Healing in the Blink of an Eye (Blog #1067)

For the last month I’ve been meaning and wanting to talk about something but haven’t. Granted, I’ve hinted at it, most specifically by saying that I’ve been seeing a different therapist lately for trauma resolution. What I haven’t said is exactly how this therapist has been and is helping me. Sure, I’ve told my friends and family, but I haven’t written about it. Until now. Ugh. It’s not really something I want to do. Not because I don’t want to share my experiences (I do), but because I’m quite sure I’m not going to be able to adequately describe them. And I want to be able to adequately describe them. Because I think a lot of people could benefit from the knowledge.

So I’m going to try.

Let’s start here. Two years ago I read a book called Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro, the founder of EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, a fairly well-known therapy that’s often used for the resolution of various types of trauma, including PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). According to Shapiro and from what I can remember, our past, unresolved stressful and traumatic experiences often and regularly negatively affect our current reactions and responses. For example, I’ve mentioned a number of times that I have a lot of money hangups, most likely because I was handed the family checkbook when I was fourteen and my dad went to prison. The idea being that early on my nervous system linked the feeling of “overwhelming” to finances, so that’s the way it’s responded to money ever since. Like, We can’t handle this.

Back to EMDR, the book recommended a number of self-help techniques, including creating a “safe” space for processing memories and crossing your arms across your chest and tapping in alternation to self-soothe. This “bilateral stimulation” is the crux of EMDR and is traditionally done by a therapist who moves their finger back and forth across your field of vision (eye movement) or taps one of your knees and then the other as you think about whatever it is that bothers you. The theory being that this back-and-forth activates and connects both sides of your brain and allows it to reframe stress and trauma in such a way that, instead of seeing past threats as ongoing, it sees them as finally over (desensitization and reprocessing). This brain connection can also be achieved with a moving light (light bar) instead of a therapist’s finger, or with little vibrating buzzers or pulsers (that you hold in your hands) in place of the taps. Or with headphones and audio tones that “ping pong” from one ear to the other.

You know, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Other than the self-help exercises in the book, I didn’t actually try EMDR two years ago. I did discuss it with my therapist, but she didn’t know too much about it. Eventually, the whole thing got shelved. Well, a couple months ago I got (another) sinus infection and felt totally defeated. This is often the case when I get sinus infections. They are “that thing” for me, the thing that causes me to go down the rabbit hole of “I’m not good enough, I can’t take care care of myself, things will never get better, God hates me, and I’m doing everything I can but failing.” Anyway, I thought of EMDR. First because I realized that a handful of distressing emotions had long ago been lumped together with my sinus issues, and second because I remembered the book saying that EMDR can help with chronic pain. Later when I talked to an out-of-state friend who’s an EMDR practitioner, they said, “EMDR didn’t make my chronic health condition go away, but it did help it be not so overwhelming. After I went through the process, I stopped being paralyzed and started thinking, I can handle this. I can take care of myself.

With that, and upon my friend’s recommendation to find an EMDR practitioner listed on the EMDR.com or EMDRIA.org website (because EMDR isn’t a trademarked process and, therefore, comes in many different flavors), I began my search, finally settling on a gentleman who “just felt right.”

My first appointment (out of four thus far) with him was a month ago, and it lasted two hours. For the first hour, we mainly talked. “Tell me why you’re here,” he said, and I told him basically what I just told you. Then we went through a lot of paperwork. Office stuff, but also a variety of tests, including ones on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), social anxiety, borderline personality disorder, depression in its numerous forms, and PTSD. “In order to bill your insurance, I have to have a diagnosis,” he said. And whereas I tested high for traumatic events, the only diagnosis he could offer was “generalized stress.”

“That sounds right,” I said. “I live with my parents.”

The second hour is when things got interesting, and this is the part of the process (the actual EMDR process) I’m worried about being able to describe. Again, I’m going to try. However, before I do I’d like to say this, just incase you’ve had an EMDR experience or in the future have an EMDR experience that’s different from what I’m about to describe. Before we even began my EMDR therapist said, “I used the standard EMDR protocol for years. It’s good, it works, and it gets things done. But now I use a modified protocol that–in my experience–is better and gets things done faster.”

“I’m all for fast,” I said.

“Well, I think you’ll be amazed at how quickly your brain can work,” he said. Then he explained that in ideal circumstances whenever something stressful or traumatic happens, the brain “moves” the information or event from the emotional right side of the brain to the non-emotional left side of the brain. This is what happens during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, when you dream, and is why you can go to bed upset about something and wake up the next morning just fine, thinking, What was I so pissed off about in the first place? Well, it’s not that you didn’t have reason to be pissed off. It’s just that your brain PROCESSED the affair and, in so doing, took the charge, the zing, out of the equation. Like, yeah, shit happened, but so what?

I’m over it now.

Alas, sometimes our brain is unable to process our dramas and traumas because of something called “nodes.” Think of a street that has a road bump on it and how that keeps traffic from flowing smoothly across. Well, nodes are the road bumps in your brain that keep information from moving out of something called “a channel” in the right side of your brain to one in your left. EMDR removes the nodes.

Your brain does the rest.

As I understand it, traditional EMDR involves eight phases, including (but not limited to) creating a safe space, uninstalling old beliefs or cognitions, and reinstalling new ones. “Usually there’s a fair amount of talking,” my EMDR therapist said, “but you don’t even have to tell me what you want to process if you don’t want to. All you have to do is hold these little buzzers [one in each hand], close your eyes, and think of AN EVENT or FEELING that’s troublesome to you.” That’s the thing, he explained, our brains don’t store information based on time; they store or group information based on feeling (in a channel). So whenever something stressful or traumatic happens, the brain says, “When have we felt THIS WAY before?” and it subconsciously (out of your conscious awareness) brings up all the times in the past you’ve felt frightened, scared, intimidated, or whatever. “This is why you can be anxious or nervous or panicked or depressed and not know why,” he said. “Because you’re responding in the moment with the full weight of your UNPROCESSED past.”

Think about THAT.

Holding the buzzers that first session, I closed my eyes and focused on the fire that burned our family house down when I was four. It’s the earliest trauma and formative event (game changer) I can think of, I reasoned. Well, immediately I began to cry. Not just a little, but a lot. Full body kind of stuff. At the same time I felt overwhelmed, scared, frightened, and alone. Then–and this is the weird part–I started getting images of the dozens, if not hundreds, of times in my life I’ve felt these emotions. Once I heard a man with a photographic memory say that when he sees an oak tree he remembers EVERY TIME he’s ever seen an oak tree. The way you’d flip through the pages of a photo album. Well, it was like that. And then there was this time, and there there was that time.

This went on for thirty to forty-five minutes. Every ten to fifteen minutes we stopped for break, either after so many buzzes or when I was breathing too hard. That’s the thing, while holding the buzzers (that were continually going buzz, buzz, buzz) and thinking about my past, not only did I release emotions, but I also breathed heavily and, perhaps because I was getting too much oxygen, tingled throughout my hands, stomach, chest, throat, and head. Later I read that when being continuously bilaterally stimulated, some people “itch” inside their brains, theoretically because the brain is creating new neural pathways or “channels.” Getting back to our discussion about rapid eye movement, this new neural pathway creation is what happens during REM sleep and is what EMDR simulates. “But because you’re awake when it happens,” my EMDR therapist said, “you can CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE what you want to process.”

Talk about amazing.

I just said I was thinking about my past, but that’s not really accurate. I started thinking about my past, and then my brain took over. Honestly, it was like I was watching a two-part movie. The first part being called Here’s Why You Used to Believe and Feel the Way You Did, and the second part being called Here’s What We Believe and Feel Now (Better). That is, while I was breathing hard and feeling all kinds of emotions (“The key to healing is feeling,” my EMDR therapist said), I was getting image after image of everything that had contributed to, among other things, my belief that the world was a scary place or that something bad (like a fire and total loss) was going to happen. And whereas I wish I could tell you all of those memories, 1) I already have on this blog over the course of three years, and 2) it happened too fast for me to keep track of. You know how a hockey puck gets bounced around on the ice from player to player?

It was that quick, too quick to hold on to.

It was like a life review, the kind they say you get when you die. Your life in fast-motion. But more than being a review, it was a revelation. Like, Oh! That’s the burden I’ve been carrying. That piece was heavy, and that piece was heavy. Then my breath slowed down, and there was an unloading, a cognition that, Sweetheart, it’s over now. And here’s what we learned from all that crap. This cognition, my EMDR therapist says, is what happens when your brain truly processes something. There’s a peace to it, a resolution, an over-ness. “Personally, I think Shapiro got the name wrong,” he said. “Instead of re-processing, it should simply be processing.”

According to my EMDR therapist, my brain processed–for the first time–the event I focused on that that day (the fire) and all the emotions associated with it. “We opened and ‘cleaned out’ that channel,” he said, adding that the channel would stay open until I fell asleep that night, at which point it would close. For-ev-er. “So don’t think or talk about anything related to it,” he said, “not until tomorrow. If something comes up–and it will–don’t focus on it. Distract yourself.” Which is part of the reason I haven’t discussed this until now. One the days I have EMDR, I’m sentenced to silence.

Since that first session, I’ve worked on 1) my feeling of powerlessness related to my sinus issues, 2) my feeling of hopelessness around other health problems, and 3) my issues on the topic of money. And whereas I’ll spare you all the (even longer) details, I will say that each session has been just as weird and helpful as the first. On each topic, my brain has zinged and hockey-pucked around and has shown me in pictures and feelings all the dots that have connected over the years to form my life, beliefs, emotional responses, and actions up until now. Every time, there’s been a huge emotional release. I’ve cried, heaved, sweated, stomped my feet, clenched my fists, snarled, twitched, and hissed, all things my body WANTED to do when, for example, I was a teenager and my dad was arrested (sinus issues/feeling powerless). After the release, there’s been the cognition, which usually shows up in archetypal or movie images. (I don’t know if this is typical or because I often think of my life as a story.) The prisoner being set free. The hero returning home after a long journey. The child being embraced by their family.

A deep knowing that “it wasn’t your fault.”

The result of my four EMDR sessions is that–on every topic–I feel better. In general, I wake up happier, lighter. I went to a dance last night and didn’t compare myself to other people, like I usually do. At times, I’m euphoric for no reason. It’s like a weight has been lifted. In terms of money, I literally walked into my EMDR therapist’s office nervous and afraid about the topic and walked out feeling on top of the world, unintimidated. One week my regular therapist brought up money and I squirmed, and the next week I brought it up on my own accord. “LET’S TALK ABOUT MONEY!” I said. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s like I’m a different person. Or like I’m the same person with different wiring. Painful circuits have been unplugged. Other, more useful ones, have been plugged in. “If you put all your beliefs about yourself in a jar and then removed all the bad ones, what would be left?” my EMDR therapist says.

“All the good ones.”

One of the reasons I’ve spent so much time writing about this is that, quite frankly, I never knew my brain (and body) could process and resolve trauma so quickly. (Has anyone ever told you that?) I think of it like owning a luxury car that can do zero to sixty in three seconds but never being informed, “Hey, you’ve got something powerful there.” And so you treat your car (yourself) like an old jalopy, never taking it (yourself) out of second gear. There’s a scene in Disney’s The Sword in the Stone in which Merlin the wizard “packs up” his entire cottage with a spell. “Higitus Figitus,” he starts singing, and every book, table, chair, tea cup, and sugar bowl begins to shrink, shrink, shrink and dance itself into his small carpet bag. (Mary Poppins pulled a similar trick in reverse.) By the end of his chant, what used to weigh a ton is as light as a feather. This is what processing really does, takes something huge and shrinks it down to size. THIS is what my experience with EMDR has been like. That fast, that magical. This is what we’re truly capable of. Healing in the blink of an eye.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)

"Things that shine do better when they're scattered about."

On Dancing and Personalities (Blog #1066)

Currently it’s six in the evening and I’m in Springfield, Missouri, above the Savoy Ballroom. In an hour–I don’t know–a hundred people will be downstairs, dressed in rolled-up jeans and poodle skirts, ready for tonight’s sock hop. In two hours, after a swing dance lesson, the hop will officially begin. At some point, my friend Matt and I will perform a routine to “Good Golly Miss Molly” with our friends Anne and Andy, the studio owners, and six other couples. Matt and I just learned the routine last night. Just before I sat down to blog, we practiced again. Thankfully, everything is starting to make sense.

Late last night and earlier today I went down the rabbit hole of learning about different personalities, according to a system (Human Design) I was introduced to a few days ago thanks to what I believe was fate. You know, that happy little thing that’s beyond our control and places us in the right place at the right time. And whereas I’m a total newbie about all this, the system makes sense to me. The main thing I like about it being that it doesn’t try to squeeze everyone into the same box. Rather, in very clear terms, it espouses the idea that we’re all made beautifully and uniquely different, and for good reasons. What I bring to the table isn’t what you bring to the table.

And we need both things.

Now, I’m not going to try to take my extremely limited understanding of Human Design and explain the whole system. But perhaps by sharing a few things that have resonated with me, I can offer to you what’s been offered to me, the peace of mind that comes through self-acceptance. Like, here’s something. For decades I’ve told people that I’m not spontaneous, that my idea of being spontaneous is to write on my calendar, “Do something unplanned this Saturday at three o’clock.” Well, I’ve given myself a lot of crap for this. I’ve looked at people who fly by the seat of their pants and been jealous. I’ve thought, I wish I could do that. God, Marcus, why can’t you lighten the fuck up and STOP planning? But according my specific Human Design profile, I haven’t been created to function that way. Indeed, the affirmation it offers to my type is, “I am not here to be spontaneous. I am here to be deliberate.”

Deliberate. It’s amazing what freedom you can find in a single word. YES, I am NOT here to be spontaneous. That’s for someone else. Go, live by your fancy. As for me, I’m a planner, an on-purpose-er.

I am here to be deliberate.

I can’t tell you how much I identify with this word. Likewise, I identify with the concept of “just doing it,” of having a thought and making something happen. But apparently only nine percent of the world’s population are like me. The others, the majority, prefer to be invited to do something, rather than initiating it (a conversation, a business, a lifestyle change). I don’t know their official profile, but I’ve always said that one of my friends will NEVER mow their lawn on their own, certainly never PLAN to mow their lawn on their own. But if you (spontaneously) say, “Hey, wanna mow your lawn today?” they’ll be right there WITH YOU. Anyway, that’s what I’m seeing. That I’m a loner, but some people absolutely are not. I’m a planner, but some people are anything but.

And we need both things.

Along these lines, apparently I have my willpower center defined, meaning that I have willpower that’s self-generated and self-sustaining (just do it). For years I’ve looked at people I love and even total strangers in judgment. Like, why can’t you get motivated? And yet anywhere from two-thirds to seven-eights(!) of the population have willpower centers that are undefined. They REQUIRE the motivation of others to get them going. And not that they can’t get things done (in fact, they can get things done REALLY WELL); their actions just aren’t self-initiated. And whereas this may sound like, Oh crap, I don’t have much willpower (you know, it’s all the rage right now), that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Everything has its ups and downs. For example, the trade-off I make for being able to initiate things and having a lot of willpower is that it’s easy for me to burn out. Because I don’t come with an endless supply of energy, the way many people who don’t have as much willpower do.

What I’m seeing more and more clearly is that, well, both things are needed. All personality types are good and necessary. For balance. For harmony. For clarity. It’s not just my way or the highway. It’s our way or no way at all. We need each other to survive. No one can dance alone.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


Just because your face is nice to look at doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart that’s capable of being broken. These things happen to humans, and there isn’t a one of us who isn’t human.


Underground (Blog #1065)

Today I’ve been thinking about gratitude because recently–really without having to try too hard–I’ve come across a handful of extremely helpful things. Upper cervical care of my neck and headaches, a new therapist for resolving trauma, a myfascial release practitioner for releasing constrictions, and–most recently–a woman who’s helping me better understand my personality and the way I was made to best function and be of service in the world. When I told my (regular) therapist about how I met this woman (I randomly told an acquaintance that I was hungry, and they invited me to join them and a friend, this personality whiz, for lunch), she said, “If that’s not kismet [fate, destiny], I don’t know what it is.”

“I know,” I told her. “So many wonderful things have happened lately. I get so focused on what’s NOT working (currently I have an ice bag on my hurting hip) that I forget to be thankful, but it truly is wild how these things have come about.”

Y’all, for years I’ve been both praying and working my ass off for answers, for healing. And whereas I certainly still have problems, I am starting to make some progress. In truth, I was probably making progress all along and simply couldn’t see it. You know the way a seed sprouts underground and sends out roots long before anything breaks above the surface. My point being that it’s easy to feel like you’re getting nowhere when you can’t see evidence of progress. Likewise, it can be difficult to feel gratitude when things aren’t one hundred or even seventy-five percent better. But it’s important to 1) be grateful for any and all progress and 2) acknowledge an answer to prayer when you get one.

I don’t know. We read all these stories about how Jesus told the lame man, “Get up and walk.” Like it happened that fast. We say, “It was a miracle.” And yet when WE HEAL over the course of several weeks or months we think, Whatever. No big deal. Like the healings and good fortunes in our lives AREN’T miracles because they didn’t come in a flash, with fireworks. And yet miracles come at all speeds, in all shapes and sizes. Rarely do they announce themselves. When I met this woman the other day, who truly did help me out and provide a lot of peace of mind in terms of loving myself “as is” and not comparing myself to others, there weren’t any trumpets. Just an empty restaurant and a bowl of chili.

More and more I believe we really don’t know what heaven is up to, or what it’s capable of. We imagine we do, but when the divine begins to act in our lives, when it sends us help just like that, we dismiss it. We say, “What a strange coincidence.” Rather than recognizing these events as answered prayers, as graces. That’s what I see my being hungry as the other day. A grace. Like, God wanted me to meet someone but couldn’t just drop her in my lap. So that morning he sent me the thought to eat a light breakfast, and then down the rabbit hole we went.

The mystic Meister Eckhart said, “God is bound to act, to pour himself into thee as soon as he shall find thee ready.” And whereas I don’t claim to be ready (whatever that means) or to be filled with God, my point is that if you’re asking God for help, know that you can expect an answer. What’s more, as Caroline Myss says, know that when “that side” plays ball, they play to win. In other words, expect that–when the time is right–your life will be flooded with any and all help you need–to heal, to succeed, to help others, to fulfill your purpose.

In other words, Buddy, get ready. The team that’s got your back can seriously make shit happen.

For the last two days I’ve been obsessed with Charlie Puth’s song “Patient.” It’s about a boyfriend who’s begging his girlfriend to “please be patient with me” as he learns to be the man he knows she wants and needs. But when I hear it I imagine that the divine is asking me to please be patient with it. Because although it’s capable of healing or doing anything in the blink of an eye, more often it doesn’t. More often heaven answers our pleas over time because we need time–to change, to adjust to a new way of thinking, a new way of being. So please, just because things aren’t happening as fast as you’d like, don’t believe that things aren’t happening. For you and through you. Underground, seeds are sprouting. Roots are being laid down. In places you can’t see and in ways you’ll never understand, your cries for help are being answered.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


There's a wisdom underneath everything that moves us and even the planets at its own infallible pace. We forget that we too are like the planets, part of a larger universe that is always proceeding one step at time, never in the wrong place, everything always right where it belongs.


On (Not) Making Things Complicated (Blog #1064)

Yesterday, through a strange and fortunate series of events, I received an impromptu but relatively in-depth personality evaluation from a woman I’d just met. And whereas I only told her my name and birthdate, she absolutely nailed me. “You’re not cut out for a 9 to 5 job,” she said, “and you don’t like being told what to do. You’d probably do well with something musical, or the written word. You’re hung up on integrity, which means you have a good bullshit meter.” And get this shit. Then she said, “Whatever you do should have your name on it. And your picture.”

I started laughing. “I have a website with ‘me’ in the title, and I post a selfie every day.”

Now, I could go on and on about the cloth this woman said I’ve been cut from. Alas, I don’t imagine many people (other than me) would find it that interesting. Still, all day today I’ve been thinking about one particular thing she told me that I imagine many people would find interesting. Or at least useful. The thing being that I like to make things more difficult than they have to be. “You kind of enjoy the challenge,” she said. “You don’t like the easy way.”


Not that this information came as a big surprise. For the last almost three years I’ve blogged every day, even when I’ve been exhausted, even when I’ve been sick as a dog. You know, because I’m a hard ass, and–for some reason–swimming upstream blows my shirt up. Sometimes after I fold laundry in the laundry room, instead of carrying all my clothes into my room at once, I make several trips–one for my socks, one for my underwear, and so on. Crazy? Compulsive? Perhaps. But I’m seriously hung up on being busy/productive. Filling up every minute. “Your mind is always thinking, thinking, thinking,” the lady said. Plus–at times–I have a lot of energy, and the extra effort–the long way around the  barn–helps me burn it up.

What can I say? I like the scenic route.

Something I loved about this (accurate) personality evaluation was that it wasn’t said as a judgment. Rather, it was like, This is the way you were made. These are your strengths. These are your challenges. These are your gifts. So I haven’t been thinking of the fact that I like to make things harder than they need to be as a bad thing. When you starve yourself, food tastes better. At the same time, when part of you likes a good challenge AND another part of you believes that nothing is ever good enough, well, then you’ve got a recipe for misery. For example, for years I’ve tried, tried, tried to heal a number of physical issues all the while convincing myself that I don’t really have the resources (money, information, smarts, people) to make it happen. And yet I’ve kept trying.

Which has been about as fun as pounding sand.

It’s one thing to look at a big task and not be daunted, and it’s another thing to create a big task simply because it’s within your nature to tackle one.

The conclusion I’ve come to today is that there’s a fine line between liking a challenge and setting yourself up for misery. Like, it’s one thing to look at a big task and not be daunted, and it’s another thing to create a big task simply because it’s within your nature to tackle one. Along these lines, I’ve tried as many times as possible today to take the slightly easier route. Not necessarily the easy one, but the slightly easier one. Baby steps. For example, a while back I borrowed three books from a friend and have had it in my mind to read and return them all before this weekend. Well, I finished one book a couple weeks ago and another one today. But I decided to return the third one unread. Because it didn’t look as interesting as it did before. And I have plenty of other books to read. And–most importantly–it takes a load off my “gotta get shit done” mind.

Likewise, this afternoon I returned another unread book to the library. Screw it, I thought. This evening while working to frame a brooch, I broke a small (and rather cheap, quite frankly) frame (with obviously very little inner fortitude). And whereas I tried to glue it back together, I quickly remembered my theme for today (you don’t have to make everything so complicated) and threw it away. “I’ll just go shopping and buy another one,” I told my mom.

“But, Marcus, what if you don’t find one that’s a good as the one you threw away?”

“Well, what if I find one that’s better?”

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


It’s hard to say where a kindness begins or ends.


On Whispering (Blog #1063)

This morning I saw my myofascial release wizard and cried while she was working on getting my chest and shoulders to open up. “Raise your arms out from your side like you’re making a snow angel,” she said, “but stop when it hurts. Then go back and slowly stretch out like a telescope.” Y’all, I’m so used to push, push, pushing, forcing a stretch, but when I gradually telescoped my left arm, that’s when the release happened. My body shook and let go, and I cried and remembered a specific incident over ten years ago when I felt abandoned.

Ten years. Ten frickin’ years that emotion’s been hanging out, just waiting to be heard. And whereas my dad later pointed out that–thanks to all the different therapies I’ve been doing recently–I’ve been crying a lot lately, I think it’s fabulous. For one thing, getting an emotion out, or rather letting it move through you, is cathartic and healing and allows the past to finally be over. For another, sadness and grief and fear aren’t the only emotional responses that have been rising to the surface lately. So have anger, frustration, confusion, disgust, and joy. At times I’ve just laughed and laughed. Alas, at one point or another we’ve all stifled every reaction under the sun. And although we may have long forgotten them, our bodies haven’t.

This sucks, I know, especially when your stifled emotions show up in your shoulder.

Now, I’m not saying that any and every pain or problem you have is strictly emotional. What I am saying is that unacknowledged emotions are often part the pain equation. And whereas I know plenty of people just can’t “go there,” it makes sense to me. This morning thanks to the texts of a couple people, I realized I didn’t post a link to last night’s blog on Facebook. Rather, I posted a link to a website about EMDR, something I’ve briefly mentioned before and plan to discuss more in depth soon. Regardless, this morning I was terrified when I found out. I thought, I’ve made a mistake. My heart sped up. My breathing became shallow. I quickly calmed down, but my point is that we all experience the effect of our thoughts and emotions on our bodies on a daily basis. We get nervous and feel like we’re going to shit ourselves. We get angry and tense our shoulders, get a headache. So sure, I grant that releasing a decade-old emotion during a (for lack of a better term) massage is strange, but clearly you can’t separate your mind, emotions, and your body.

Sorry, but you this is the way you were made.

My myfascial release wizard says our bodies hold on to tension and emotions in order to keep us safe. They think, The last time I relaxed and honestly expressed myself, it didn’t go well. (I was in an accident, got hit, hurt or rejected, was made fun of, etc.) This is how our bodies become stuck in the past. Frozen in time. Thankfully, they can come back to the present. They can thaw out. However, this seems to require gentle coaxing. Gentle because–apparently–when a stretch or movement (or even an attitude) is forced upon the body–it fights back. Like, nope, not going there. But when it’s lightly encouraged, whispered to, not shouted at, the body gets the idea that it’s safe to let go, that things are different now than they were before.

That all the horrible things are over and that we can be free again.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


if you're content with yourself and you're always with yourself, then what's the problem?


On Being a Time Traveler (Blog #1062)

This afternoon I saw my upper cervical care doctor and told him I’ve been out of sorts this last week–my skin’s flared up, my sciatic nerve’s been “talking to me,” my shoulder’s been pinched. “You probably need an adjustment,” he said. “Let’s put your head on straight.” (Ha.) This after his telling me two weeks ago that I needed an adjustment but that he wanted to wait, to see if my body would correct things on its on. (This was like a dare, I guess.) And whereas things were better last week, they were–apparently–crap today. “We want to push your body to take care of itself so it doesn’t get dependent on the adjustment, but sometimes we push a little TOO much,” he said.

Ugh. Balance is such a delicate thing.

Thankfully, I’ve felt better since the adjustment. Immediately after, I felt my shoulder relax. Not completely, mind you, but some. So far, this has been my experience with healing. Things get better–some. Then the slip back–a bit. Then they get better–some more. I’ve felt and witnessed some amazing things in my body and have ultimately found myself going in the right direction, but it’s not like I feel fabulous all over every minute of every day. Still, I’ve felt fabulous enough, especially compared to how I used to feel, that I absolutely believe my body is hard at work and can turn this ship around. My job, of course, is to do everything I can to support us and, perhaps more importantly, frickin’ be patient.

You know, some ships turn around faster than others.

More and more I believe that my body is on my side, that, given the right help, it’s completely willing and able to let go, change, and heal. Granted, figuring out what the right help is can be frustrating. Having tried dozens of different therapies and modalities over the years, I know. Whenever I have a pain it can feel hopeless. And yet time and time again, especially lately, I’ve witnessed my body rise to the occasion both in the moment and over the course of days, weeks, months. (Which, incidentally, in the grand scheme of things is no time at all.) So I can’t say that miracles aren’t possible because I’ve experienced them.

Caroline Myss says a miracle is something that happens faster than your watch. To me this means that whenever something happens faster than we THINK it should or are accustomed to, that’s miraculous. This is why I say I’ve experienced miracles. Because although the healing I’ve been experiencing lately is taking time (just as everything on planet earth does), it’s taking LESS time than it was before. For example, yesterday–in an hour with my new therapist–I processed and healed with my mind and body a topic that I’d previously–over the course of six years with my therapist and this blog–only processed with my mind. Was it instant? No, but it was pretty damn fast. Pretty damn miraculous if you ask me.

As far as I can tell, a situation like this is the closest any of us will ever get to time travel. What I mean is that every single person on this planet gets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365.25(ish) days a year. But not every single person experiences the time they’ve been given the same way. Better said, not everyone has the same relationship with time. What I mean is that if it takes one person six years to process a trauma and another person one hour, isn’t time moving more slowly for the first person and more quickly for the second? And if things used to happen slowly for you and now they’re happening faster, hasn’t time effectively sped up for you, even though you’d never know it to look at a calendar? Even though you could never prove it to anyone else?

Something else Caroline says is that the more psychic WEIGHT you have, the longer you have to WAIT for things (a new job, a new lover, a healing) to happen. Weight=wait. This is why a master like Jesus could make things happen in an instant. Faster than your watch. Because he wasn’t heavy, he wasn’t psychically anchored to the past or the future (which, by the way, don’t exist right here, right now). This is why he taught his disciples to give no thought for tomorrow, to stay in present time. Think of a ship that’s bogged down with cargo. The heavier the cargo, the slower the ship. But throw the crap overboard and watch the ship fly. Less weight=less wait.

Along these lines, and maybe I watched too many episodes of Quantum Leap when I was a kid, I’m beginning to see each of us as time machines, always and forever determining the rate at which change happens in our lives. For example, earlier today I told a friend about once when I left a relationship because I found out there were too many lies, too many drugs involved. Well, I had some shit at this person’s house, and it took me 48 hours to gather it up. This after years of observing bad behavior and not putting the pieces together. Now, I hope, I’d be out of there in five minutes. Or never get involved in the first place. In this sense we truly do determine WHERE we as time travelers want to GO by deciding how much TIME we’re willing to spend there. How do you get out of a bad situation faster? Easy. Throw your personal crap overboard and, in so doing, change yourself and your life (two things you can’t separate). That’s the damn deal. Time only changes when you do.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


There’s a power that comes when you meet life’s challenges head-on. Those are the times you breathe the deepest. Those are the times the waters come forth and your heart beats every bit as loud as the thunder claps. Those are the times you know more than ever—no matter what happens next—in this moment, you’re alive.


On Being a Guinea Pig (Blog #1061)

This evening I’ve been thinking about being a guinea pig. What I mean is that’s how I see myself, as a walking experiment. For example, over the last few years I’ve tried a number of things to help with a number of things: body odor, acid reflux, headaches, you name it. And whereas some of the things I’ve tried have been conventional, many of them have not. Not that I’m absolutely sold on home remedies and weird shit (because a lot of it is bogus), but–let’s face it–conventional approaches don’t always get the job done. I can’t tell you the number of college-educated doctors I’ve asked about my issues, yes, to be helped some, but also to only be told, “You’re an enigma” or “You’ve got me there.”

Used to, these sorts of answers would cause me to despair. Like, it’s hopeless. I’m fucked. More and more, I’m not bothered when someone–even a professional–says they don’t know what to do. Why? Because that lets me know THEY’RE not the one I’m looking for, the one with the answer. And I don’t begrudge them for this. After all, it’s good to know where NOT to look (or whom NOT to date), and just because someone doesn’t have every piece of a puzzle doesn’t mean they don’t have a piece of it. Dr. Johan Boswinkel said, “I believe that truth has 144 sides.” To me this means that we can’t expect one person to be able to solve all our problems, whether that one person is a doctor, a therapist, or even us. It takes a village to see the entire picture.

To solve the entire problem.

Along these lines, for example, I’ve made huge strides with sinus infections thanks to a blog I found online. Still, last week I asked my primary care physician about ways to deal with post nasal drip, and next week I have an appointment with the ENT who performed my sinus surgery three years ago (which helped with, well, breathing) to ask them the same question. There was a time in my life I would have only sought out one opinion, but now I just don’t believe that’s enough.

How many opinions are enough? However many it takes to get the answer you want. This is what I mean by being a guinea pig. I’m so determined to heal–whatever that means–that I’m willing to ask almost anyone, to try almost anything. Rather than suffer. I don’t know. There’s just something in me that keeps hoping, keeps insisting that life can be better. Better than it has been. Better than it is. Not that the past and present have been completely awful (all of the time), but I’m convinced there’s something more. Not out there, but in here. Inside of me.

I’m talking about potential.

Fortunately, my keep-hoping, never-quit, good-God-I-need-an-answer-right-now-damn-it-because-I’m-exhausted attitude has started to pay off. Over the last few months my body has begun to heal and to change thanks to upper cervical care. Thanks to the new therapist I’ve started seeing (in addition to my regular therapist and whose methods I intend to discuss more fully soon) and the myofascial release practitioner I mentioned last week, I’ve processed and let go of emotions that have been hidden in my body for decades. Ugh. It’s been said that emotions buried alive never die, and I’ve found this to be true. Just because you stuff something down doesn’t mean it’s not there. Sooner or later, all our feelings must be felt, expressed, and assimilated. Otherwise they’ll simply show up as our neuroses (anxieties, fears, compulsions, addictions) or, perhaps worse, our dis-eases (pains, ailments).

Honestly, my discomforts and diseases over the years have been the main reason I’ve worked so hard to “get better” mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. (I believe you can’t separate the four.) My Reiki teacher says our bodies are our sounding boards, meaning they let us know when something in our life needs attention or is out of balance. Of course, achieving balance is a delicate undertaking and seems to require a lifelong commitment. So be it. Perhaps this is why we’ve been given life in the first place, so that both we as individuals and we as a collective can come to a greater sense of harmony.


Getting back to the idea that it takes a village, when I think about the healing I’ve experienced over the last few years and even the last few months, I’d like to be clear. As much as I love my therapist and wouldn’t be without her, I also wouldn’t be without this new therapist I’m seeing. Nor would I be without my primary care physician, my ENT, or my myofascial release practitioner. Nor would I be without, well, myself, since I’ve figured out a number of things no one on my “healing team” has been able to. Not that I’m so fabulous. For every piece I’ve figured out, I have dozens of websites, books, and YouTube videos (and their producers) to credit.

So. We’re all in this together.

All this to say that if you’re struggling with something, if you’re looking for answers, if you’re, well, human, hang in there. It’s a big universe (with a big internet), and you’ve got more options now than ever. Granted, there are certain things we’re just “stuck with” for life (and we all have to get off this planet somehow), but more and more I believe our bodies and souls are capable of more than we give them credit for, certainly more than we’ve been led to believe. So keep trying, keep searching. Until you find your Self. Keep being a guinea pig until you find Balance. When it comes to others, especially experts, take them with a grain of salt. They are, after all, only human. No one knows everything. And only you get to say what your potential is.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


There’s no such thing as a small action. There’s no such thing as small progress.


On Killing Your Darlings (Blog #1060)

Today I’ve felt squirmy about money, mostly because my therapist recently encouraged me to “make a plan” to make some. And whereas I don’t have any problem making a plan, I do have a problem with all the issues money brings up for me–worthiness, people pleasing, and so on. Granted, these issues aren’t nearly as “heavy” as they used to be. I’ve made a lot of progress. Still, it’s almost always a challenge for me to hold the line or stand up for myself when it comes to my personal value. This last summer I challenged a former client who tried to pull a fast one and get me to work for half my quoted and agreed upon rate and was nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

But I did it.

As far as I can tell, this is how we grow and move forward. Not steadily, but with our knees shaking. Ugh. Anytime I’ve broken up with an ex, distanced myself from a friend, or challenged a client, everything in me wanted to throw up. And whereas at one time I would have let this feeling of nausea convince me to NOT say something, I eventually learned that it was my signal TO say something. Like, I’m just going to keep feeling like shit if I don’t. The good part being that every single time I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone and done the thing I was afraid of doing, my comfort zone has later increased in size. Mark Twain said it this way: “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.” Another benefit being that for the rest of my life I can’t tell myself I CAN’T stand up for myself–because I have time and time again. Even if it’s never FUN for me, I can’t say I can’t.

After having a wonderful experience with myofascial release and a tuning fork this last week, tonight I went down a rabbit hole and started reading Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy by Eileen Day McKusick. (So far, it’s fascinating.) In it McKusick maps the human energy system, noting where certain emotions or issues typically get stuck in the body. For instance, she says the health of our knees relate to how we’re moving forward in life and that if you have problems with your left knee (which, um, I had surgery on mine just over a year ago) it can indicate that you have a difficult time letting go, either of things or an old story about yourself. For me, this resonates as true. For example, I’ve spent so much of my life in one income bracket that, despite the constant encouragement of my therapist that I can move to a different (higher) one, it’s difficult for me to fully believe and embody this fact.

You know, I get queasy.

Another mind/body/emotion connection McKusick mentions that resonates with me is that right hip (sciatic) issues often have to do with being chronically busy. “The hip of overdoing,” she calls it. Ugh. Somewhere along the way I got it in my head that you have to try, try, try, push, push, push. And yet for all my staying busy and really working my ass off, lately I’ve had some healing experiences that were, well, just the easiest thing. In an instant, my body let go. Likewise, some of the best money I’ve ever made has not only been the most fun, but has also required the least amount of work. What’s the saying? Easy money.

Byron Katie says that’s everything’s a story, and I suppose that this blog is largely my effort to rewrite mine. To change the way I think and speak about money, my relationships, and how easy or difficult life and healing are. And whereas it’s been a process, it’s working. More and more I’m believing that the stories I grew up believing about me and my body and what we’re capable of were at the best incomplete, at the worst flat wrong. Ugh. I wish I could just cross these stories out, throw them away, start over. In writing this is called “killing your darlings,” scrapping your beloved creations because they’re just not working, just not serving your overall plot. Alas, killing your belief-darlings is a slower process. Not because it’s difficult to see what’s not working, but because old beliefs die hard and new beliefs take time to take root, sprout, blossom, bear fruit. And so I remind myself, Be patient, sweetheart. Trust the process. Your story is far from over.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)

"You can't change your age, but you can change what your age means to you."

On Love, Simple and Plain (Blog #1059)

I spent today in Little Rock with a friend. We met this morning in Fort Smith, grabbed breakfast at a drive thru, drove down, ate a delightful lunch, then went to an antique store. Then we saw the musical Waitress. Then we did just a wee bit of shopping and drove home, stopping along the way in Russellville for dinner at Feltner’s Whatta-burger, a regional favorite. And whereas we had a fabulous time, it made for a long day. Over five hours on the road, all that running around, and all that eating. (If you do it right, it’s an effort for both you and your insulin.) Currently it’s after midnight, and it’s all I can do to keep my eyes open. As my friend said earlier, “I’m worn to a frazzle.”

Whatever a frazzle is.

Along these lines, today I’ve felt like my body is falling apart. I’ve had a headache. My elbow’s been itching from psoriasis, a condition that hasn’t bothered me in months but just this week has reappeared. Likewise, my leg’s been hurting from sciatica, something that hasn’t happened in years. And whereas part of me is scared that things are getting worse, part of me is convinced it’s just retracing, a phenomenon I blogged about recently in which the body recreates past illnesses in order to more fully heal them.

And if it’s not retracing, Marcus?

Then I’m screwed.

Just kidding. Whether it’s retracing or not, I’m taking care of myself. This evening I took Tylenol for my headache. Tonight I put both Vitamin E and a prescription cream on my elbow. Currently I have an icepack on my leg (because my sciatica is apparently related to inflammation, and ice helps calm things down). Sure, having to deal with these problems is frustrating, but the specific things I’m having to do to deal with them–thank goodness–aren’t complicated. Pop a pill. Rub in some cream. Grab an ice pack.


Along the lines of not being complicated, my favorite song from the show today was called “You Matter to Me.” A duet between two of the main characters, who happen to have fallen for each other, it’s essentially their way of saying, “I love you.” The not complicated tie-in being when they say, “Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody.” More and more I see relationships that work–hell, anything that works–like this. Simple, plain, non-demanding. Ugh. We all know people around whom we have to walk on eggshells, people who make everything (including loving them) harder than it has to be. Complicated. And yet loving someone isn’t complicated.

Because love is straightforward.

More and more, this straightforward kind of love is what’s attractive to me. Not just in a romantic sense, but in a practical, everyday sense. Recently my aunt asked me to tweeze her eyebrows because she was shaking too bad. So I did. Later she said, “I know you probably didn’t want to do that.” But I did want to do that. That’s why I did it. “If I hadn’t wanted to do that, I wouldn’t have done it,” I said. See? Straightforward, simple. My aunt acted like it was a big deal, but it wasn’t. Someone asked for something I was able to give, so I gave it. Likewise, when my body asks for something I can give–a pill, a nap, a good long cry, whatever–I try to give it.

Because, why wouldn’t I?

My friend and I joked today about my being high maintenance. Because I had to buy a magnet at the show (like always), and I had to have everything in the car just so before I could start driving. And whereas I don’t apologize for being fussy, I do believe that the fussier we are with respect to ourselves, others, and our environments, the less happy we are. Because the more demands we put on life, the harder it is for life to please us. Most of us say, “I’ll love me, my life, and others when–I get a lover, a better body, more money.” Thus, we love conditionally. Complicated. The mystics, however, say it’s possible to love unconditionally, to love not because everything in life is going your way, but rather because it’s your nature to do so. “Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody.” They call this “love without an object,” meaning you don’t need “a thing” to make you happy. Because it’s not about something “out there” making you feel better or putting love inside you. Rather, it’s about something “in here” making you feel better and putting love out into the world.

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


If you want to become who you were meant to be, it's absolutely necessary to shed your old skin. Sure it might be sad to say goodbye--to your old phone, to your old beliefs, anything that helped get you this far--but you've got to let go in order to make room for something new.


On Bracing, Letting Go, and Being Free (Blog #1058)

In (what seems to be) my never ending search for healing and wholeness, last summer I found out about a somewhat local physical therapist who facilitates myofascial release, fascia being the connective tissue that touches and, well, connects everything in our bodies. (Even our spit is made of fascia.) And whereas I spoke to her and began making plans to see her, things came to a halt when I found out my insurance wouldn’t help with the cost. Not because the treatment wasn’t covered under my plan (it was and is), but because I’d run out of physical therapy visits for the year.

Thanks, knee surgery.

All this to say that now that it’s the new year and that I’ve seen my primary care physician and he’s sent in a referral for treatment, I finally got scheduled to see my–hum, what shall I call her?–myofascial release wizard (MFRW) today. Ugh. Sometimes things just take a while to fall into place. That’s okay, I thought on the drive there this morning. Maybe my body will be more receptive today than it would have been six months ago.

After an initial interview about my problems, complaints, and posture, my MFRW had me lie on her table, placed her hands on my hips, and began gently pushing on my psoas. “Fascia responds to low, consistent pressure,” she said, “so I’m just going to keep pushing for three to five minutes.” Well, sure enough, after a few minutes I felt things begin to melt, shift, and move about: across my hips, my lower back, my legs, and even my ribs. “Everything’s connected,” she said, “so one part can affect the whole. Just like a sweater is woven together, so are you woven together. What’s more, every person’s WEAVE is different, so no two people get bound up or let go in the same way.”

Letting go, I thought, that would be nice. And whereas part of me did, the entire time there was another part of me that kept wanting to tense against the release, to brace for–I don’t know–the other shoe to drop. Ugh. This has been my mostly unconscious but sometimes conscious habit for years. To tighten, to constrict, to hide, to protect. Alas, after decades of this, it’s become intolerable. My head aches. My shoulder hurts. My hips, move movements have become so–inflexible.

Which makes it hard, of course, to live.

After working on my hips and midsection, my MFRW steadily rocked me back and forth, a movement called rebounding. The idea is that our bodies are largely made up of water, and just as the waves of the ocean can break apart a child’s sandcastle, so too can the water in our bodies break up our stiffened fascia. “Notice what parts flow,” she said, “and what parts feel solid like coral reef.”

“That’s easy,” I said, “my hips feel like coral reef.”

Next she moved my head and shoulders (my actual head and shoulders, not my dandruff shampoo), where she compared myofascial release to everyone’s favorite food. “You can eat a frozen pizza,” she said, “but it won’t really taste good unless you first put it in the oven and get that melty, runny cheese. That’s what we want from your fascia, for it to really let go.” What’s great is that it did. As she pressed her hands down on my shoulders, I could feel my fascia release all the way down to my (hurting) shoulder, my lower back, and even my shins. Trippy, I know, but everything’s connected.

And get this shit. When she worked on my neck, the area that’s responsible for my headaches and that I’ve tried a hundred ways to force to relax, she held out a tuning fork and said, “May I?”

“Sure,” I said. “I’m up for anything.”

Well, she tapped the tuning fork, and it began to vibrate. Then she held it against my neck, and things began to relax, to break up. Just like that. At the same time, I began to cry. “Sometimes emotions get stuck in our bodies,” she said. Go figure. All these things I’ve tried, all this pressure I’ve put on myself to heal, and yet this simple, small vibration cracked me open in a second.

Healing can happen in the blink of an eye.

Later I told my MFRW that for years I’ve carried an image in my head of a yoga instructor I once met whose hips looked so mobile, so free. “I used to be envious of him, like that could never be me,” I said, “but now I think I remember him because he’s an example of what’s possible.” I paused. “That’s what I want, that kind of freedom in my body.”

“What was the last time you felt that?” she said.

More crying. “Oh gosh,” I said. “Not since I was child.”

“So that’s your homework,” she said. “Remember when you felt that free. Remember what it looked like, felt like, sounded like, tasted like.” Additionally, I have two different stretches to do. Nothing forceful, just gentle, sustained pressure. “Wait for your body to let go,” she said. “Don’t force anything.” Lastly, I’m supposed to jiggle. (This should should be easy enough thanks to the chocolate cake I had last night.) jiggling being standing on both legs and just lightly bouncing around and, at the same time, bending over, leaning back. “If you feel something tense,” she said, “let the movement break it up.”

I can’t wait to try.

Now, did everything get fixed in one session? Of course not. Our problems aren’t created overnight, and they don’t go away overnight. So I go back next week. But I already feel looser in my body, I guess because we “took pressure out of the system.” This is a good thing. What’s even better is that I’m highly encouraged, both by my the treatment and my MFRW. And even more by my body. After the treatment I lay in a vibrating recliner (for more jiggling/rebounding), and I felt like it was saying, “Your mind may not remember what it was like to be free, but we do. We absolutely know what that felt like. And, sweetheart, we’re willing to go back there. We WANT to go back there. So just trust us. Let go and trust us. Trust yourself. Stop bracing. The worse is over.”

Quotes from CoCo (Marcus)


You can’t stuff down the truth—it always comes up.
