. The words were coming out of my mouth, but it was like someone else–or at least another part of me– was saying them. I assume this odd sensation is because I’m so used to hearing myself “be nice.”

In addition to listening to my gut and DOING something about it, honoring myself also looks like listening to my body and TAKING CARE of it. For me this means that when my body hurts, I’m trying to not immediately shut it down, but rather go inside and try to give space for the pain to exist. Likewise, I’m trying to go inside and decipher the messages my body is sending me. Having lately tried a few “go inside” exercises that I picked up in a book about illness and healing–and having had good results–I’m convinced that our bodies are not only alive, but also intelligent, conscious, and capable of healing.

This idea–that my mind, body, and emotions are on my side, that we’re all in this together–has been a tough one for me to come around to. That being said, I like it a lot better than the opposite idea, the idea that my mind, body, and emotions are somehow “bad” or against me, something for me to suppress, repress, or overcome. Because I truly do believe there is wisdom here, not just deep down inside me, but throughout me–wisdom that is here to help, guide, and protect me. So I’m trying to listen to myself–I’m trying to finally listen to myself–to let all parts of me be heard.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


 Beautiful isn’t something that comes in a particular package. Beautiful is simply being yourself.


My Right Brain Walks on Water (Blog #497)

Ick. Gross. Crap.

Last night–in the middle of the night–I woke up shivering, absolutely freezing. In an absolute mental fog, I threw on an extra blanket and went back to sleep. Finally, I dragged my weak and weary ass out of bed this afternoon at two. The good news is that I didn’t (and don’t) have a fever. The bad news is that my energy level has been seriously in the red, and my stomach has been–once again–cramping. And one more terrible thing–I haven’t had a cup of coffee the entire day–not one single drop. (It hasn’t sounded good.)

That’s how I know things are serious.

Now it’s ten in the evening, and after spending most of the day in bed either reading or napping, I feel slightly better, a bit more energetic. (A bit.) Like, I can hold my head up without the support of three prayer candles and the Archangel Michael. That being said, I do have a good appetite and am keeping food down, so that’s something. Maybe–just maybe–I simply caught a twenty-four hour bug or ate something that disagreed with me. Maybe I’m not coming down with the flu for the third time this year–or dying.

That’d be really great–to not die just yet.

I guess we’ll see what happens tonight. Honestly, I think it’s a shit deal, the way a person can go to bed–exhausted, sure–but pretty much feeling finer than frog hair, and then the body can wake him (or her) up in the middle of a perfectly good dream by shivering, shaking, and twitching (or throwing up, or what have you). Talk about a rude awakening. Seriously, what the hell? From now on, I’m requesting that my body save all its complaints and dramatic activities for daylight hours.

Of course, I can imagine my body saying, “Hey turd, we TRY talking to you during the day, but YOU DON’T LISTEN.”

In which case I would have to respond–“Valid point.”

The book I’ve been reading today is called The Language of Change by Paul Watzlawick. The book was quoted several times in the hypnosis book I recently finished and is largely about the two sides of the brain (left and right) and how each side “thinks” and “speaks” differently than the other. In short, the left side thinks rationally and analytically, in words and “facts.” The right side, however, thinks creatively, in pictures and generalizations. As I understand it, a person’s world view, or their “this is the way things are,” is developed and held in their right brain first, AND THEN their left brain is used to justify it.

Think about THAT.

The book contends–and it makes sense to me–that since a person’s beliefs (and therefore their “reality”) is held in their right brain, it doesn’t make sense for them or their therapist to try to change or address their beliefs with left-brain language. Think about the number of times you’ve attempted to convince someone logically (that is, with your left brain) that they’re not bad-looking, or not a terrible dancer, or whatever. But if you were to speak the language in which that person’s beliefs were originally formed–well–then you might be getting somewhere. This is why metaphors and visualizations can work in changing beliefs and behaviors–because, like dreams, they are based on pictures, the language of the right brain. Likewise, this is why myths are important–because they use powerful images or symbols to communicate important ideas and ways of being–to your right brain. They’re not INTENDED to be taken as facts or even make sense to your left brain, that part of you that might (logically) ask, “Well, now, how COULD a person walk on water?!”

You can rise above.

Personally, I intend to start paying more attention to both my body’s signals (like, to get more rest) and my right brain’s pictures and dreams. Because, like Sergeant Friday on Dragnet, I’ve got the left-brain thing down. (Just the facts, Ma’am.) I can rationalize and analyze all day long. I can give you a hundred reasons why something won’t happen, shouldn’t happen. And yet there’s this other part of me–half of my brain!–that knows anything is possible, that firmly believes no matter how badly the storms in my life may rage around me, they don’t have the power to bring me down. This is the part of me that says, “You can rise above anything,” the part that says, “You can walk on water.”

[When I originally posted this blog–last night–I got the right and left brains switched up, stating that the left brain thinks in pictures and dreams. It’s fixed now. It’s the right brain that does that.]

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Healing is never a straight line.


The Sound of My Shoes Splashing (Blog #495)

For the last three days, my stomach has been upset something awful. I’m not doubled over in pain or anything–it’s not time to call an ambulance–but it has felt like a pubescent demon has been poking at my insides with his pitchfork.

Stop, demon, stop.

When I was a teenager, I had stomach problems constantly. I have so many memories of being curled up in my bed, knees to my chest. I used to toss back calcium tablets like they were candy corn. My therapist once said she thought my tummy troubles were because I was repressing my true (and fabulous) self. “You don’t think it was just a bad case of gas?” I said. Anyway, those days are mostly over. Mostly. A few years ago an ulcer (or something) did show up uninvited and lasted several weeks. I wanted to scream.

Well, get this shit.

In the midst of my last great intestinal undoing, I picked up a remodel job that required that I completely tear apart a friend’s subfloor, which had rotted due to water damage. I think it took two days and every hammer, crowbar, and power tool I had to bust up the tile, rip apart the linoleum underneath, and pull out the old plywood. Talk about feeling like a man. I’ve never done so much grunting in all my life. But the best part is that after I spent two afternoons absolutely fucking a floor up(!), my stomach problems completely went away.

Just like that.

My therapist said–in this instance–she thought my stomach problems were a direct result of my tendency to internalize my emotions (who, me?) and that busting some shit up was a good way for me to “get the poison out.” She’s recommended this strategy on a number of occasions–throw something, go for bike ride, break a damn sweat.

Believe it or not, I have been thinking about this advice the last few days while my stomach acids have been bubbling up and boiling over my intestinal cauldron. Actually, even BEFORE my stomach began hurting, I was thinking, I need to start walking again, maybe even running. But it’s been so damn hot. And I’ve been tired. (And drinking beer.) But when I woke up this morning and my belly was STILL hurting, I thought, Today’s the day–I’ve got to do something. So this afternoon I went to the health-food store and got some ginger/peppermint tea, as well as some kombucha, a probiotic drink that I was consistently ingesting before my recent two-week vacation but haven’t had since I’ve returned home. And whereas I think they helped, I kept thinking, Go for a run, Marcus. Get out of the house.

But again–it was like a hundred degrees outside, and I prefer to run at night.

Finally, just about the time the sun was going down and a thunderstorm warning was being issued for our area, I decided to take off. “I’m going for a run,” I told my parents, “but it’s supposed to rain.” My dad, engrossed in some television program, didn’t even look up. “You won’t melt.” So I stuffed a Ziploc bag in my pocket to protect my phone if it started raining and hit the pavement.

A half-mile in, the wind started picking up, blowing dust and trash across the road. It was like something from the movie Tombstone. Part of me thought, Marcus, go home before a tornado picks you up and sweeps you off to Oz. But surrounded by dark, billowing clouds and feeling the air push against my skin, another part of me thought, Keep running–this is what it feels like to be alive. (Don’t worry, Mom, it wasn’t lightning–very bad.) About twenty minutes in, the bottom of the sky fell out, so I ran up under a pine tree and slipped my phone into the Ziploc bag. Then I pulled my shirt off, shoved it in my pocket, and kept going.

Within minutes, I was soaked to the bone, but I was loving it–smiling, laughing, evening yelling along with the thunder (getting the poison out). Alternating running and walking, I played in the rain for two miles until I made it home, sometimes watching the “rivers” run along the sides of the streets, sometimes listening to my tennis shoes splash-splash-splash through the puddles, but never once thinking about my stomach.

That was two hours ago, and–go figure–my stomach is better. Maybe not perfect, but good enough that I’ve been going significant stretches of time without thinking about it. So that’s something. This afternoon I finished a hypnosis book that said if you’re having physical (kinesthetic) pain and can focus on something you see (visual) or hear (auditory), your pain will lessen or neutralize because it switches you over to a different input/output system. (You may want to try it NOW). So maybe that’s what happened. Or maybe it was the kombucha and ginger tea. Or maybe I had internalized a handful of emotions and frustrations (I DID just complete a road trip with my immediate family) and was able to EXTERNALIZE them.

We all need to feel alive.

Personally, I’m inclined to think it was the running and externalizing, since my body has been telling me for the last few days that it wants to run. So often I forget this, that the body has wisdom and knows what it needs. I’ve spent a lot of time lately inside with my nose in a book. I love reading, of course, but it’s easy to sit inside and 1) think I can solve everything with a book and 2) concentrate on my problems. And whereas these two activities are fun on a certain level (who doesn’t like to read and wallow?), neither of them feel like the rain on my face or sound like my shoes splash-splash-splashing through the puddles. Yes, we all need this–both once in a while and fundamentally–to connect with nature, to be soaked to the bone, to feel alive.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Boundaries are about starting small, enjoying initial successes, and practicing until you get your relationships like you want them. 


On Winnie the Pooh and Waiting (Blog #493)

This morning I woke up with an upset stomach, something that rarely happens but isn’t surprising considering all the pizza, soda, and chocolate pie I ingested yesterday. Anyway, I’ve been chewing Tums all day. I’ve even swallowed baking-soda water, a home remedy my Dad swears by. I mean, it does make you burp. Now it’s just after midnight, and “I think” my stomach is better. Not great, but better.


After waking up with tummy trouble, I went back to sleep until just after noon. Then I ate breakfast, read for a while, and took a nap. I’m not sure what it is, I just don’t feel super-duper today. Perhaps my travels are catching up to me. Regardless, this is the last place I want to be, sitting here blogging. I got my laptop out two hours ago to start working, but have only been procrastinating–that is, watching Major Crimes with Mom and Dad, researching the stars and planets, drinking a beer.

This afternoon I hopped in Tom Collins (my car) to meet my friend Bonnie to see a movie. However, Tom Collins was dead. I turned his key over, and nothing–nada–zip. And whereas my dad and I were going to jump him, we couldn’t figure out how to get him into neutral so we could roll him out of the garage and next to another vehicle. He was stuck in park. “We’ll have to deal with this later,” I said. “The movie starts soon.” So Dad let me borrow his car (that doesn’t have a name), and off I went.

Thanks, Dad.

The movie Bonnie and I saw was Christopher Robin, about the boy who used to play with Winnie the Pooh and friends but eventually grew up and forgot about the Hundred Acre Wood. It was absolutely glorious. Drop whatever you’re doing right now and go see it. (Take a box of Kleenex.) Not only is it beautifully filmed, it also conveys several ever-important messages–be yourself, don’t forget how to play, remember those whom you love, and (above all else) stand up to heffalumps and woozles.

That is, face those things that terrify you.

When I got home from the movie, Tom Collins was turned around in the garage, and I could see his red alarm light blinking. Dad’s fixed him, I thought. As it turns out, Dad brought our wonderful neighbor and his son over, and they did. I guess Tom’s battery was fine, but one of the wires that connects to the battery was loose. At some point I’ll need to replace the wire connector, but our neighbor and his son put something in between the battery post and the wire connector to keep the wire from wiggling around, so everything works for now.

Thanks, neighbor!

Help is always on the way.

One of my favorite quotes from the movie today was by Winnie the Pooh. Christopher Robin is rush-rush-rusing along, and Pooh Bear just stops. Well, Christopher is undone. “What the hell are you doing, Pooh?!” (These are my words not his.) Then Pooh says, “Sometimes if I am going somewhere and I wait, somewhere comes to me.” Ugh. What a perfect reminder. So often I run-run-run around, doing-doing-doing, trying to GET SOMEWHERE. I forget that it’s OKAY to get stuck in park once in a while. I forget that help is always on the way, dear. I forget that just as I am chasing my dreams, my dreams are chasing me.

And how are they supposed to find me if I’m always moving about?

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


A storm can leave your life just as quickly as it enters it.


Christ Between the Two Thieves (Blog #481)

Currently the only pair of swim trunks I own are short by anyone’s standards. They hit me about mid-thigh, higher if I’m sitting down. They’re orange and white, and I personally think they’re rather “gay.” (Since I’m gay too, it’s not a problem.) That being said, the more tacos and beer I eat and drink, the more I think, These shorts COULD use some more fabric. Anyway, I wore the trunks last night while swimming with my nephews and brother-in-law, and my younger nephew, who’s four, said, “Tio [Tio is Spanish for uncle], someone cut off the bottom of your shorts!”

So there I was, eighty-five percent skin (eighty-five percent beer and tacos), and my brother-in-law, who’s one-hundred percent Mexican, said, “You’re WHITE. You need to get some sun.”

This is how I was welcomed to Albuquerque.

Y’all, it’s a 100 degrees here–we’re in the desert for crying out loud–but it’s 65 in my sister’s house. (I think she’s doing this to appease my warm-natured father, but still, I’m freezing.) Last night when I went to bed, I shut both the vents in my room, turned off the fan, added two blankets to the bed, AND put a sock cap on my head. It’s the middle of July. All this to say that after breakfast this morning, I needed to defrost, so I curled up on the couch on the back patio with a blanket over my legs and a book (called The Hero Journey in Dreams) in my arms.

The blanket had ants in it, but it WAS warmer.

After a while, my aunt came outside to work in my sister’s garden and said, “Marc, I figured you’d be in the pool.”

Well, I thought this was a good idea, so I changed into last night’s shorty-short swim trunks, grabbed a towel, and headed for the water. And whereas the water felt great, I spent most my time in a recliner soaking up the sun (because I’m WHITE) and continuing to read for what I thought was about an hour. (I didn’t take my phone with me.) It really was the perfect morning/early afternoon–breakfast with coffee, reading by the pool, the warm sun. Glorious!

Except for the fact that I burned myself.

Y’all, by the time I came inside, I was already pink, mostly on my taco-tummy. Having toasted my back a few weeks ago, I thought, Shit, I‘ve done it again. But what do you do? Personally, I came inside and asked my sister for help. She’s apparently become one of those essential-oil people and told me last night that some of her oil magic (my words, not hers) had kept her from peeling when she got a sunburn not long ago. Anyway, the next thing I knew, I was rubbing a concoction of coconut oil and lavender (and eye of newt) all over my chest, and my sister was rubbing the same stuff all over my back.

“Let’s hope this works,” I said.

Afterwards, I left the house to go used-book shopping. Y’all, I LOVE to book shop and especially love to used-book shop. I could EASILY spend all my money on books and pretty much do. But I’m really proud of myself–I went to two large stores and perused for three hours and only bought two books–one on the history of Easter and one on hypnosis. $24.05 total. Not bad, all things considered.

Just before I left the last bookstore (in the middle of an empty aisle), I lifted my t-shirt and looked at my belly, which was BRIGHT red. Oh no! I thought, I’ve really done it. Back to the house, I looked in the mirror. Y’all, I was (and am) the color of a red, ripe tomato. My brother-in-law said, “How long were you out there?” I said, “Just an hour, but maybe longer.” My sister said, “Either way, you ARE at a higher altitude–an entire mile closer to the sun. Plus, it’s dry out here, and it sucks the moisture out of your body, so you fry faster.”

Now they tell me.

So basically I spent the afternoon in God’s convection oven, and now I look like a lobster. It’s not cute. Seriously, there’s a wide red stripe down my front and another down my back, and both my sides are white. I feel like a candy cane without the swirl. And I’m pooped. Earlier Mom helped me reapply the coconut/lavender witch’s brew, and I’m about to do it again and go to bed. I’m making jokes about the oils, but I will say that when I checked my skin about an hour ago, it was definitely less “angry.”


Tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor.

Currently my stomach is burning up, but I’m here in my sister’s giant meat locker–er, living room–freezing my ass off, despite the blanket over my legs and sock cap on my head. Tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor. The mystics say this is the world of duality (which is sometimes represented in mythology by the number two). You spend a glorious afternoon in the sun, you get a not-so-glorious evening to follow. Here, every up has a down, every good has a bad, and every hot has a cold; and you can run yourself ragged going back-and-forth between them, thinking, I want THIS and not THAT. But there is another way, say the mystics–the middle path, or acceptance of whatever comes your way. This is the Garden of Eden between the two cherubim, Christ between the two thieves.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Help is always on the way.


Number 6: My Tits (Blog #475)

This morning I had a checkup with my doctor. “I’ve been feeling pretty good, but my energy levels are still up-and-down,” I said. “We should check your thyroid and your testosterone,” she said. (I distinctly remember asking about my thyroid and her saying it was fine a couple months ago, but whatever.) So that’s the next step–those two tests, which I have to go back for because one of them (I don’t remember which) is most accurate at the butt-crack of dawn. (These are my words, not my doctor’s.) Also, she also said it’s time to re-test my cholesterol and B12 levels to see if the supplements I’m taking are working. More accurately, in the case of the B12, to see if my body is absorbing the supplement.

You know, some things don’t sink in with certain people.

Let’s talk about my nipples. I never used to think about them before puberty. But then “the change” happened (as it does to us all), and–uh–I don’t know–they kind of grew. Ever since then, they don’t stick flat against my chest. They “pop out” a little, the right one more than the left. There, I said it. My tits are asymmetrical. I’m telling you this because for twenty years now, my boobs have been a source of personal concern and worry. You know, I use them to compare myself to others. Not constantly, mind you, not every minute of every damn day. I do have other things to fret about. My hairline, for example, or my fallen arches.

I’m glad we can talk about these things.

As a teenager, I HATED taking my shirt off. I remember swimming practically fully clothed at junior-high pool parties; I was so anxious about my chest. Not that anyone ever cared or said anything. In high school I worked at a summer camp–I was a lifeguard for crying out loud–and I bore my torso constantly. Not once–not one single time–did someone say, “Good Lord, Marcus, you’d better start wearing a training bra or you’re gonna put someone’s eye out with those things.” But you know how shit becomes a bigger deal in your head than it is in actual reality. I just knew I was different because I didn’t look like him.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve mostly made peace with my nipples. But every now and then my old worries creep up like a pair of cheap underwear. Sometimes my right breast will–um–itch or something, and I’ll think, It’s growing! (or) I’m going to get man boobs! (or) I probably have too much estrogen because I’m gay and eat soy sauce!

Like you don’t think a lot of crazy things.

Anyway, this morning while I was preparing to see my doctor and making note of things I wanted to talk about, I added my nipples to the list. (Number 6: My Tits.) Last year while watching Embarrassing Bodies on Netflix, I learned that it’s normal for teenage boys to have “growing nipples” and that many men who have MOOBS (that’s “man boobs,” Mom) opt to have surgery to have them reduced, and since I’ve been wondering whether or not they’d have to cut my nipples OFF and SEW THEM BACK ON as part of the procedure, I thought, Marcus, This is neurotic. You trust your doctor. She’s a professional. Just ask her about your pop-up nipples!

And no, they are not also scratch-and-sniff.

So there I was in the exam room, waiting, determined to do this, hoping I wouldn’t get nervous, yank my shirt up, and blurt out, “DO MY TA-TAS LOOK NORMAL TO YOU, DOCTOR?!” Well, get this shit. Today–for the first time ever–my doctor brought a medical student into the room with her. Jesus Christ, I thought, I wanna talk about my hooters, and there’s a frickin’ job shadow standing in the corner! I almost backed out. But then my doctor started talking about women’s nipples during another conversation about sensitive skin, stating that they can change colors after childbirth. (Like, from pink to brown, not from pink to chartreuse or anything cool like that.) So she was the one who technically broke the nipple-conversation ice.

All this to say that I asked. “You Googled gynecomastia, didn’t you?” she said.

“Twenty years ago,” I replied. (And maybe once every three years since.)

Then she looked. (When she lifted my shirt and read the text across the front, she said, “What does LUCKY U mean?” I said, “Lucky is a brand. Their thing is that when you unzip the zipper on their jeans, it says, ‘LUCKY U.” She said, “That’s cute.” I said, “I wish it were true.”) Anyway, get this shit. She said I was normal. (Me! Normal.) Her exact words were, “I don’t see ONE THING that would make me think you have high estrogen levels. If anything, some people are genetically predisposed to deposit fat in certain places.”

“So maybe a little fat there, but not breast tissue?” I said.

She laughed.

“No, not breast tissue. But don’t start smoking pot or go crazy–since both marijuana and certain anti-psychotic drugs can make you GROW breast tissue.”

So that’s a serious relief. I mean, honestly. How else are you supposed to feel when you’ve been off-and-on worried and concerned about something for twenty years and then an authority (like, a doctor with an actual medical degree and NOT some stranger from Fargo, Minnesota, with internet access and a keyboard) tells you that you’re okay? Personally, I feel a little confused, a little disoriented. I’m so used to believing that something ain’t right. Now part of me thinks, Maybe she’s wrong. It’s not like she SQUEEZED my nipples. (It’s not like anyone has lately.) Maybe she’d change her diagnosis if she SQUEEZED THEM. But most of me thinks, This is really good news, Marcus. One less thing to worry about.

Freedom lies on the other side of everything you’re afraid of.

Personally, I think it’s important to talk about your nipples. I mean euphemistically. This afternoon I saw my therapist, and we discussed my experiences last weekend with the dancing homosexual cowboys and the fact that several of them “rejected” me. I said, “Is it normal for me to feel icky after being turned down on the dance floor over and over?” She said, “Yes, it is. And people can argue with me until Christ returns, but gay bars are places of judgment and oppression. When minorities feel excluded by society, they unfortunately pass it on to others. It’s a cycle.” My point is this–I can’t count the number of times I’ve discussed my fears, worries, and embarrassments with my therapist and how many times she’s gently offered ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE. Because mine obviously isn’t the only one. So often my perspective is–in fact–a leftover viewpoint from childhood, a small fear that grew into a big, cumbersome fear because I either didn’t know better or didn’t know whom to discuss it with. This is why I’m all in favor of asking the difficult questions, of having the hard conversations, of being–well, honest–because I’m fully convinced freedom lies on the other side of everything I’m afraid of.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


I don't think anyone came to this planet in order to get it right the first time. What would be the point?


The Connected Universe (Blog #470)

It’s just before noon, and I’m still in Houston. I woke up a couple hours ago, ate a healthy breakfast, then read for a while. It’s been a leisurely morning. A perfect day so far. Now I’m blogging–obviously. I need to finish this and get on the road to Dallas. I have dinner plans. My current soundtrack is Fleetwood Mac’s “Monday Morning.” (I realize it’s Friday.) I’m struck by the lyrics that say, “I can’t go on believing this way … [I’ve] got to get some peace in my mind.”

Last night on our way to dance, my friend Sydnie and I listened to a CD of a spiritual guru of sorts (for fun, believe it or not). Anyway, the teacher said that every problem is automatically paired with a solution. It’s simply the way life works. Answers come built-in. There are no “just problems.” When we arrived at the dance, Sydnie said, “Those spaces in front are free, but you have to pay for the others.” At that moment, someone took the open spot Sydnie had her eye on. (A problem.) “Oh, poop,” Sydnie said. But then we drove closer to the door of the dance, and there was a single, solitary empty spot front-and-center. (An answer.) It was that fast.

You can say it was a coincidence–the way everything happened–but I think it was all connected.

The book I’ve been reading this morning is one I picked up last night–Myth and Body by Stanley Keleman (with my man Joseph Campbell). The book is short, and I’m only about a third of the way in, but it’s honestly one of the most profound things I’ve read in a while and helps make sense of and contextualize a lot of other material I’ve read over the years. In short, it says that our myths refer to our physical bodies (he compares the serpent in the garden to our spinal cords). In other words, our myths and dreams teach us and draw us into our interior, our personal cosmos or universes. I immediately thought of how deep and wide and wonderful the night sky is. I’m coming to believe that each one of us is THAT large and THAT wonderful as well.

Earlier I set down my book and stepped into the back yard. There’s a lavender bush (or something purple) out there, and I wanted to smell it. I’d just finished reading that parts of our bodies, like our necks and shoulders, can be rigid because we’ve literally “embodied” an attitude of fear or hesitation. And get this shit–the first thing I noticed when I opened the back door was a power tool that said, “Rigid.” You can say it was a coincidence, but I think it was all connected. Then as I smelled the purple plant, I saw a lizard crawl onto a flower-pot and puff out an orange-colored throat bubble (his dewlap). It was so gorgeous that I squealed. Then it scurried off.

It was this brief moment of beauty, and I was the only one who saw it.

Now I need to take a shower, probably shave my face. This last year I’ve been thinking about and talking about how “surely” there’s an answer to my problems, how “surely” my body is a mystery that has things to teach me, and I’m beginning to really believe it. There’s proof all around and in me. I wonder what it would be like to truly “embody” these ideas, and I just know it’s got to happen. Having lived for decades in fear and a state of being rigid, I know that I can’t go on believing this way. I’ve got to get some peace in my mind, in my body. And perhaps there’s not a difference between my mind and my body, even between this body and your body, between our bodies and the entire universe. I think it’s all connected.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Abundance comes in many forms.


Intended to Wear Out (Blog #464)

It’s just after midnight, and for the last fourteen hours I’ve been working like a stereotypical man, helping some friends clean out, declutter, and throw away in preparation for a potential move. My friends, who are self-described “pack rats” or “hoarders” said, “We know you’ll be able to help us get rid of things.”

I said, “You’ve come to the right place.”

Essentially hired to say, “Throw that away,” and ” Donate that” over and over again, that’s what I did all morning, afternoon, and evening. Plus, I helped unpack, pack, and move around a lot of boxes. By the time the day was done, my friends and I managed to clean out two storage units and a garage and haul off three loads of trash. Plus, we made three trips to the donation station.

During our last charity drop-off, the teenager working the door said, “Welcome back.”

I’m really trying to keep this short. I’m tired, exhausted, sore, and filthy. I smell and need to take a shower. Still, I’m extremely grateful that my body rose to the task today. It definitely hit a wall there at the end, but did a fabulous job. I’ve spent a lot of time whining or at least being disappointed in my body these last many months, so I’d like to be clear–I appreciate the good days.

All our possessions are junk.

Near the dumpster where we took the trash today, there was an old car, a Dodge. The back windshield was busted, two doors were missing, and the whole thing was so covered in rust that it looked as if it had survived Armageddon. I crawled in the trunk, played around in the back “seat.” (There was no back seat.) Not being “a car guy,” I tried to imagine what the car once was. I can only guess beautiful, shiny, top of the line, since not only did it have air conditioning, but it also had settings for “summer” and “winter.” My point is this–it’s junk now. Having been through my own “moving sale” and having sorted through several other people’s stuff before and including today–honestly–I think all our possessions are junk. (What are you going to do with them when you die?) I’m not saying get rid of everything you value (or that I don’t value anything I own–I do!), but I am saying keep it in perspective. Know what’s really important. Because physical things are intended to wear out, meant to be used and enjoyed and then discarded. This includes all our keepsakes, collectibles, cars, and bodies.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


A friend’s laughter takes us backward and carries us forward simultaneously.


On Emotional Walls (Blog #451)

Today my energy meter has been dipping into the red. I’m not sure why. In the middle of the night when I turned over, I felt the liquid in my sinuses slosh from one side to the other, so maybe it’s allergies. Oh wait, I don’t technically have allergies; I have intolerances. Maybe it’s intolerances. Regardless, something has me wiped out. Even after sleeping as late as possible this morning and taking a nap this afternoon, I’ve barely been able to keep my eyes open all evening. Now it’s 10:30. Maybe I can knock this out and be back in bed before midnight.

In honor of yesterday’s 450th blog post (in a row), this evening I did a live video on Facebook and read one of my previously unshared essays. The essay, called A Crack in the Wall, deals with my longstanding history of sinus infections and something I tried to help them. (I let a massage therapist put his finger up my nose.) Here’s the video if you’re interested. It’s 28 minutes in length.

In re-reading the essay earlier, I was reminded of several experiences I’ve had along this healing journey–memories and emotions that have come up during massage therapy or yoga sessions, for instance. There’s a section in the essay in which I say that my body is my very best friend–it’s been there for every experience I’ve ever had–it remembers even when I don’t. This is the benefit, I think, to having your inner life on paper. Not that you have to share everything with everyone, but it’s there as a reminder for you. So often I gloss over what I’ve gone through. I forget that my body has a thousand reasons to be tired or in need of a break. I forget that Sweetheart, we’ve been through a lot.

Going through the essay today, however, I was reminded. When I originally wrote it, I broke down in tears a number of times. That wasn’t my goal setting out; it never is when I write. (I’m going to cry!) But if I’m writing, digging around in my subconscious, and start crying, I know I’ve hit on something real. That hurt my feelings, That scared me, whatever. So many times the last several years I’ve thought, I’m over that, but then I start bawling in therapy or while writing and am faced with the truth–I’m not really over it.


It’s funny how we can fool ourselves. I don’t know, maybe you can be over something in your head but not over it in your heart or tight shoulders. For me that’s the benefit of writing or having a body–these are ways to get into myself. My default for so long has been to have walls up. I used to have a friend that would say, “How are you feeling–really?” I’d say, “Fine, I’m just fine,” and believe it. That’s the thing with walls. At some point, you get accustomed to them–you forget what life was like before you put them up. Maybe you get so used to looking at concrete, you even say, “Walls? What walls?”

Stop buying your own bullshit.

Again, I think this is the value of writing or going to therapy. For you it could be yoga or meditation. Even dancing or knitting. You just need a way to sneak into yourself, to see things in a different way, to stop buying your own bullshit. Fine, I’m just fine. (Please.) I’m not suggesting we go around looking for problems, that we all start telling ourselves and others, “I’m fucked up, I’m just fucked up.” But–at least for myself–I am suggesting that if your body is tired or hurting, perhaps you need to rest and take care of yourself rather than soldiering through. Perhaps physical symptoms–and emotions!–weren’t meant to be ignored. (Who knew?) This is a lesson I’m learning over and over again–to listen not just to my head but also to my heart, to be patient with my body and the healing process, to gently and tolerantly de-wall myself.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Just because your face is nice to look at doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart that’s capable of being broken. These things happen to humans, and there isn’t a one of us who isn’t human.
